Public Environmental Review - BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pilbara Strategic Proposal

Closed 13 Jun 2016

Opened 21 Mar 2016


BHP Billiton Iron Ore has prepared a Strategic Proposal of its future operations in the Pilbara for the next 50 to100 years. The Strategic Proposal will facilitate a more holistic and longer term view of mining activities in the Pilbara region by identifying and assessing how impacts to the environment at a landscape scale will be managed.

A Public Environmental Review Strategic Proposal (PERSP) has been prepared by the company to examine the environmental effects associated with the proposed development, in accordance with Western Australian Government procedures. The PERSP describes the proposal, examines the likely environmental effects and the proposed environmental management procedures.

The PER is available for examination on the following website:

Copies of the PER may be obtained from:

  • Reception, BHP Billiton Iron Ore, 125 St Georges Terrace, Perth
    Telephone: 6224 4444

A CD version of the PER can be obtained from the above address.

Copies of the PER will be available for examination at:

  • Department of Parks and Wildlife Karratha Office,
    Lot 3 Anderson Road Karratha Industrial Estate
  • Shires of East Pilbara, Ashburton and Town of Port Hedland Public Libraries
  • State Library of WA

The EPA prefers submissions to be made online. Click below to make your submission.

Alternatively, submissions may be:

Posted to:
The Chairman, Environmental Protection Authority,
Locked Bag 10, East Perth WA 6892; or

Delivered to:
The Environmental Protection Authority,
Level 8, The Atrium, 168 St Georges Terrace, Perth,

If you have any questions on how to make a submission, please email


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  • Public


  • Public Environmental Review