Banksia Road Landfill, Dardanup. Construction and Operation of Landfill Cells 9, 10 and 12A

Closed 18 Jul 2021

Opened 12 Jul 2021


The Banksia Road Landfill is located in the Shire of Dardanup approximately 10 kilometres (km) from the City of Bunbury and 3.8 km south-east of the town of Dardanup. 

The Landfill is currently operating under a Licence issued through Part V of the Environmental Protection Act (Licence - L8904/2015/1) which allows for the acceptance of Liquid Waste; and Class II and Class III putrescible waste.  

The proposal would be a continuation of the current operations and including the establishment of additional landfill cells within the existing premises boundary.

Why your views matter

At this initial stage of the EIA process, comment is simply sought on whether or not the EPA should assess a proposal and, if so, what level of assessment is considered appropriate.

What happens next

Following the seven day public comment period and consideration of any comments received, the EPA will decide whether or not this proposal requires environmental impact assessment and, if so, what level of assessment will be applied.

The EPA's decisions on level of assessment are released each Monday on the EPA's website.


  • All of Western Australia


  • Public


  • Seven-day comment on referrals