Brine Pipeline and Outfall - Additional Information

Closed 13 Dec 2021

Opened 29 Nov 2021


Harvey Water propose to construct and operate a pipeline and ocean outfall to dispose brine wastewater from customers located within the Kemerton Strategic Industrial Area (KSIA), Western Australia. The pipeline will be approximately 11 km in length and located between the KSIA and the Indian Ocean south of Binningup in the Shire of Harvey.

The proposal would require the clearing of up to 0.27 ha of native vegetation during construction, within a Development Envelope of 17.16 ha with a maximum disturbance footprint of 8.50 ha. The pipeline will be 315 mm in diameter and convey up to 2280 ML/year or up to 72 L/s of brine wastewater to a single outlet diffuser outfall in the Indian Ocean. The outfall will be located approximately 400 m from the shoreline and will be installed under the seabed by horizontal directional drilling from the coast.

The referral information is available as background information on the EPA’s website at under 1. Referral, however the EPA is seeking public submission on the additional information prepared by Harvey Water.

The additional information is released for public review for two weeks commencing 29 November 2021 and closing 13 December 2021.


  • All of Western Australia


  • Public


  • Public Environmental Review