Plantrite Nursery Expanion Lot 88 Bingham Road Bullsbrook

Closed 16 Nov 2017

Opened 9 Nov 2017


Plantrite Nursery has applied to the City of Swan for retrospective planning approval for the expansion of its existing 5 hectare (ha) native plant nursery on Lot 88 Bingham Road Bullsbrook (Lot 88).

This expansion is proposed to be completed over two stages totalling 10.67 ha; Stage 1 covering 4.76 ha and Stage 2 covering 5.91 ha. However, approximately 2.5 ha of Stage 1 has already been constructed. The expansion will also require a new groundwater abstraction licence. Stage 2 is only proposed to be developed if this additional water allocation is not fully used after completion of Stage 1.

Lot 88 contains two occurrences of the Threatened Ecological Community (TEC) - Assemblages of plants and invertebrate animals of tumulus (organic mound) springs of the Swan Coastal Plain, which is associated with a Conservation Category Wetland (CCW) within Lot 88.

Why your views matter

At this initial stage of the EIA process, comment is simply sought on whether or not the EPA should assess a proposal and, if so, what level of assessment is considered appropriate.

What happens next

Following the seven day public comment period and consideration of any comments received, the EPA will decide whether or not this proposal requires environmental impact assessment and, if so, what level of assessment will be applied.

The EPA's decisions on level of assessment are released each Monday on the EPA's website.


  • All of Western Australia


  • Public


  • Seven-day comment on referrals