Koombana Bay Marine Structures - Public Environmental Review

Closed 26 Jun 2023

Opened 15 May 2023


The South West Development Commission is proposing an upgrade to the marine structures that are intended to meet existing demand and future requirements for small craft maritime infrastructure.  This includes new mooring facilities for commercial and recreational vessels, floating jetties, a boat servicing facility, improved public ablution facilities, upgraded boat launching and storage facilities and the Dolphin Discovery Centre finger jetty.  

The South West Development Commission has prepared the Environmental Review Document (ERD) in accordance with EPA procedures and is released for public review.  The Environmental Review Document describes the proposal, the likely environmental impacts and the proposed management measures.  

The ERD describes the proposal, examines the likely environmental effects and the proposed environmental management procedures associated with the proposed development.  

Hard copies of the document may be purchased for $10 (including postage and packaging) from: 

South West Development Commission  

9th Floor Bunbury Tower, 61 Victoria Street, Bunbury, Western Australia 6230 

Ph: 08 9792 2000   

Copies of the document may also be downloaded from www.swdc.wa.gov.au  or the EPA website (www.epa.wa.gov.au)  

Copies of the document will be available for examination at: 

The Bunbury Public Library; and 

State Library of Western Australia. 

Public submissions are to be received by the EPA by 26 June 2023 

Submissions are to be made at: https://consultation.epa.wa.gov.au.  

Alternatively submissions can be 

posted to:  


Environmental Protection Authority  

Locked Bag 10 

Joondalup DC  WA 6919. 

Delivered to:  

Environmental Protection Authority 

Prime House 

8 Davidson Terrace 

Joondalup  WA  6027.  

If you have any questions on how to make a submission, please ring the EPA Services of the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation on 6364 7000


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  • Public


  • Public Environmental Review