Public Environmental Review - Keane Road Strategic Link, Forrestdale
Keane Road is an existing dedicated road reserve located approximately 20 km southeast of Perth and approximately 7 km northwest of Armadale Strategic Regional Centre. The dedicated road reserve for Keane Road connecting the rapidly urbanising areas of Harrisdale, Piara Waters and Forrestdale is made up of three distinct portions: two parts are constructed or are in construction under current approvals and the third central portion, which is subject to the PER is currently unconstructed.
The City of Armadale is proposing to modify the existing allocated road reserve alignment to minimise the clearing impacts of road construction works associated with construction of the final 1.5 km of Keane Road. These road works require the clearing of 1.65 ha of native vegetation to accommodate the road pavement, dual use pathway and road drainage swales.
Hard copies of the PER Main Report may be purchased for $10 (includes a CD of all Appendices and postage and packaging) or a CD version is available free of charge from:
City of Armadale
7 Orchard Avenue, Armadale, WA 6122
Telephone: (08) 9399 0111
Copies of the PER documentation may also be downloaded from
Copies of the PER will be available for examination at:
Department of Environment Regulation
Library/Reading Room
4th Floor, The Atrium
168 St Georges Tce
Perth WA 6000
Department of Parks and Wildlife offices:
Swan Region (Regional Headquarters)
2 Australia II Drive, Crawley, WA 6009
Swan Region (Regional Headquarters)
2 Australia II Drive, Crawley, WA 6009
City of Armadale Administration Centre
7 Orchard Avenue, Armadale, WA 6112
7 Orchard Avenue, Armadale, WA 6112
City of Armadale Public Libraries
The EPA prefers submissions to be made online. Click below to go to the online survey to make your submission.
Alternatively, submissions can be:
Posted to:
Environmental Protection Authority,
Locked Bag 10,
East Perth WA 6892,
Attention: Ms Amy Sgherza; or
Delivered to:
The Environmental Protection Authority,
Level 4, The Atrium,
168 St Georges Terrace,
Attention: Ms Amy Sgherza
Why your views matter
A Public Environmental Review (PER) has been prepared by the City to examine the environmental effects associated with the proposed road, in accordance with Western Australian Government procedures. The PER describes the proposal, examines the likely environmental effects and the proposed environmental management procedures.
The proposed action has also been separately referred under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and the Commonwealth will assess the proposed road works as a controlled action through submission of preliminary documentation.
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- Public
- Public Environmental Review
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