Bunbury Outer Ring Road (Northern and Central Sections) - Additional Information

Closed 9 Apr 2020

Opened 13 Mar 2020


Main Roads Western Australia is proposing to construct and operate the Northern and Central sections of the Bunbury Outer Ring Road (BORR) project. The Proposal includes the construction and operation of 19 kilometres (km) of freeway-standard dual carriageway and associated bridges, interchanges and other road infrastructure. The Proposal is located approximately 200 km south of Perth and, at its closest point, approximately 6 km south-east of Bunbury. 

The proposal would require the clearing of up to 73 hectares of native vegetation and 19 ha of revegetation within a development envelop of 625 ha. 

The Level of Assessment was set as Referral Information with Additional Information (4 week public review). The additional information was required to clarify the potential environmental impacts to threatened and priority species and communities; provide an environmental management plan for conservation significant species and an offsets strategy for significant residual impacts.

The referral information is available as background information on the EPA’s website at http://www.epa.wa.gov.au/proposals/bunbury-outer-ring-road-northern-and-central-sections under 1. Referral; however the EPA is seeking public submission on the additional information prepared by Main Roads WA.  The additional information is released for public review for four weeks commencing 13 March 2020 and closing 9 April 2020.

The additional information is available for download from the EPA website - http://www.epa.wa.gov.au/proposals/bunbury-outer-ring-road-northern-and-central-sections/ (Under 3.Assessment > Environmental Review)

The EPA prefers submissions to be made online. Click below to make your submission.

Alternatively, submissions may be:

Posted to:

The Chairman, Environmental Protection Authority

Locked Bag 10, Joondalup DC WA 6919; or

Delivered to:

Environmental Protection Authority

Prime House, 8 Davidson Terrace, Joondalup

If you have any questions on how to make a submission, please email info.epa@dwer.wa.gov.au or phone EPA Services – Department of Water and Environmental Regulation on 6364 7000.


  • All of Western Australia


  • Public


  • Public Environmental Review