Sandy Ridge Facility - Change to Proposal
Tellus Holdings Ltd (Tellus) proposes to construct and operate a dual kaolin (clay) mine and a waste facility, accepting Class IV (Secure Landfill) and a V (Intractable Landfill) waste from all of Australia, including waste from offshore Oil and Gas facilities.
The waste would include, amongst other things, low level radioactive wastes and persistent organic pollutants. The proposal is located 75 kilometres north-east of Koolyanobbing, in the Goldfields region.
Tellus has requested a Change to Proposal through section 43A of the EP Act to clarify the volumes of waste that would be accepted at gate and permanently isolated.
Why your views matter
Due to interest in this proposal, the proposed changes are being advertised to allow public comment before a decision on the requested s43A change is made.
- All of Western Australia
- Public
- Comment on proposal under assessment
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