722 results
Alicia & Dreadnought Mine Extension Project
The Proposal involves the reactivation and expansion of a gold mining area approximately 2.5 kilometres south of Coolgardie in the Goldfields region of Western Australia. Key elements include the development of the Alicia open pit, expansion of the Dreadnought open pit and waste rock landform, haul road and ancillary infrastructure. Mined ore will be hauled for processing at the nearby Three Mile Hill plant, with tailings to be deposited in existing tailings storage facilities.... MoreClosed 10 July 2024 -
Casuarina Boat Harbour
This document has been prepared for the first future derived proposal of the Koombana B ay M arine S tructures Strategic Proposal (Assessment Number 2049 and Ministerial Statement 1226), namely the Casuarina Boat Harbour (Figure 1 Proposal Content Document ). This document supports the Department of Transport’s (DoT’s) request to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) under section 38E of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP... MoreClosed 8 July 2024 -
NiWest Nickel Cobalt Project
Alliance Nickel Ltd is proposing to develop the NiWest Nickel Cobalt Project, a greenfield nickel and cobalt mine located approximately 50 km southeast of Leonora, near Mount Kilkenny. The primary product of the mine, nickel sulphate, is to be exported for use in the manufacturing of batteries in electric vehicles. The proposal includes the development of mine pits and associated infrastructure, including but not limited to, a borefield, temporary waste rock landforms,... MoreClosed 4 June 2024 -
Northern Extension to Yalyalup Minerals Sands Project
The proposal includes the expansion of a mineral sands mine including mine pits with dewatering to facilitate dry mining techniques. Existing processing facilities, services and support infrastructure will be utilised. Mine voids will be progressively backfilled with sand and clay tailings and rehabilitated to pre-disturbance landuse (i.e. pasture). MoreClosed 24 April 2024 -
North Kiaka Quartzite Mine - Additional Information
SIMCOA Operations Pty Ltd. is proposing the North Kiaka Project, a quartzite mine approximately 15 km north of the Town of Moora, within the Shire of Moora. The revised proposal is expected to generate up to 130,000 tonnes per annum of lump quartz for downstream processing at the Kemerton Silicon Smelter, located in the Kemerton Strategic Industrial Area, 17 km north-east of Bunbury, WA. The proposal will extend SIMCOA’s operations by 18 years. The proposal will be an open-cut... MoreClosed 24 April 2024 -
Fimiston Gold Mine Operations Extension (Stage 3) and Mine Closure Planning: Revised Proposal - Fimiston South Project - Additional Information
Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines Pty Ltd (KCGM) is seeking to ex tend its existing Fimiston Gold mine operations in Kalgoorlie by widening and deepening the Superpit known as Ivanhoe Cutback , located 600 kilometres (km) east of Perth , and adjacent to the city of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Western Australia. An Environmental Review Document (ERD) has been prepared by KCGM in accordance with Environmental... MoreClosed 24 April 2024 -
Yarnima Power Station Stage 4 (Gas Reciprocating Engines)
The proponent, BHP Iron Ore Pty, proposes to increase power generation capacity at the existing Yarnima Power Station, approximately 2 kilometres north-west of Newman in the Pilbara. The proposal comprises an increase in installed firm power generation capacity from 154 megawatts up to 239 megawatts via installation of gas reciprocating engines and associated infrastructure. The gas reciprocating engines are proposed to be installed in stages up to a maximum of 120 megawatts (nominal). ... MoreClosed 21 April 2024 -
Wharf Extension
Kimberly Ports Authority (KPA) is proposing to undertake several improvements and modifications (works) to the wharf at the Port of Broome (the Port) to maximise wharf space and facilities while assisting with safe and efficient operations. The works include the construction of a new wharf laydown and new offices and amenities. The Port is located near Entrance Point at the tip of the Broome Peninsula, north-west of Roebuck Bay and approximately 5 k ilometres (km) south-west... MoreClosed 14 April 2024 -
Gonneville Nickel-Copper-Platinum Group Element (PGE) Project
Chalice Mining Limited proposes development of the Gonneville Nickel-Copper-Platinum Group Element (PGE) Project. The proposal is located within the Wheatbelt Region, approximately 70km north-east of Perth, 25 km west of Toodyay and 25 km south-east of Bindoon. The proposal comprises of a mine site including an open mine pit and/or underground mine and infrastructure corridor options for water and power supply. Road and/or existing rail infrastructure will be utilised in... MoreClosed 14 April 2024 -
Lockyer Conventional Gas Project
Energy Resources Ltd proposes a conventional gas project, to construct and operate a gas processing plant and pipeline in the Mid-West region of Western Australia, approximately 350 km north of Perth, 25 km east of Dongara and 15 km west of Mingenew. The proposal comprises the construction and operation of a natural gas processing facility with a nominal production capacity of 250 terajoules per day, up to six (6) natural gas production wellheads, and an infield gathering... MoreClosed 9 April 2024 -
Residential development of part Lots 11 and 74 Beenyup Road Banjup
Aigle Royal Developments proposes to develop s Lot 11 and 74 Beenyup Road Banjup for residential and associated purposes. The proposal includes development of 4.44 hectares (ha) for residential development and public open space, and a 2.62 ha conservation area MoreClosed 8 April 2024 -
Kemerton Power Station Increased Operation Hours
The proposal is to increase the hours of operation of the existing Kemerton Power Station from 2,000 hours/annum to 13,800 hours/annum. The proposal does not involve any clearing, construction, commissioning or development of new equipment or infrastructure. MoreClosed 4 April 2024 -
Outer Harbour Port Development, Kwinana
The Proposal is to construct and operate a new multimodal port in the Kwinana Industrial Area (KIA), approximately 30 km south of Perth. The Proposal includes: A port facility. Adjacent areas of landside development. An offshore breakwater. Dredging for a second main channel. Dredging for access channels, turning basins and berthing areas. Use of dredge material for beneficial re-use and, where required, placement... MoreClosed 25 March 2024 -
Anketell Road Upgrade (Leath Road to Kwinana Freeway)
Main Roads is proposing to upgrade and widen Anketell Road to an Expressway Standard for approximately 7.5 km between Leath Road and Kwinana Freeway in the City of Kwinana, WA. The Proposal will include grade separated interchanges at six locations, grade separation of road over rail at two locations and other supporting road infrastructure . MoreClosed 24 March 2024 -
Holiday Accommodation Lot 660 La Perouse Court, Goode Beach
The proposal is for the development of eco-friendly touris m accommodation including holiday units, a restaurant/function centre , and associated facilities, at Lot 660 La Perouse Court, Goode Beach. The propos ed development envelope is 7.71 hectares (ha) and includes a 2.23 ha clearing footprint, a 0.402 ha wastewater reticulation zone , and a 5.02 ha conservation area. The proposal is located ... MoreClosed 13 March 2024 -
Northern Terminal to Neerabup Terminal 330kV Transmission Line
The Northern Terminal (NT) to Neerabup Terminal (NBT) 330kV Transmission Line proposal (the Proposal) is located approximately 13 km north of Perth in the City of Swan and City of Wanneroo. The Proposal is for the construction of a new 330kV dual circuit transmission line between NT in Malaga and NBT in Pinjar, a length of approximately 29 km. The purpose of the proposal is to reinforce the North Region transmission network to remove constraints on existing connected generation and... MoreClosed 7 March 2024 -
West Angelas Revised Proposal - Public Environmental Review
Robe River Mining Co. Pty. Ltd (a wholly owned subsidiary of the Rio Tinto Group) is proposing to extend the existing West Angelas Iron Ore Mine, including developing new above and below water table pits and associated infrastructure to sustain the existing operations (the proposal). The proposal is located is located approximately 130 km northwest of the town of Newman in the East Pilbara region of Western Australia (WA) within the Yinhawangka and Ngarlawangga Peoples Native... MoreClosed 6 March 2024 -
Mt Keith Power Station Capacity Expansion Project
Southern Cross Energy (TransAlta) proposes to construct and operate up to 150 megawatt of gas reciprocating engines and associated infrastructure in the Northern Goldfields region of Western Australia (the proposal), approximately 90 kilometres (km) north of Leinster and 80 km south of Wiluna. The proposal will be a component of TransAlta’s existing Southern Cross Energy North (SCEN) network supplying power to BHP Nickel West and potential third-party operators. The proposal... MoreClosed 14 February 2024 -
Rhodes Ridge Iron Ore Project
The Proposal is for the development of the Rhodes Ridge Iron Ore Project (the Proposal), located approximately 40 kilometres north-west of Newman, in the Shire of East Pilbara. The Proposal requires a disturbance footprint of up to 14,850 hectares within a 61,301 hectares Development Envelope. The Proposal includes the development of new above and below water table deposits, and associated activities. The proposal includes but is not limited to: development of new... MoreClosed 14 February 2024 -
Garden Street Extension, Southern River - Additional Information
The City of Gosnells (the Proponent) proposes to extend Garden Street between Harpenden Street and Holmes Street in Southern River, which will involve the construction of an 840 m section of a dual carriageway (two lanes each direction). The Proposal is located predominantly within the suburb of Southern River, approximately 17 km south-east of Perth Central Business District (CBD) and intersects within Bush forever site 125 (Holmes Street Bushland) , and... MoreClosed 31 January 2024 -
HyEnergy® Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Project
Province Resources Ltd propose to use combined onshore wind and solar energy to produce green hydrogen and ammonia for export to the green energy market. The proposal is distributed across 3 distinct locations within the Shire of Carnarvon, Western Australia. The proposal will comprise the following major elements: up to 945 ha (6.8 GW) of wind turbines and up to 10,000 ha of solar arrays (5.2 GW) a new multiuser port facility with a material offloading... MoreClosed 21 January 2024 -
Jimblebar Hub Significant Amendment
The Proposal includes the expansion and amalgamation of existing operations at: Jimblebar Iron Ore Revised Proposal (Ministerial Statement (MS 1126), Orebody 18 Iron Ore Mine (MS 439, MS 1012), Orebody 31 Iron Ore Mine (MS 1021), to include new above and below water table mining, overburden storage areas, beneficiation plant, overland conveyor, creek diversions, haul and access roads, pipelines and associated infrastructure. All mines and... MoreClosed 15 January 2024 -
Hope Downs 2 Proposal - Public Environmental Review
Hamersley HMS Pty Ltd is proposing to develop a new iron ore mine, Hope Downs 2 (the Proposal). The Proposal includes the development, operation and closure of two above water table (AWT) iron ore deposits (Hope Downs 2 and Bedded Hilltop) and associated infrastructure. Ore will be transported to the Hope Downs 1 operations for processing using existing facilities. In addition to the mining development, the Proposal includes the realignment of approximately six kilometres (km) of the... MoreClosed 18 December 2023 -
Earl Grey Lithium Project, Life of Mine Proposal
The revised proposal is to develop a pegmatite-hosted lithium deposit at the abandoned Mt Holland Mine Site, in a Development Envelope of 3,996 ha. The Proposal involves new clearing of up to 1,885 ha of native vegetation, and use of existing cleared/disturbed land, infrastructure including a mine pit, waste rock landforms, tailings storage facility, processing plant, airstrip, accommodation village, water storage facilities, power generation infrastructure and associated infrastructure. ... MoreClosed 14 December 2023 -
Winu Project
Rio Tinto Winu Pty Limited (the Proponent) proposes to develop the Winu Project (the Proposal). The Proposal is a new copper-gold mine located approximately 300 km south of Broome and 320 km east of Port Hedland in the northern Pilbara region of Western Australia within both the Nyangumarta people’s and the Martu people’s Native Title Determination Areas. The Proposal conceptual footprint will require the clearing of up to 4,868 ha of native vegetation within a proposed... MoreClosed 13 December 2023 -
Subdivision of Lot 123 Mortimer Road Casuarina - Additional Information
Lot 123 Mortimer Road Casuarina (Lot 123) is 45 hectares (ha) in size, and is proposed to be subdivided into two lots; one conservation lot of 7.9 hectares (ha) and a balance lot for residential development. Lot 123 contains excellent quality Banksia woodland vegetation, threatened fauna habitat, and a conservation category wetland. The Level of Assessment was set at Referral Information with Additional Information (2 weeks public review). The additional information published... MoreClosed 4 December 2023 -
Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1344/57 Maida Vale Urban Precinct - Environmental Review
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) intends to amend the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) for land in the City of Kalamunda and is seeking public comment. The amendment proposes to rezone approximately 177.53 ha of land in Maida Vale from the ‘Rural’ zone to the ‘Urban Deferred’ zone in the MRS. The proposed ‘Urban Deferred’ zone will facilitate future residential and areas of public open space, following the lifting of ‘Urban Deferment’, a local... MoreClosed 28 November 2023 -
Tredrea Workers accommodation Village
Catalano Green Energy Pty Ltd (the proponent) is proposing to construct a portable 101 single person workers accommodation unit on Lot 28 Tredrea Place, Myalup, within the Shire of Harvey. The Development Envelope (approximately 40 hectares) includes Tuart Woodlands and Forest of the Swan Coastal Plain and Black cockatoo foraging habitat. The proposal includes groundwater abstraction, onsite PVC solar and battery storage for electricity generation and a wastewater... MoreClosed 19 November 2023 -
Sandy Ridge Facility – Alignment of Gate Waste Acceptance Tonnage - Public Environmental Review
Tellus Holdings Ltd are proposing to increase the tonnage of waste accepted at the Sandy Ridge Facility from the current approved (Ministerial Statement 1078) 100,000 tonnes per annum to up to 280,000 tonnes per annum for permanent isolation in the Site’s waste disposal cells. The Proposal will occur within the existing and approved development envelope as outlined in Ministerial Statement 1078 The Level of Assessment was set at Public Environmental Review (6 week... MoreClosed 15 November 2023 -
Clarke Road Large Format Retail and Hardware Development
Colchester Pty Ltd propose to construct a large format hardware and retail development at Lot 100 and 256 Clarke Road within the Station Road commercial precinct located 900 metres south of the Margaret River town site. The proposal includes buildings internal roads, hardstand areas and landscaping. The proposal site is 2.86 hectares (ha) and is bounded by existing commercial business to the north and south, the South Regional TAFE Margaret River Campus to the east and remnant vegetation... MoreClosed 14 November 2023
722 results.
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