Asian Renewable Energy Hub - Public Environmental Review

Closed 24 Jun 2019

Opened 13 May 2019


NW Interconnected Power Pty Ltd is seeking to develop the Asian Renewable Energy Hub. The proposal is to construct and operate a large-scale wind and solar hybrid renewable energy project, approximately 220 km east of Port Hedland, WA. The renewable energy will be exported via a subsea power cable to Indonesia and Singapore.

Onshore components comprise a series of linear arrays of wind turbines (up to 1,743 turbines) and solar panels distributed across a 662,400 ha development envelope, with a transmission cable corridor to the coast. Clearing of 11,962 ha of vegetation is proposed.

The offshore component comprises four inert subsea power cables extending to the limit of State Waters (Commonwealth Waters and international permitting will require separate assessments). The cable route passes through State Waters vested as the Eighty Mile Beach Marine Park.


  • All of Western Australia


  • Public


  • Public Environmental Review