Thornlie-Cockburn Link - Referral Information with Additional Information

Closed 17 Jun 2019

Opened 20 May 2019


The Public Transport Authority (PTA) proposes to construct and operate a new 14.5 kilometre (km) dual railway track to extend the existing Thornlie passenger line to Cockburn Central Station on the Mandurah line and duplicate the existing 3 km of single track between Beckenham Junction and Thornlie Station.  The proposal requires the relocation of 11 km of freight line within the existing rail reserve. 

The proposal requires the construction and operation of two new stations at Ranford and Nicholson Roads in Canning Vale and modification of the existing stations at Thornlie and Cockburn Central. The passenger rail bridge over the Canning River will be duplicated and a principal shared path will be constructed along the new railway. 

The proposal would require the clearing of up to 54.9 hectares (ha) of native vegetation, including 22.8 ha in Bush Forever areas. Up to 2.85 ha of Banksia Woodland of the Swan Coastal Plain Threatened Ecological Community, 27.64 ha of black cockatoo foraging habitat and 96 potential black cockatoo habitat trees are proposed to be cleared. 

The Level of Assessment was set as Referral Information with Additional Information (4 week public review). The additional information was required to provide contextual information of the environmental values present within and immediately surrounding the proposal area; clarify the potential environmental impacts; provide details of environmental management measures and/or plans for the key environmental factors; provide details of the potential impacts to Matters of National Environmental Significance; and detail the proposed environmental offsets for the potentially significant residual impacts. 

The referral information has been revised and additional information prepared by the PTA and is released for public review for four weeks commencing 20 May 2019 and closing 17 June 2019. 

The additional information is available for download from  

The EPA prefers submissions to be made online. Click below to make your submission. 

Alternatively, submissions may be: 

Posted to: 

The Chairman, Environmental Protection Authority 

Locked Bag 10, Joondalup DC WA 6919; or 

Delivered to: 

Environmental Protection Authority 

Prime House, 8 Davidson Terrace, Joondalup 

If you have any questions on how to make a submission, please email or phone EPA Services – Department of Water and Environmental Regulation on 6364 7000


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  • Public


  • Public Environmental Review