Earl Grey Lithium Project (Revised Proposal) - Additional Information

Closed 22 May 2022

Opened 9 May 2022


Covalent Lithium Pty Ltd (the proponent) propose to make changes to their existing approved lithium mine.  The original Earl Grey Lithium Project was approved in November 2019, under Ministerial Statement 1118, and is located at the abandoned Mt Holland mine site, approximately 105 kilometres south-southeast of Southern Cross, in the Shire of Yilgarn.

The proposed changes include the construction and operation of a solar plant to provide renewable energy, changes to the tailings disposal method from a dry to a wet tailings, co-disposal of inert refinery waste generated from the Kwinana Lithium Refinery and modification of existing flora and vegetation and fauna exclusion areas. 

The revised proposal would include the additional disturbance of 56 hectares (ha) which coincides with habitat area of two threatened fauna species (Malleefowl and Chuditch)

On 1 November 2021, the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Chair determined to assess the proposal at the level of Assessment on Referral Information, with a two-week review period. The preliminary environmental factors identified were Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Flora and Vegetation, Terrestrial Environmental Quality, Terrestrial Fauna and Inland Waters. The proponent is required to address these factors in their environmental review document.

The proposal environmental review document is being released for a two-week public comment period from 9 May 2022 to 23 May 2022. Submissions can be made through the EPAs consultation hub.


  • All of Western Australia


  • Public


  • Public Environmental Review