Public Environmental Review - Cooljarloo West Titanium Minerals Project

Closed 26 Jun 2017

Opened 29 May 2017


Tronox Management Pty Ltd is proposing to develop the Cooljarloo West Titanium Minerals Project to mine and concentrate titanium and other valuable heavy minerals near Cataby in Western Australia.

Hard copies of the Environmental Review Document (ERD) may be purchased for $10 (including postage and packing) or a CD version is available free of charge from:

  • Tronox Management Pty Ltd
    PO Box 22 MUCHEA WA 6501
    08 9571 9333

Copies of the ERD are available for download from Tronox's website and from the EPA's website.

Copies of the ERD will be available for examination at:

  • JS Battye Library, 25 Francis Street, Perth
  • Jurien Bay Public Library, Turquoise Coast Visitor Centre, 67 Bashford Street, Jurien Bay

The EPA prefers submissions to be made online. Click below to make your submission.

Alternatively, submissions may be:

Posted to:
The Chairman, Environmental Protection Authority,
Locked Bag 10, East Perth WA 6892; or

Delivered to:
The Environmental Protection Authority,
Level 8, The Atrium, 168 St Georges Terrace, Perth,

If you have any questions on how to make a submission, please email

Why your views matter

An Environmental Review Document (ERD) has been prepared by Tronox in accordance with Environmental Protection Authority procedures and is released for public review.

The ERD describes the proposal, examines the likely environmental eff ects and the proposed environmental management procedures associated with the proposed development.


  • All of Western Australia


  • Public


  • Public Environmental Review