718 results
Underwater Training Range
The Commonwealth Department of Defence proposes to establish two underwater training ranges (UTR) to facilitate ongoing training of Defence personnel in underwater demolition operations. The key activity during training is the detonation of small volumes (up to 5 kilograms) of explosives. The location of the two proposed UTRs are in Western Australian State waters, currently used as military training exercise areas. One proposed UTR is adjacent to Campbell Barracks,... MoreClosed 30 April 2020 -
Miralga Creek DSO Project
Atlas Iron Pty. Ltd (the proponent) propose to develop the Miralga Creek DSO Project (the proposal), an iron ore project located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The proposal includes the development of five open pits using conventional drill and blast, load and haul methods. 8 million tonnes of iron ore will be mined above the watertable over an approximate timeframe of four to five years. Associated infrastructure will include waste rock dumps. Existing... MoreClosed 26 April 2020 -
Woodie Continued Operations Project
Consolidated Minerals Pty Ltd the proponent) propose to develop the Woodie Continued Operations Project. The proposal is an expansion of the existing Woodie Woodie Mine operations (Pilbara Manganese Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Consolidated Minerals Pty Ltd) which is not subject to a Ministerial Statement issued under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act). The proposal is located approximately 100 km east of Marble Bar and Nullagine and 400 km south east of Port... MoreClosed 26 April 2020 -
Subdivision of Lot 123 Mortimer Road Casuarina
Lot 123 Mortimer Road Casuarina (Lot 123) is 45 hectares (ha) in size, and is proposed to be subdivided into two lots; one conservation lot of 7.9 hectares (ha) and a balance lot for residential development. Lot 123 contains excellent quality remnant Banksia woodland vegetation, threatened fauna habitat, and a conservation category wetland. MoreClosed 12 April 2020 -
Bunbury Outer Ring Road (Northern and Central Sections) - Additional Information
Main Roads Western Australia is proposing to construct and operate the Northern and Central sections of the Bunbury Outer Ring Road (BORR) project. The Proposal includes the construction and operation of 19 kilometres (km) of freeway-standard dual carriageway and associated bridges, interchanges and other road infrastructure. The Proposal is located approximately 200 km south of Perth and, at its closest point, approximately 6 km south-east of Bunbury. The proposal would... MoreClosed 9 April 2020 -
Perth Children’s Hospital Kids Bridge (the Kids Bridge)
Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA) is proposing to construct and operate a new pedestrian link bridge (Kids Bridge) that crosses Winthrop Avenue (Ave), between Monash Ave and Aberdare Road. This will connect the northern green space of the Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre to Kings Park and Botanic Garden (KPBG). The objective of the proposal is to provide direct and safe access for patients, families and staff with respite from the hospital. At present access to KPBG from the hospital... MoreClosed 8 April 2020 -
Subdivision of Lot 102 Farrall Road, Midvale - Public Environmental Review
Peet Stratton Pty Ltd is proposing to develop Lot 102 Farrall Road, Midvale for residential uses in accordance with the Farrall Road Local Structure Plan No. 42. The development includes roads, residential lots, public open space areas and associated infrastructure. A Supplementary Environmental Report (SER) has been prepared by the Peet Stratton Pty Ltd in accordance with Environmental Protection Authority procedures and is released for public review. The SER... MoreClosed 6 April 2020 -
Zemira 3D Seismic Survey
The proposal is to undertake an onshore three-dimensional (3D) seismic survey in the northern Perth Basin. The survey area is about 300 kilometres (km) north of Perth, and its nearest boundary is about 4.5 km north of the town of Eneabba and about 25 km southeast of the town of Dongara. The survey area is situated within four local shires: Shire of Irwin, Shire of Three Springs, Shire of Mingenew and Shire of Carnamah. The intent of the Zemira 3D Seismic Survey is to collect a... MoreClosed 6 April 2020 -
Keysbrook Motorsport Facility
The proposal is to construct and operate a multi-use motorsport complex on Lot 78 Punrak Road Keysbrook, and to redirect stormwater to Lot 400 Wigg Road Keysbrook. The proposal would be used for road safety driver training, amateur car events, a go-kart track, V8 supercar events, motorbikes and world rally championships. The proposal would operate seven days a week from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm, with potential for extended hours over weekends for special events. MoreClosed 5 April 2020 -
Subdivision at Goodwood Estate, Lot 9002 (formerly Lot 871) Prowse Road, Capel
Meynell Pty Ltd intends to subdivide Lot 9002 Prowse Road, Capel to create 70 lots for residential development, associated access roads and a reserve for recreation and drainage. The proposal area is 15.5 hectares (ha) of which approximately 11.5 ha is proposed for development. MoreClosed 29 March 2020 -
Port Hedland Spoilbank Marina
T he Department of Transport is proposing to construct and operate the Port Hedland Spoilban k Marina Proposal , including marine and land-based components within the Town of Port Hedland , Pilbara, WA . The Proposal includes: marina basin, mooring facilities (up to 80 pens), boat launching area, sand trap and entrance channel capital dredging works resulting in up to 900,000 cubic... MoreClosed 15 March 2020 -
Hazelmere Resource Recovery Park Community Recycling Centre and Waste Transfer Station
Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council propose to construct and operate a Community Recycling Centre (CRC) and Waste Transfer Station (WTS) within the existing Hazelmere Resource Recovery Park, at L ots 814, 100 and 301 Lakes Road Hazelmere , in the City of Swan. The CRC would be accepting a range of materials for reuse, recycling and disposal from community members, while the WTS would provide for the short-term storage capacity for consolidation of... MoreClosed 2 March 2020 -
Quarry at Lot 150 Clydesdale Road, Grass Valley
Resource Group (WA) Pty Ltd proposes to construct a hard rock quarry at Lot 150 (792) Clydesdale Road, Grass valley. Holcim (Aust) Pty Ltd will be the eventual operators of the quarry. The proposal will extract, crush and screen approximately seventy thousand tonne (70,000tn) of hard rock per year with an approximate life of the quarry being 20-30. The proposal would require the clearing of... MoreClosed 24 February 2020 -
Malaga to Ellenbrook Rail Works
The Public Transport Authority (PTA) proposes to construct and operate a new 13 kilometre (km) dual railway track between Malaga and Ellenbrook. The proposed Malaga to Ellenbrook extends from the proposed Bayswater to Malaga railway line. The proposal includes three new stations at Malaga, Whiteman Park and Ellenbrook with intermodal rail, bus, carpark and active mode (cycling and walking) facilities at each station. A potential future station is also proposed at Bennett... MoreClosed 14 February 2020 -
Proposed Browse to North West Shelf Project - State Waters - Public Environmental Review
Woodside Energy Ltd (Woodside) as Operator for and on behalf of the Browse Joint Venture, is proposing to develop the Browse Development Area located approximately 425km north of Broome in the offshore Browse Basin. The Browse to North West Shelf (NWS) proposal in State waters surrounding Scott Reef involves drilling and completion, installation, commissioning, operation, well repair and workover, and decommissioning of up to 24 subsea wells and associated infrastructure... MoreClosed 12 February 2020 -
Proposed Browse to North West Shelf Project – Commonwealth - Environmental Impact Statement
The EPA is hosting the consultation for this proposal on behalf of the Commonwealth. Woodside Energy Ltd (Woodside) as Operator for and on behalf of the Browse Joint Venture, is proposing to develop the Brecknock, Calliance and Torosa fields located approximately 425km north of Broome in the offshore Browse Basin. The Browse to North West Shelf (NWS) proposal comprises subsea infrastructure and two Floating Production Storage and Offloading facilities (FPSO) connected... MoreClosed 12 February 2020 -
North West Shelf Project Extension - Public Environmental Review
Woodside Energy Ltd (Woodside) as Operator for and on behalf of the North West Shelf Joint Venture proposes the ongoing operation of the North West Shelf Project to enable the processing of third party gas and fluids through the North West Shelf Project facilities until around 2070. Further information on this and other LNG proposals is provided on https://www.woodside.com.au/our-business/burrup-hub . Public feedback welcome The Environmental Review Document for the North... MoreClosed 12 February 2020 -
Wuudagu Bauxite Project
Valperlon Bulk Commodities Pty Ltd propose to develop a bauxite mine located approximately 15 km west of the town of Kalumburu in the Kimberly. The proposal involves the mining of bauxite in the Kimberley and the use of a conveyor to transport processed ore to a barge-loading facility in Napier Broome Sound, and then trans-shipping of ore. MoreClosed 26 January 2020 -
Kwinana Bulk Liquid Terminal
GrainCorp Liquid Terminals Australia Pty Ltd proposes to construct and operate a bulk liquids terminal at Lot 108 Kwinana Beach Road, Kwinana Beach within the Kwinana Strategic Industrial Area. The proposal would involve disturbance of approximately 2.7 hectares and site activities include the transfer and storage of bulk liquids including urea ammonium nitrate liquid fertiliser solution, tallow, vegetable and used cooking oils, industrial solvent, and caustic soda 33%. MoreClosed 21 January 2020 -
Albany Ring Road Stage 3a
Main Road WA proposes to construct and operate 5 km of duel carriageway around the City of Albany to allow heavy freight vehicles to bypass local traffic to access the Port of Albany. The proposal involves clearing of 11.6 ha of native vegetation and 8.6 ha of non-native vegetation within a 96 ha development envelope. MoreClosed 23 December 2019 -
South Coast Highway Kojaneerup Project 46 to 66 SLK
The South Coast Highway Kojaneerup Project involves the reconstruction of the Kojaneerup Section of the South Coast Highway, between Straight Line Kilometre (SLK) 46.4 and 65.7, generally bound between Cheyne Road (south) and Kojaneerup West Road (north) in the localities of Manypeaks and Green Range, located approximately 40km north-east of the City of Albany. The total development envelope is 136 hectares, of which 31 ha is native vegetation that will be removed. Clearing will occur... MoreClosed 19 December 2019 -
Camping on Lot 62 and Lot 303 Dirk Hartog Island
The proposal is to develop a nature-based campground within Lots 62 and Lot 303 Dirk Hartog Island. The proposal would include up to 23 bare earth campsites, and 3 camp-kitchen/ablution blocks to facilitate up to 80 people in camping accommodation, and the construction of vehicle access roads and firebreaks, as well as other associated infrastructure. MoreClosed 9 December 2019 -
Learmonth Pipeline Fabrication Facility - Public Environment Review Consultation
Subsea 7 proposes to construct and operate an onshore pipeline fabrication facility at Lots 233 and 1586 to the east of Minilya-Exmouth Road, Learmonth, approximately 35km south of the Exmouth Townsite. A pipeline bundle co-locates a number of services within a single pipeline for use in the development of offshore gas fields. The onshore pipeline fabrication site and associated infrastructure includes two Bundle tracks (approximately 10 km in length) along which the Bundles will be... MoreClosed 30 November 2019 -
Bullsbrook Pumpstation Divert to Ellenbrook
The Water Corporation is proposing to divert wastewater from the Bullsbrook Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) to the Beenyup WWTP, 20 km away. A new pipeline will be installed predominantly along the Great Northern Highway to the Millhouse Road Pump Station in Ellenbrook. The pipeline alignment traverses Main Roads WA and local government road reserves. The alignment is adjacent to Ellen Brook Nature Reserve, several Bush Forever Sites and intersects Bush Forever site 300 at Ellen... MoreClosed 28 November 2019 -
Bayswater to Malaga Rail Works
The Public Transport Authority (PTA) is proposing to implement the Bayswater to Malaga Rail Works (the ‘Proposal’). The Proposal comprises the construction and operation of a 9 km dual passenger railway track extending from the existing Midland railway line from the existing Bayswater station to Malaga. The Proposal includes two new stations at Morley and Noranda with intermodal rail, bus, carpark and active mode (cycling and walking) facilities at each station and turnback facility.... MoreClosed 26 November 2019 -
Tonkin Highway Grade Separated Interchanges (Hale Road and Welshpool Road)
Main Roads Western Australia has requested the EPA to suspend the public comment period for the Tonkin Highway Grade Separated Interchanges (Hale Road and Welshpool Road) referral. In response to stakeholder consultation, MRWA have advised that it wishes to re-consider the design and provide further information to the EPA. Main Roads will provide further information to the EPA once the design of the interchange has been reconsidered. The Commissioner of Main Roads Western... MoreClosed 18 November 2019 -
Warrawoona Gold Project
The Warrawoona Gold Project, located approximately 20km south of Marble Bar, will abstract ore from an open pit and underground mine at the Klondyke deposit as well as a cutback of the existing Copenhagen pit. Ore will be processes at around 2Mtpa at Klondyke. The project will produce gold bar and gold concentrate and is expected to operate for approximately six years. The proposal would include a total disturbance of 398 hectares. MoreClosed 17 November 2019 -
Ravensthorpe Gold Project - Public Environmental Review
ACH Minerals proposes to develop the Kundip Mine Site located approximately 17 km south-east of Ravensthorpe in the Shire of Ravensthorpe. The proposal involves the development and operation of a gold and copper mine including open cut and underground mining, processing facilities, waste rock landforms, a tailings storage facility and associated infrastructure. The project will have an 8 year mine life and a disturbance area of 244.7 hectares including 197.8 hectares of native... MoreClosed 29 October 2019 -
Lake Way Sulphate of Potash Project
Salt Lake Potash Limited propose to abstract Sulphate of Potash (SOP) rich brines to produce up to 260 kilotonnes per annum (ktpa) of SOP product. The proposal is located in and around Lake Way, approximately 25 kilometres south of Wiluna. The activities and infrastructure proposed includes evaporation ponds, brine abstraction trenches, paleochannel brine production bores, permanent brine pumps/pipework, access and infrastructure corridors and excess salt disposal areas. ... MoreClosed 29 October 2019 -
Tonkin Highway, Guildford Road to Great Eastern Highway Upgrade
The Commissioner of Main Roads is proposing to upgrade the section of Tonkin Highway between Guildford Road (Bayswater) and the Great Eastern Highway (Belmont). The key components of the project are: construction and operation of two new bridges over the Swan River road widening, reconfiguration, and modification of existing interchanges construction and operation of on/off ramps and collector distributor roads ... MoreClosed 14 October 2019
718 results.
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