Yangibana Rare Earths Project - Public Environmental Review

Closed 28 Oct 2018

Opened 1 Oct 2018


Hastings Technology Metals Limited proposes to extract and process Rare Earth Element ore from four mining pits located approximately 270 kilometres east-north-east of Carnarvon in the Shire of Upper Gascoyne. The proposal would include clearing of up to 1,000 hectares within a development envelope of 13,373 hectares and water abstraction of up to 2.5 gigalitres per year.

An Environmental Review Document (ERD) has been prepared by Hastings Technology Metals Limited in accordance with Environmental Protection Authority procedures and is released for public review. The ERD describes the proposal, examines the likely environmental effects and the proposed environmental management procedures associated with the proposed development. 

The ERD may be downloaded below or from the EPA website at http://www.epa.wa.gov.au/proposals/yangibana-rare-earths-project

Copies of the ERD will be available at:

  • Carnarvon Library, 18 Egan Street, Carnarvon, WA 6701
  • Gascoyne Junction Community Resource Centre, 5 Scott Street, Gascoyne Junction, WA 6705
  • State Library of Western Australia, Perth Cultural Centre, 25 Francis Street, Perth WA 6000

The draft Environmental Review Document is available for a public review period of eight weeks from 1 October 2018, closing on 28 October 2018

The EPA prefers submissions to be made on this site, by completing the online survey below.

Alternatively submissions can be:

Posted to: Chairman, Environmental Protection Authority,
Locked Bag 33, Cloisters Square, PERTH WA 6850, or

Delivered to: the Environmental Protection Authority,
Level 4, The Atrium, 168 St Georges Terrace, Perth 6000.

If you have any questions on how to make a submission, please contact EPA Services, Department of Water and Environmental Regulation on 6364 7000


  • All of Western Australia


  • Public


  • Public Environmental Review