Geraldton Port Maximisation Project

Closes 5 Sep 2024

Opened 30 Aug 2024


The Mid West Ports Authority is proposing marine infrastructure upgrades at the Port of Geraldton. The Proposal has a disturbance footprint of up to 38 hectares (ha), of which 17 ha is a new footprint and 21 ha the existing port, within a 75 ha development envelope.

The Proposal is a significant amendment to the Geraldton Port Enhancement Project and Preparatory Works for the Town Beach Foreshore Redevelopment (Original Proposal) (Ministerial statement 600), and consists of:

  • dredging and land reclamation using dredge spoil
  • piling
  • installation of a breakwater extending north from the existing port footprint.

Marine infrastructure includes:

  • new wharf deck related to new Berth 1 (relocated) and Berth 8/9
  • extension of the existing Berth 6 wharf
  • new (relocated) tug harbour.

Implementation of the Proposal does not result in a throughput increase.

Information regarding the existing Ministerial statement 600 can be accessed here:

MS 600 - Geraldton Port Enhancement Project and Preparatory Works for the Town Beach Foreshore Redevelopment

Why your views matter

At this initial stage of the EIA process, comment is simply sought on whether or not the EPA should assess a proposal and, if so, what level of assessment is considered appropriate.


  • All of Western Australia


  • Public


  • Seven-day comment on referrals