Fimiston Gold Mine Operations Extension (Stage 3) and Mine Closure Planning: Revised Proposal - Fimiston South Project - Additional Information
Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines Pty Ltd (KCGM) is seeking to extend its existing Fimiston Gold mine operations in Kalgoorlie by widening and deepening the Superpit known as Ivanhoe Cutback, located 600 kilometres (km) east of Perth, and adjacent to the city of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Western Australia.
An Environmental Review Document (ERD) has been prepared by KCGM in accordance with Environmental Protection Authority procedures and is released for public review.
The ERD describes the proposal, examines the likely environmental effects and the proposed environmental management procedures associated with the proposed development
The ERD is available for download from EPA website under 3. Assessment > Environmental Review.
The document is also available on the proponent’s website at
Hard copies of the document may be purchased for $10 (including postage and packaging), or a USB is available free of charge from:
Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines Pty Ltd
PMB 27, Black St, Kalgoorlie WA 6433
Ph: 90221880
email: Contact - The Super Pit
Copies of the document will be available for examination at:
William Grundt Memorial Library; and
State Library of Western Australia.
Public submissions are to be received by the EPA by 24 April 2024.
Submissions should be made through this consultation portal.
Alternatively submissions can be
Posted to:
Environmental Protection Authority
Locked Bag 10
Joondalup DC WA 6919.
Delivered to:
Environmental Protection Authority
Prime House
8 Davidson Terrace
Joondalup WA 6027.
If you have any questions on how to make a submission, please contact EPA Services of the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation on 6364 7000
- All of Western Australia
- Public
- Public Environmental Review
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