North West Shelf Project Extension – Environmental Scoping Document
Woodside Energy Ltd., as operator for and on behalf of the North West Shelf
Joint Venture (NWSJV), proposes the ongoing operation of the North West Shelf (NWS) Project to enable the long-term processing of third-party gas and fluids and NWSJV field resources through the NWS Project facilities (Karratha Gas Plant) until around 2070.
Woodside Energy Ltd., has prepared the draft Environmental Scoping Document (ESD) in accordance with Western Australian Government procedures and is released for public review.
The draft ESD sets out the preliminary key environmental factors and environmental information the Environmental Review Document must address.
Hard copies of the document may be purchased for $10 (including postage),
or a CD version is available free of charge from:
Woodside Energy Ltd | 11 Mount Street, Perth WA 6000 Australia
Telephone No: +61 4 84 112 469
Copies of the document may be downloaded from or from 6 June 2019.
Hard copies will also be available for examination at:
+ Karratha Public Library
+ Dampier Public Library
+ Roebourne Public Library
+ State Library of Western Australia
The closing date for public submissions is: 20 June 2019
The EPA prefers submissions to be made electronically via the EPA’s Consultation Hub via the link below.
Alternatively submissions can be:
+ posted to: Chairman, Environmental
Protection Authority, Locked Bag 10,
Joondalup DC WA 6919, or
+ delivered to: Environmental
Protection Authority, 8 Davidson
Terrace, Joondalup, 6027
- All of Western Australia
- Public
- Environmental Scoping Document
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