We asked
The EPA asked for your comments on the draft Environmental Scoping Document (ESD) prepared by the proponent for the Outer Harbour Port Development, Kwinana
You said
We received 35 submissions on a range of environmental and other issues.
We did
The proponent responded to the comments and amended the ESD. The EPA approved the scoping document as the basis for the Public Environmental Review on 4 February 2025. The approved ESD and the proponent’s response to the submissions received are available on the EPA’s website.
We asked
Public comment was invited on the referral to help the EPA determine the appropriate level of assessment.
You said
There is public interest about the environmental effects of the proposal. Many of the matters raised relate to the future broader development plan at Carlton Plain (Stage 2 and 3), Mantinea and Tarrara.
We did
Due to the public interest in the proposal, the EPA will release the Environmental Management Plan for public comment for 3 weeks. As part of the consultation process, the EPA Chairman will be available to meet with interested people in Kununurra during the review period, to discuss matters related to the Environmental Management Plan.
Read further information about the EPA's decision on level of assessment here.