Review of State Environmental (Cockburn Sound) Policy 2005

Closed 24 Jan 2014

Opened 20 Nov 2013


A State Environmental Policy (SEP) is a non-statutory instrument developed by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) under the Environmental Protection Act 1986. It is a flexible policy instrument which is developed through public consultation and adopted on a whole of government basis.

The background document below sets out the background to the policy and the objectives and scope of the review.

The SEP is supported by the Environmental Quality Criteria Reference Document for Cockburn Sound, the Manual of Standard Operating Procedures, and the Environmental Management Plan for Cockburn Sound and its Catchment (CSMC, 2005)

Invitation to comment

The EPA welcomes your views on the amendment of the policy and its supporting document.

The following documents have been released for stakeholder and public comment for a period of four weeks:

  • Draft State Environmental (Cockburn Sound) Policy 2013; and
  • Draft Revised Environmental Quality Criteria Reference Document for Cockburn Sound.

You are invited to give us your comments on the two documents by completing the online submission form by 24 January 2014.

Alternatively, you may submit your comments in writing to:

Office of the Environmental Protection Authority
Strategic Policy and Planning Division
State Environmental (Cockburn Sound) Policy Submission
Locked Bag 10

Posted submissions should be received by COB 24 January 2014.

Why your views matter

The State Environmental (Cockburn Sound) Policy has been in operation since 2005. The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has initiated a formal review of the policy and is seeking public and stakeholder feedback on the draft revised policy and its supporting documents. Your submissions and comments are now invited and will be taken into consideration when finalising this guideline.


  • Perth


  • Public


  • Draft State Environmental Policy