722 results
North Dandalup Hides Facility - Shire of Murray
Bayley Enviornmental Sevices has referred a proposal, on behalf of a third party, regarding the proposal by Goldmark Leather Pty Ltd for a animal hide processing facility (fellmongery) at Lot 1675 South Western Highway, North Dandalup. The North Dandalup Hides Facility (NDHF) will accept up to 5,000 cow hides per week, generating 35,000 L of process waste water. MoreOpened 12 February 2015 -
Proposed Regional Waste Disposal Facility Lot 23 (3118) Wandering Narrogin Road Shire of Cuballing
The Wagin Voluntary Group of Councils (WVGC) proposes a regional refuse site (landfill) for municipal solid waste located on Lot 23 Wandering-Narrogin Road, Shire of Cuballing. An area comprising approximately 65 hectares is proposed to be excised from the southern portion of Lot 23 to accommodate the proposed new regional ‘Waste Disposal Facility’, access to which will be facilitated via Nebrikinning Road along the land’s southern boundary. Two (2) cells are proposed to accommodate... MoreOpened 18 February 2015 -
Dirk Hartog Island Short Stay Units - Lot 304 Sunday Island Bay - Shire of Shark Bay
The Shire of Shark Bay has referred a development application to the EPA for a decision on whether or not to assess the proposal and, if so, the level of assessment. The application, from Hypermarket Pty Ltd, is for the development of 7 individual acommodation units, on an 11 ha property, located at Lot 304, Sunday Island Bay, Dirk Hartog Island. MoreOpened 23 February 2015 -
Inert Waste Facility (Construction and Demolition) - Shire of Kalamunda
Talis Consultants Pty Ltd has submitted a referral on behalf of the proponent, DC Recycling Pty Ltd, for the construction of an Inert Recycling Facility (Phase 2) Located on lots 1, 20 and 21 Berkshire Road, Forrestfield, Shire of Kalamunda. The facility proposes to reprocess construction and demolition waste and generate a range of recycled building products including, sand, roadbases and aggregates. MoreOpened 3 March 2015 -
Clearing of native vegetation within West Busselton - City of Busselton
The Department of Environment Regulation has referred a clearing application to the EPA for a decision on whether or not to assess the proposals and, if so, the level of assessment. The application, from the City of Busselton, is to clear 0.016 hectares of native vegetation within Lot 444 on Plan 22021 (Reserve 45438) and Lot 5308 on Deposited Plan 194748 (Reserve 24846), West Busselton, for the purpose of constructing a pathway. MoreOpened 20 March 2015 -
West Angelas - Revised Proposal (Deposit A west and Deposit F)
Robe River Mining Co. Pty Ltd proposes to revise the West Angelas Iron Ore Mine to include mining above and below the water table of Deposit A west and Deposit F, as satellite deposits to the existing operation. The project is located 130 kilometres northwest of Newman in the Pilbara. The proposal includes additional clearing up to 3,223 hectares (ha), an extension of the development envelope of up to 2,750 ha and an increase in abstraction of groundwater of up to 1 Gigalitre per... MoreOpened 20 March 2015 -
Pilbara Iron Ore Project - Revised Proposal
Flinders Mines Ltd proposes to revise the already approved Pilbara Iron Ore Project located approximately 70 kilometres north-west of Tom Price in the Hamersley sub-region. The revised proposal includes additional clearing up to 300 hectares (ha) to include the Paragon ore deposit and external infrastructure (including haul roads, airstrip and accommodation camp), as well as an increase in abstraction of groundwater of up to 2 Gigalitre per annum. MoreOpened 23 March 2015 -
Public Environmental Review - Christmas Creek Iron Ore Mine Expansion
Fortescue Metals Group Limited (Fortescue) is proposing to expand iron ore mining and processing operations at the existing Christmas Creek Mine in the Pilbara region of Western Australia Hard copies of the PER may be purchased for $10 (including postage and packing) or a CD version is available free of charge from: Fortescue Metals Group Limited 87 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth, WA Ph: 08 6218 8888 Copies of the PER are available for download from: ... MoreOpened 23 March 2015 -
Orebody 31 Iron Ore Ore Mine Project - BHP Billiton Iron Ore
BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd proposes to develop and operate the Orebody 31 deposit. The project is located 30 km east of the Newman Township. The proposal includes open pit mining at a base rate of 15 Mtpa, with clearing of up to 2500 ha and dewatering of 16.2 Gigalitres per annum. MoreOpened 25 March 2015 -
Koombana Bay Marine Structures - South West Development Commission
The South West Development Commission is proposing an upgrade to the marine structures that are intended to meet existing demand and future requirements for small craft maritime infrastructure and include new mooring facilities for commercial and recreational vessels, floating jetties, a boat servicing facility, improved public ablution facilities and up upgraded boat launching and storage facilities. MoreOpened 30 March 2015 -
Goldfields Highway Portlink Project - Main Roads Western Australia
Main Roads Western Australia proposes to upgrade the Goldfields Highway between Wiluna and Meekatharra. The works will involve minor realignment, raising and sealing of the road, intersection upgrades, drainage improvements, material pit extraction and the creation of camp areas. Clearing of approximately 534 hectares will be required for the works and take approximately three years to complete MoreOpened 2 April 2015 -
Denham Recreational Jetty Replacement - Department of Transport
The Department of Transport proposes to upgrade the Denham Jetty within the Shire of Shark Bay. The works will involve the removal of the existing recreational jetty and boat pens and the construction of a new jetty and pens. MoreOpened 22 April 2015 -
Dardanup Residue Disposal Facility
The Proposal is to develop a residue disposal facility at Lot 4580, Panizza Road and upgrade part of Panizza Road, Dardanup. The Proposal will provide for the disposal of Treated Solid Residue, which is produced from Cristal Pigment Australia Ltd’s existing processing facilities at Kemerton and Australind. The Proposal comprises a total disturbance area of up to 58 ha comprising 55 ha within Lot 4580 and approximately 3 ha along a 1 km section of Panizza Road. The Proposal will... MoreOpened 29 April 2015 -
Consultation on MNES - Forrestfield Airport Link API
The Public Transport Authority of Western Australia invites public comments on its proposal, the Forrestfield Airport Link which involves the construction and operation of a nine kilometre, predominantly underground extension of the railway network from Bayswater to Forrestfield. This proposal is being assessed by the Environmental Protection Authority as ‘Assessed on Proponent Information – Category A’. This invitation for public comment is in accordance with the requirements of... MoreOpened 12 May 2015 -
Alterations and Additions to Existing Poultry Farm
The Shire of Gingin has referred an application to make alterations and additions to an existing Poultry farm for a decision on whether or not to assess the proposal and, if so, the level of assessment. The application, from Allerding and Associates on behalf of Snowdale Holdings Pty Ltd, is to add four additional free range chicken sheds and associated paddocks, a manure storage shed, workers accommodation for staff, and to relocate the proposed caretakers dwelling. The purpose of the... MoreOpened 15 May 2015 -
Kwinana Bertram Pump Station Construction
The Water Corporation proposes to discharge, over a two month period, de-watered groundwater into a man-made drain which flows to the south into the Bollard Bulrush Swamp. This has been proposed to prevent overflow of the infiltration pond, which is currently near capacity MoreOpened 18 May 2015 -
Ellenbrook Reliable Water Storage Project
The Water Corporation proposes to develop a new water supply tank and associated infrastructure to ensure future supply requirements for the community are met. The development will occur over three phases and will require the clearing of approximately 16.52 ha of native and non-native vegetation. MoreOpened 21 May 2015 -
Denham Foreshore and Maritime Facilities Upgrade - Department of Transport
The Department of Transport proposes to upgrade the maritime facilities in Denham, within the Shire of Shark Bay. The works will involve upgrade works to coastal infrastructure and onshore facilities, this will require ground disturbance of approximately 1.5 ha. MoreOpened 21 May 2015 -
Orebody 32 Above Water Table Iron Ore Mine Project
BHP Billiton Iron Ore is seeking approval to develop and operate the Orebody 32 deposit, located approximately 10 kilometres north-east of the Newman Township in the Shire of East Pilbara. The Proposal is known as the Orebody 32 East Above Water Table Mine Project. This will require the clearing of 350 ha of vegetation. MoreOpened 3 June 2015 -
Sand and Limestone Extraction - Haddrill Road Yanchep - M70/1325
PMR Quarries Pty Ltd, trading as WA Limestone, proposes to develop a sand extraction quarry in the Gnangara - Moore State Forest within a felled pine plantation area approximately 5km south-east of Yanchep. This will required disturbance of 74.6 ha of land over the life of the project, however the amount of ground open at any time will be 5 ha. The attached documentation includes a proposal for sand extraction on mining tenements M70/1325 and M70/1326, however this referral only relates... MoreOpened 24 June 2015 -
Public Environmental Review - Cyclone Mineral Sands Project
Lost Sands Pty Ltd is proposing to develop a mineral sands deposit in the Great Victoria Desert. The Project will include a mine with an estimated 10 year operational life, and associated infrastructure including a transport corridor that passes through the Great Victoria Desert Nature Reserve. Hard copies of the PER may be purchased for $10 (including postage and packing) or a CD version is available free of charge from: Peter de San Miguel MWH Australia 41 Bishop... MoreOpened 29 June 2015 -
Florida North Residential Development
Aberdeen Nominees Pty Ltd., Talia Nominees Pty Ltd., Caspar Pty Ltd and Coastal Estates Pty Ltd trading as Florida Partnership (the proponent) is proposing is to construct an urban residential subdivision development of Lot 9008 Ocean Road, Dawesville in the Florida Beach Estate. The development area is approximately 17.4 ha in size MoreOpened 30 June 2015 -
Sandy Ridge Project
Tellus Holdings Ltd proposes to construct and operate a dual kaolin (clay) mine and a waste facility, accepting Class IV (Secure Landfill) and a V (Intractable Landfill) waste from all of Australia, including waste from offshore Oil and Gas facilities. The waste would include amongst other things low level radioactive wastes and persistent organic pollutants. The proposal would receive on average 66 000 tonnes of waste per annum for approximately 25 years. The proposal is located 140... MoreOpened 3 July 2015 -
Construction of residence and small farm from Lots 72 and 81 Edwards Road - Shire of Capel
Mr. Stuart Saggers is proposing to construct a residence and operate a small farm from Lots 72 and 81 Edwards Road, Stirling Estate in the Shire of Capel. Lots 72 and 81 Edwards Road total approximately 12.7 hectares in size. Around 4 hectares is proposed to be developed. MoreOpened 3 August 2015 -
Clearing of native vegetation - Lot 1435 Safety Bay Road Reserve, Warnbro
The Department of Environment Regulation has referred a clearing application to the EPA for a decision on whether or not to assess the proposals and, if so, the level of assessment. The application, from the City of Rockingham, is to clear 1.9 hectares of native vegetation within Lot 1435 on Plan 23038 and Safety Bay Road reserve (PIN 11837510 and PIN 11572166), Warnbro, for the purpose of constructing a dual use pathway. MoreOpened 13 August 2015 -
Baby Hope Proposal
The Rio Tinto Group on behalf of Hamersley HMS Pty Ltd proposes to develop and operate the Baby Hope iron ore deposit, located 75 km north-west of Newman in the Pilbara region of WA. The Baby Hope proposal includes above water table open pits, waste rock dumps and supporting transport infrastructure. Clearing of up to 1000 ha within the existing Hope Downs 1 development envelope would be required for the proposal. Product from the Baby Hope deposit would be processed at the at the existing... MoreOpened 24 August 2015 -
Public Environmental Review - Perth–Darwin National Highway (Swan Valley Section)
Main Roads Western Australia is proposing to construct a new section of the Perth–Darwin National Highway between Malaga and Muchea, Western Australia. The proposal is 38 km of new dual carriageway highway to the west of the Swan Valley and will connect the intersection of Tonkin Highway and Reid Highway in the south with Great Northern Highway and Brand Highway in the north. The proposal (EPBC 2013/7042) has also been determined to be a controlled action under the Environment Protection... MoreOpened 7 September 2015 -
Public Environmental Review - Wingellina Nickel Project
Hinckley Range Pty Ltd is proposing to mine nickeliferous limonite ore from the Wingellina deposit located approximately 1,400 km east-northeast of Perth, and use a high pressure acid leach process to produce a mixed nickel-cobalt hydroxide product for export to overseas markets via existing road and rail networks to the Port of Darwin or the Port of Adelaide. The proposal also includes a water supply borefield in the Central Officer Basin located approximately 100 km to the south-west, and... MoreOpened 14 September 2015 -
Public Environmental Review - Yeelirrie Uranium Project
Cameco Australia Pty Ltd is proposing to develop the Yeelirrie Uranium Project. The Project is situated on the Yeelirrie Pastoral Lease within the Shire of Wiluna. The Project will involve the construction and operation of an open pit, processing plant and associated infrastructure. Hard copies of the PER may be purchased for $10 (including postage and packing) or a CD version is available free of charge from: Cameco Australia Pty Ltd 24 Hasler Rd Osborne Park WA 6017... MoreOpened 21 September 2015 -
North Star Stage 2 Port Facility
The proponent, Iron Bridge Operations Pty Ltd ( a Joint Venture between FMG Iron Bridge Pty Ltd and Formosa Steel IB Pty Ltd ), propose to construct and operate new infrastructure within the existing Herb Elliot Port Facility, Fortescue Metals Group, Port Hedland WA. The proposal, Iron Bridge Port Facility, is designed to accept 10 Mtpa of magnetite concentrate slurry from the North Star Magnetite Project, whereupon the slurry would be dewatered and the concentrate product stored... MoreOpened 25 September 2015
722 results.
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