Sand Mining Neaves Road, Mariginiup, City of Wanneroo

Closed 21 Nov 2013

Opened 15 Nov 2013

Feedback updated 22 Jan 2014

We asked

Public comment was invited on the referral to help the EPA determine the appropriate level of assessment.

You said

There were no comments on the referral.

We did

The EPA determined not to assess the proposal but provided public advice. Reasons for this decision are: The proposal is subject to a Mining Lease. Potential impacts of sand removal can be managed by the DMP. A land clearing permit can be applied if required. Rehabilitation and Closure to a land use compatible with "Industrial land". Mining to have regard to appropriate separation from groundwater. Buffers proposed to wetlands (Bush Forever Sites) are to be applied under the Mining Act. Proposal will require a works approval and licence under Part V of the EP Act.


Eclipse Resources Pty Ltd proposes to establish a shallow mine to extract sand for sale to the WA market.

What happens next

Following the seven day public comment period and consideration of any comments received, the EPA will decide whether or not this proposal requires environmental impact assessment and, if so, what level of assessment will be applied.

The Chairman's decisions on level of assessment are released each Monday on the EPA's website.


  • All of Western Australia


  • Public


  • Seven-day comment on referrals