Arrowsmith Hydrogen Project - Additional Information
Infinite Green Energy Limited (IGE) is proposing to construct and operate a renewably powered (wind and solar) hydrogen facility. The proposal is located adjacent to Beekeepers Nature reserve and Brand Highway, approximately 30km South of Dongara in the Sire of Iwin, Western Australia.
The Level of Assessment was set at Referral Information with Additional Information (two weeks public review). The additional information published for public review is required for:
- The EPA's assessment of the potential impact on significant flora and vegetation.
- The EPA's assessment of the potential impact on terrestrial fauna, specifically Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo habitat.
- The EPA’s assessment of social surroundings, including Aboriginal Heritage.
- The EPA’s assessment of inland waters, including the extraction strategy and management.
- The EPA’s consideration of other factor outcomes meeting the EPA objectives including landforms.
- The EPA’s consideration of holistic impacts.
- The EPA’s consideration of cumulative impacts.
The additional information is available for download from Arrowsmith Hydrogen Project | EPA Western Australia under 3. Assessment > Environmental Review.
The document is also available on the proponent’s website at Welcome to Infinite Green Energy | Clean Energy for all Australians.
Hard copies of the document may be purchased for $10 (including postage and packaging) or a USB is available free of charge from:
Infinite Green Energy
Level 13/99 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA, 6000
08 6268 5000
Copies of the document will be available for examination at:
- Dongara Public Library
- State Library of Western Australia.
Public submissions are to be received by the EPA by 12 April 2025.
Submissions should be made through this portal.
Alternatively, submissions can be
Posted to:
Environmental Protection Authority
Locked Bag 10
Joondalup DC WA 6919.
Delivered to:
Environmental Protection Authority
Prime House
8 Davidson Terrace
Joondalup WA 6027.
If you have any questions on how to make a submission, please contact EPA Services of the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation on 6364 7000.
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- Public
- Public Environmental Review
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