Brine Pipeline and Outfall
Harvey Water propose to construct and operate a pipeline and ocean outfall to dispose brine wastewater. The pipeline will be located between the Kemerton Strategic Industrial Area and the Indian Ocean south of Binningup in the Shire of Harvey.
The pipeline will convey brine to a single outlet diffuser outfall. The outfall will be located approximately 400 m from the shoreline and will be installed under the seabed by horizontal directional drilling from the coast. The outlet pipe will protrude above the seabed and will be fitted with a jet diffuser
Why your views matter
At this initial stage of the EIA process, comment is simply sought on whether or not the EPA should assess a proposal and, if so, what level of assessment is considered appropriate.
What happens next
Following the seven day public comment period and consideration of any comments received, the EPA will decide whether or not this proposal requires environmental impact assessment and, if so, what level of assessment will be applied.
The EPA's decisions on level of assessment are released each Monday on the EPA's website.
- All of Western Australia
- Public
- Seven-day comment on referrals
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