BHPB Pilbara Expansion Strategic Proposal – Environmental Scoping Document
BHP Billiton Iron Ore has commenced a regional strategic environmental assessment process for its proposed future mines and associated infrastructure developments in the central Pilbara region.
An Environmental Scoping Document has been prepared in accordance with Western Australian Government procedures and is released for public review.
The Environmental Scoping Document describes the proposal, summarises current knowledge about the area, identifies environmental issues associated with the proposal and further works to be carried out and provides an outline of the contents for the Public Environmental Review Strategic Proposal (PERSP).
Hard copies and a CD-ROM version of the Environmental Scoping Document are available from:
BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd
Attention: Kylie Hollins
Level 1, 125 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000
Contact Line: 1800 421 077
Copies of the Environmental Scoping Document may also be downloaded from
Copies of the Environmental Scoping Document will be available for examination at:
Department of Environment Regulation
Library/Reading Room
4th Floor, The Atrium
168 St Georges Tce PERTH WA 6000
Department of Parks and Wildlife
17 Dick Perry Avenue
Technology Park, Western Precinct
Departments of Environment Regulation /Parks and Wildlife
Regional Office – Karratha
PO Box 835 KARRATHA WA 6714
Local Authority Public Libraries – JS Battye Library, State Library, Newman Community Library, South Hedland Library and Port Hedland Library.
The EPA prefers submissions to be made on this site, by completing the online survey below.
Alternatively submissions can be:
Posted to: Chairman, Environmental Protection Authority,
Locked Bag 10,
Attention: Nyomi Bowers; or
Delivered to: the Environmental Protection Authority,
Level 4, The Atrium,
168 St Georges Terrace, Perth
Attention: Nyomi Bowers.
If you have any questions on how to make a submission, please ring the Office of the EPA assessment officer, Nyomi Bowers on 6145 0800.
- All of Western Australia
- Public
- Environmental Scoping Document
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