Optimised Mardie Project - Additional Information

Closed 4 Oct 2022

Opened 5 Sep 2022


Mardie Minerals Pty Ltd is seeking to optimise the Mardie Project which was approved under MS1175.  The Mardie Project is a high-volume solar salt and Sulphate of Potash project at Mardie, approximately 80 km south-west of Karratha, in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.  The Optimised Proposal is for a ‘significant change’ to the Original Proposal approved under MS 1175. 

The EPA has set level of assessment at Assess on referral information with additional information requested.  The Additional Referral Information Documentation for the Optimised Mardie Project is now available for public review.  

The public review period for this document is four weeks, commencing on 5 September 2022 and ending on 3 October 2022.   

The additional information provides details of the cumulative impacts across all Environmental Factors.  An updated Environmental Review Document has been provided supported by the following appendices: 

  • Appendix 1: Revised Marine Environmental Quality Monitoring and Management Plan  
  • Appendix 2: Revised Groundwater Monitoring and Management Plan 
  • Appendix 3: Groundwater Monitoring and Management Plan peer review 
  • Appendix 4: Revised Optimised Project Mine Closure Plan 
  • Appendix 5: Revised Dredge Management Plan 
  • Appendix 6: Revised Construction Environmental Management Plan 
  • Appendix 7: Revised Technical Memorandum – Site Wide Flood Impact Assessment Summary 
  • Appendix 8: Causeway Tidal Inundation Assessment Technical Memorandum 
  • Appendix 9: Revised Benthic Communities and Habitat Monitoring and Management Plan 
  • Appendix 10: Long Term Migratory Shorebird Monitoring Program 

Submissions are to be made at: https://consultation.epa.wa.gov.au.  

Alternatively, submissions can be posted to:  


Environmental Protection Authority  

Locked Bag 10 

Joondalup DC  WA 6919. 

Delivered to:  

The Environmental Protection Authority 

Prime House 

8 Davidson Terrace 

Joondalup  WA  6027.  

If you have any questions on how to make a submission, please ring the EPA Services of the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation on 6364 7000


  • All of Western Australia


  • Public


  • Public Environmental Review