Public Environmental Review - Extension to the Wiluna Uranium Project
Toro Energy Ltd is proposing to extend the Wiluna Uranium Project located approximately 960 km north-east of Perth in the Shire of Wiluna, Western Australia, to include the mining of two additional deposits known as Millipede (located adjacent to the Centipede deposit) and Lake Maitland (located 105 km south-east of Wiluna). The proposal includes the construction of a haul road to the previously assessed and approved processing plant at Centipede.
The Wiluna Uranium Project was the subject of EPA Assessment 1819 (EPA Report 1437). Following that assessment, the Western Australian Minister for Environment gave Toro approval in October 2012 (Ministerial Statement No. 913) to construct and operate a uranium mine consisting of two deposits, Centipede and Lake Way, respectively located approximately 30 kilometres (km) south and 15 km south-east of Wiluna.
The federal Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities also approved that proposal (EPBC 2009/5174) in April 2013. Toro has not yet commenced mining of the Centipede and Lake Way deposits.
Hard copies of the PER may be purchased for $10 (including postage and packing) or a CD version is available free of charge from:
Toro Energy Ltd
Level 3, 33 Richardson Street
West Perth, WA 6005
+61 8 9214 2100
Copies of the PER are available for download from:
Copies of the PER will be available for examination at:
JS Battye Library,
25 Francis Street,
Perth WA, 6000 -
State Library of Western Australia,
25 Francis Street,
Perth WA, 6000 -
Shire of Wiluna Public Library
Scotia Street
Wiluna WA 6646 -
Shire of Leonora Public Library Rural Transaction Centre,
Corner Tower and Trump Streets,
Leonora WA 6438 -
Shire of Menzies Public Library
Corner Shenton and Brown Streets,
Menzies WA 6436 -
Shire of Sandstone Public Library
72 Hack St
Sandstone WA 6639 -
City of Kalgoorlie Boulder Public Library
577 Hannon Street
Kalgoorlie WA 6430 -
Shire of Esperance Public Library
Windich Street
Esperance WA 6450 -
Shire of Mt Magnet Public Library
29 Attwood Street
Mt Magnet 6638
The EPA prefers submissions to be made online. Click below to make your submission.
Alternatively, submissions may be:
Posted to:
The Chairman, Environmental Protection Authority,
Locked Bag 10, East Perth WA 6892; or
Delivered to:
The Environmental Protection Authority,
Level 8, The Atrium, 168 St Georges Terrace, Perth,
If you have any questions on how to make a submission, please email
Why your views matter
A Public Environmental Review (PER) has been prepared by Toro Energy Ltd in accordance with Western Australian Government procedures and is released for public review. The PER document describes the proposal, examines the likely environmental effects and the proposed environmental management procedures associated with the proposed development.
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- Public Environmental Review
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