717 results
Arrowsmith Hydrogen Project
Infinite Green Energy propose to construct and operate a green energy wind and solar powered hydrogen production facility within freehold lots 3, 4, 100 and 6110 located in Arrowsmith 30km south of Dongara, within the Shire of Irwin, Western Australia (WA). Infinite Blue Energy purchased the 1929.68 ha property due to the site’s abundance of wind and solar power combined with abundant quantity of quality fresh water. The previous property use involved sheep, cattle and goats... MoreOpened 21 June 2022 -
Lots 2 and 10 Rowley Road, Mandogalup - Public Environmental Review
Questdale Holdings Pty Ltd is proposing to extend existing quarry operations within Lots 2 and 10 Rowley Road, Mandogalup. An Environmental Review Document (ERD) has been prepared by Questdale Holdings Pty Ltd in accordance with Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) procedures and is released for public review. The ERD describes the proposal, examines the likely environmental effects and the proposed environmental management procedures associated with the proposed... MoreOpened 20 June 2022 -
Worsley Mine Expansion – Revised Proposal - Public Environmental Review
The EPA has determined that this environmental review document should be made available for an additional 2 weeks commencing 16 August 2022. The closing date for submissions is 29 August 2022. If you have already made a submission to this current consultation you do not need to do so again. Duplicates will not be considered. South32 Worsley Alumina Pty Ltd is proposing to continue operations and expand the existing mining area; develop a bauxite transport corridor at the... MoreOpened 20 June 2022 -
Arrowsmith Central Silica Sand Project
The proponent (VRX Silica Ltd) proposes to develop a high-grade silica sand mine in the Geraldton Sandplain bioregion of WA, approximately 260 km north of Perth and 20km North-West of Eneabba. The proposal would include a total disturbance of 334 hectares of native vegetation. Vegetation and topsoil would be relocated to rehabilitation areas using a Vegetation Direct Transfer method (VDT). Mining is proposed to occur in blocks (150m x 150m), with up to five blocks being mined... MoreOpened 3 June 2022 -
Lamb Creek Iron Ore Project
The proposal is an open pit iron ore mine located approximately 130 km northwest of Newman, in East Pilbara, WA. The mine will produce up to 10 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of crushed and screened iron ore over a period of three to five years. The proposal includes construction of a multi-stage crushing and screening process plant and associated mine infrastructure including offices, water pipelines, storage and equipment areas, power generation and village... MoreOpened 3 June 2022 -
The Walyering Conventional Gas Development
Strike South West Pty Ltd propose to construct and operate the Walyering Conventional Gas Development. The proposal will comprise two free-flowing conventional gas wells, a gathering system of flowlines, a production facility and a tie-in point to the third-party operated Parmelia Gas Pipeline. The proposal is located within an agricultural area approximately 6.5 kilometres (km) northwest of Cataby and 21 km west of Dandaragan (Shire of Dandaragan). The proposal would include a... MoreOpened 30 May 2022 -
Ningaloo Lighthouse Resort Project - Public Environmental Review
Z1Z Resorts Pty Ltd proposes to redevelop the Ningaloo Lighthouse Holiday Park, located along Yardie Creek Road, North West Cape. The Proposal comprises the construction of new visitor accommodation; the construction of associated ancillary facilities (i.e., staff accommodation, power supply infrastructure, water supply and treatment, wastewater treatment and reuse, and replacement service station (vehicle refuelling) etc.); refurbishment of the Vlamingh Head Lighthouse... MoreOpened 20 May 2022 -
Ocean Barramundi Expansion Project
Marine Produce Australia propose to expand its barramundi farm operations to 13 sites spread across the Buccaneer Archipelago, in the Kimberley region. The total development envelope for the 13 leases is 1213 hectares. The proposed expansion will be staged over a 10-year period. Each stage consists of the construction of one nursery site, supplying 4–5 ocean-based lease areas, each of which will contain 12 sea-cages. The maximum standing biomass per lease area is up to 4500... MoreOpened 19 May 2022 -
Tenindewa Vanadium Processing Facility
Australian Vanadium Limited (AVL) propose to construct and operate a vanadium processing facility in the Midwest region, approximately 80 km east of Geraldton and 27 km west of Mullewa on the Geraldton-Mount Magnet Road in the City of Greater Geraldton. The proposal will include a processing facility which includes a processing plant, evaporation ponds, support facilities, heavy and light vehicle access roads, water production bores, reverse osmosis plant and ancillary office. The... MoreOpened 18 May 2022 -
West Erregulla Processing Plant and Pipeline - Additional Information
AGI Operations Pty Limited (AGIO) is proposing to construct and operate a gas processing plant and pipeline associated with the development of the West Erregulla gas field, located approximately 230 kilometres (km) north-east of Perth and 50 km south-east of Dongara, Western Australia. The processing plant will process gas produced by Strike Energy from upstream wells. The processed gas will then be transported via a new 16.5 km interconnecting buried pipeline to tie into the... MoreOpened 16 May 2022 -
West Erregulla Field Development Program - Additional Information
Strike West Pty Ltd (Strike Energy) is proposing to extract gas from its West Erregulla gas field by the constructing and operating a gathering system to connect its gas field and convey the extracted gas to an upstream separating facility. The proposal will supply gas to the proposed gas processing facility (currently under assessment by the EPA) to be operated by AGIO. The proposal is located in the Midwest region of Western Australia, approximately 234 kilometres (km) north-east of Perth... MoreOpened 16 May 2022 -
Dampier Cargo Wharf Extension and Landside Redevelopment Project
The proposal is to construct and operate an extension to the Dampier Cargo Wharf at the Port of Dampier. The proposal incorporates the construction of a new (adjoining) southern section of wharf and associated mooring dolphin, dredged berth pocket and vessel manoeuvring area. The Proposal will enable larger vessels (up to Panamax class) to access the terminal and facilitate new trades and products being handled at the Port. Key construction elements of the Project include dredging,... MoreOpened 12 May 2022 -
Quarry at Lot 150 Clydesdale Road, Grass Valley
Resource Group (WA) Pty Ltd proposes to construct and operate a hard rock quarry at the location of Grass Valley, 17 kilometres east of Northam WA. The project will process blasted rock from the quarry into smaller sized proportions suitable for use in concrete, roadworks and other civil works. The operation will produce no more than 70,000 tonnes of saleable product per annum. Products will be transported from the quarry by road using truck and semi-trailers, both locally and to... MoreOpened 9 May 2022 -
Earl Grey Lithium Project (Revised Proposal) - Additional Information
Covalent Lithium Pty Ltd (the proponent) propose to make changes to their existing approved lithium mine. The original Earl Grey Lithium Project was approved in November 2019, under Ministerial Statement 1118, and is located at the abandoned Mt Holland mine site, approximately 105 kilometres south-southeast of Southern Cross, in the Shire of Yilgarn. The proposed changes include the construction and operation of a solar plant to provide renewable energy, changes to the... MoreOpened 9 May 2022 -
Mackay Sulphate of Potash Project - Public Environmental Review
Agrimin Limited proposes to develop a greenfields potash fertiliser operation designed to operate for a 20-year period. The Proposal involves the on-lake development of trenches and solar evaporation ponds for brine extraction and Sulphate of Potash (SOP) production. The off-lake development includes a processing plant, associated site infrastructure and access roads for trucking SOP product to Wyndham Port. An Environmental Review Document (ERD) has been prepared by Agrimin Limited in... MoreOpened 4 May 2022 -
Smiths Beach Project, Yallingup – Coastal Tourism Village
Smiths 2014 Pty Ltd proposes to develop Lot 4131 Smiths Beach Road, Yallingup (City of Busselton) into a coastal tourism village, including: Hotel accommodation and wellness centre Campground 61 holiday homes Community hub and café Surf Lifesaving Club facilities and beach ramp The proposal is located at the southern end of Smiths Beach, adjacent to the Leeuwin Naturaliste National Park. The total proposed... MoreOpened 4 May 2022 -
Murchison Hydrogen Renewables Project
The Proposal will use combined onshore wind and solar energy of approximately 5.2 gigawatt (GW) capacity to produce green hydrogen which will be converted to an estimated 2 Million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of green ammonia for export to emerging green energy markets. The Proposal is located within the Shire of Northampton, Western Australia (WA), approximately 20 km north of Kalbarri. The Proposal comprises the following major components: a wind and solar farm with... MoreOpened 2 May 2022 -
Port Hedland Solar Project
Alinta Energy Development Pty Ltd proposes to develop a 90 Mega Watts (MW) AC solar facility situated on Unallocated Crown Land near Alinta Energy’s existing Port Hedland Power Station located within the Boodarie Strategic Industrial Area. The proposal is located approximately 5 km south-west of South Hedland, adjacent to Great Northern Highway, within the Town of Port Hedland. The proposal consists of a 90 MW AC solar farm and a short (~2 km) transmission connection to the existing... MoreOpened 11 April 2022 -
Ravensthorpe Nickel Project Revised Proposal - Public Environmental Review
FQM Australia Nickel Pty Ltd (FQM) are currently approved to mine and process up to 4 million tonnes per annum of nickel ore from Bandalup Hill approximately 35 kilometres east of Ravensthorpe. The original project was approved under Ministerial Statement 633 in June 1999. FQM proposes to expand its Ravensthorpe Nickel Operations, including expanding the approved Shoe-Maker Levy footprint, requiring an increase in the clearing of native vegetation by... MoreOpened 11 April 2022 -
Beatons Creek Fresh Rock Expansion
The Proposal is located in the east Pilbara region of Western Australia within a development envelope of 718 ha and clearing no more than 270 ha. The Beatons Creek Gold Project is currently operating under relevant approvals and permits of the Environmental Protection Act (Part V) and Mining Act 1978 (Mining Act). The Fresh Rock Expansion proposes to mine deeper into the fresh rock resource including below the water table, enabling mining to continue at Beatons Creek. The... MoreOpened 23 March 2022 -
Karara Iron Ore Project – Mine Life Extension
Karara Mining Limited is seeking to revise its approved Karara Iron Ore Project. The revised proposal is to support the ongoing operation of the magnetite mining and processing operation, approximately 225 kilometres east-southeast of Geraldton and 320 kilometres north-northeast of Perth, in the Midwest region of Western Australia. The revised proposal includes additional ground disturbance to support the revised Life of Mine strategy, including a revised development envelope,... MoreOpened 21 March 2022 -
Kemerton General Industrial Area
DevelopmentWA proposes to subdivide Lot 40 (No. 217) Devlin Road, Wellesley (Shire of Harvey) into approximately 34 lots to facilitate future industrial development. Areas of the Marriott Road reserve (Lots 41 & 42) are also proposed to be cleared to facilitate the safe movement of vehicles to and from the site and for upgrading of electrical services. The proposal would include a total development envelope of 119 hectares, including proposed clearing of up to 27.1 hectares of... MoreOpened 16 March 2022 -
Tonkin Highway Grade Separated Interchanges Kelvin Road
Main Roads proposes to upgrade and widen a 2 km section of Tonkin Highway from four lanes to six lanes from approximately 1 km north of Kelvin Road extending south to Maddington Road. The Proposal will include construction of a grade separated interchange at Tonkin Highway and Kelvin Road and associated works such as PSP upgrade, installation of noise and retaining walls, drainage improvements and landscaping. MoreOpened 11 March 2022 -
Die Hardy Project
Marda Operations Pty Ltd propose to develop a gold mining project, approximately 140 kilometres north of the town of Southern Cross within the Shire of Yilgarn. The proposal will include mining below the groundwater table by conventional open cut methods and ore will be transported offsite for processing. The proposal also includes a waste rock landform, mine ore pad, topsoil and low grade stockpiles and supporting infrastructure. The proposal is adjacent to the proposed Die Hardy... MoreOpened 10 March 2022 -
Optimised Mardie Project
Mardie Minerals Pty Ltd has approval to develop a greenfields high quality salt and SoP project and associated export facility at Mardie, approximately 80 km south-west of Karratha, in the Pilbara region of WA. The project will produce a high purity salt product, Sulphate of Potash (SoP) and other products that can be derived from sea water. The Proposal includes the expansion of the approved Mardie Project (Ministerial Statement [MS] 1175) including expanded concentrator and... MoreOpened 8 March 2022 -
Limestone and Sand Excavation, Lot 1002 Preston Beach Road North, Preston Beach - Public Environmental Review
The proponent, Doyle’s Lime Service Pty Ltd is proposing to develop a limestone and sand quarry on Lot 1002 Preston Beach Road North, Preston Beach, located 4.5 kilometres (km) north of the Preston Beach townsite, in the Shire of Waroona. The Proposal will cover an area of approximately 14.74 hectares (ha), which would be excavated to about five to six metres (m), across eight stages, over 20 years. The proposal would involve screening and crushing of the limestone... MoreOpened 8 March 2022 -
Recommencement of Operations at the Bellevue Gold Project
The Bellevue Gold Project is a historic gold mining operation located approximately 40 kilometres north of Leinster in the Northern Goldfields region. The proposal is for the recommencement of operations at the Bellevue Gold Project and involves extensions to existing mines and excavation of new open pits, associated mine dewatering, onsite processing and waste disposal. The proposal requires a disturbance of 363.2 hectares (ha) within a development envelope of 1,030 ha. The... MoreOpened 2 March 2022 -
Koolanooka Hills – Exploration Proposal
Westralian Iron Pty Ltd (the Proponent) is proposing to undertake an exploration drilling program at the Koolanooka Hills, located in the Shire of Morawa, approximately 20 km east-south-east of the township of Morawa. The purpose of the Proposal is mineral exploration drilling for iron ore and would include the clearing of no more than 2.95 hectares of native vegetation within a 3.80 ha disturbance footprint. The proposal would involve earthworks to establish (25) drill pads... MoreOpened 10 February 2022 -
Uaroo Renewable Energy Hub
Pilbara Energy (Generation) Pty Ltd proposes to construct and operate the Uaroo Renewable Energy Hub on the Uaroo and Emu Creek Pastoral Stations located 120 kilometres south of Onslow, in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The proposal is to construct and operate a renewable energy generation hub to power Fortescue Metals Group Limited’s mining operations in the Pilbara. The proposal will generate electricity (up to 5.4 gigawatts) from up to 340 wind turbine generators... MoreOpened 9 February 2022 -
Tutunup Mineral Sands Project
Iluka proposes to develop the Tutunup Mineral Sands Project, located approximately 195 km south of Perth, and 17 km east of Busselton. The proposal involves mineral sands mining, including the development of mine pits, processing plant, dams for water and clay fines management, material stockpiles and associated supporting infrastructure. Up to 4.02 gigalitres of water would be required to support the proposal. Heay mineral concentrate would be transported for further processing... MoreOpened 7 February 2022
717 results.
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