Onslow Marine Support Base Stage 2 Capital Dredging - Environmental Management Plan

Closed 11 Dec 2017

Opened 13 Nov 2017


Onslow Marine Support Base Pty Ltd is proposing to modify and extend the Beadon Creek harbour approach channel, turning basin and berth pocket as part of Stage 2 of the Onslow Marine Support Base (OMSB) proposal.

The proposed capital dredging will enable offshore supply vessels to access the newly constructed OMSB land-backed wharf facility (Stage 1) within the Beadon Creek Maritime Facility.

930,000 cubic metres of dredge material will be disposed of onshore to a 44 hectare Dredge material Management Area (DMMA) adjacent to the Onslow airport. The material is proposed for future reuse to develop and extend the Light Industrial Area in Onslow. Dredge spoil return water will be released to the intertidal flats between the DMMA and the western tributary of Beadon Creek.

The EPA considered during the referral stage that the proponent provided adequate referral information to enable the EPA to undertake its assessment, however additional information was requested by the EPA to determine how the proposal's impacts can be managed.

The proponent has since provided a revised Environmental Review Document, including a revised Environmental Management Plan, with additional information that describes the proposed management and predicted impacts.

Level of assessment: Referral Information and additional information (public review required).

Public review period for additional information, including environmental management plans (4 weeks).




  • All of Western Australia


  • Public


  • Environmental Scoping Document