Learmonth Bundle Site – s43A Change to Proposal

Closed 15 Mar 2019

Opened 28 Feb 2019


Subsea 7 are proposing to change a number of components of their proposal for constructing and operating an onshore pipeline fabrication facility through an application under s43A.  

Subsea 7 conducted additional studies and are proposing to: 

  • Amend the title of the proposal to Learmonth Pipeline Fabrication Facility 

  • Change the short proposal description to amend terminology to Bundle parking area 

  • Increase clearing within the onshore development area for the fabrication facility while decreasing the development envelope 

  • Decrease the development envelope around the bundle launchway within the intertidal/subtidal area 

  • Introduce changes to the Bundle laydown area including location, alignment, increase in seabed disturbance within an increased development envelope and changing the title of this component to ‘Bundle parking area’ 

  • Change the bundle tow procedure within the Exmouth Gulf section, including an increase in seabed disturbance  

  • Change the bundle tow procedure within the Exmouth Gulf and Ningaloo Marine Park Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Property/Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Place to reduce the risk of seabed disturbance 

The draft documentation submitted under s43A may be downloaded below or from the EPA website at: 


The s43A document is available for a public review period from 28 February 2019, closing on 15 March 2019.  

The EPA prefers submissions to be made on this site, by completing the online survey below. 

Alternatively submissions can be: 

  • Posted to: Chairman, Environmental Protection Authority, Locked Bag 10, Joondalup DC, WA 6919, or 

  • Delivered to: the Environmental Protection Authority, Prime House, 8 Davidson Terrace, Joondalup, WA 6027. 

If you have any questions on how to make a submission, please contact EPA Services, Department of Water and Environmental Regulation on 6364 7000. 

Why your views matter

Due to interest in this proposal, the proposed changes are being advertised to allow public comment before a decision on the requested s43A change is made. 

What happens next

Following the public comment period and consideration of any comments received, the EPA will determine if it consents to the proponent changing the proposal without a revised proposal being referred.


  • All of Western Australia


  • Public


  • Public Environmental Review