718 results
Nullaki Lime Pit
The proponent, Mr Graeme Robertson, proposes to extract and process lime on Lot 9005 Rock Cliff Circle, Nullaki Peninsula, Albany. The proposal is located 10 kilometres south east from the Denmark townsite. The Bibbulmun Track is located east of the proposal site in Reserve 17464, approximately 500 metres (m) from the proposed extraction area. The proposal would include staged development of a 7.5 hectare (ha) lime pit and 2ha stockpiling area, with excavations up to 8m in depth. ... MoreOpened 12 July 2017 -
Mesa H Proposal (Revision to Mesa J Iron Ore Development)
Robe River Mining Co. Pty Limited (the proponent) proposes to develop the Mesa H deposit to sustain its iron ore production operations within the Robe Valley, Pilbara. The proposal is located approximately 16 km south west of Pannawonica. The proposal would include a total disturbance of 2,200 hectares to develop above and below water table open cut iron ore pits and associated infrastructure, including water management infrastructure. The proposal is located adjacent to the existing Mesa... MoreOpened 11 July 2017 -
Public Environmental Review - Busselton Margaret River Airport Expansion
The City of Busselton is proposing to modify the existing Busselton-Margaret River Regional Airport operations to allow additional aircraft types and operator types to use the airport, and change the hours of operation. An Environmental Review Document (ERD) has been prepared by the City of Busselton in accordance with the Environmental Protection Authority procedures and is released for public review. The ERD describes the proposal, examines the likely environmental effects and the... MoreOpened 3 July 2017 -
Eliwana Railway Project
Fortescue Metals Group Limited proposes to build a 120 km railway linking their existing Solomon Mine with their proposed Eliwana Iron Ore Mine, located 90 km west-northwest of Tom Price (Shire of Ashburton). The eastern section of the proposed Eliwana Railway Project development envelope is adjacent to Karijini National Park. Proposed Infrastructure within the Rail Development Envelope includes: Railway and associated embankment; Rail loop; Crossing/passing loops; Railway overpass;... MoreOpened 21 June 2017 -
Thunderbird Mineral Sands Project - Minor or Preliminary Works
Sheffield Resources Limited has requested consent from the Environmental Protection Authority under section 41A(3) of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 to undertake work it considers to be minor or preliminary in nature. The purpose of the works is to collect geotechnical information to inform mine design, equipment selection and suitability of mine waste for construction material. The work includes the following: - Construction and use of a 60-person Accommodation Village. -... MoreOpened 14 June 2017 -
St Ives Gold Mine – Beyond 2018 Project - Change to Proposal
St Ives Gold Mining Company Pty Limited (SIGMC) has requested a Change to Proposal through section 43A of the EP Act. SIGMC proposes the following changes to the Beyond 2018 Project: a single Development Envelope around the indicative disturbance areas for both lake-based and land-based development; and an increase in dewatering discharge from 30 gigalitres per annum (GL/a) to 40 GL/a. MoreOpened 9 June 2017 -
Mount Mulgine Project
Tungsten Mining NL proposes to extract and process tungsten and molybdenum from the Mulgine Hill and Mulgine Trench deposits at Mount Mulgine over a period of 15 years. The proposal is located approximately 15 km north east of Rothsay, within the Shire of Perenjori. The proposal is partially located: on M59/425, which was previously mined for gold as part of the Minjar Gold Mine Project within the former Warriedar pastoral station, which is managed for conservation... MoreOpened 31 May 2017 -
Public Environmental Review - Cooljarloo West Titanium Minerals Project
Tronox Management Pty Ltd is proposing to develop the Cooljarloo West Titanium Minerals Project to mine and concentrate titanium and other valuable heavy minerals near Cataby in Western Australia. Hard copies of the Environmental Review Document (ERD) may be purchased for $10 (including postage and packing) or a CD version is available free of charge from: Tronox Management Pty Ltd PO Box 22 MUCHEA WA 6501 08 9571 9333 Copies of the ERD are available for download... MoreOpened 29 May 2017 -
Earl Grey Lithium Project
Kidman Resources Limited proposes to develop a pegmatite-hosted lithium deposit at the abandoned Mt Holland Mine Site. The proposal area is located approximately 105 kilometres south-southwest of Southern Cross, in the Shire of Yilgarn. The proposal is for conventional open-cut mining of the existing Earl Grey pit, and development of associated mine infrastructure. The new mining proposal would utilise some existing infrastructure and disturbed areas, however requires new clearing of 365... MoreOpened 26 May 2017 -
Mt Keith Satellite Project
BHP Billiton Nickel West (BHPB) proposes to develop the Mt Keith Satellite Project (the proposal), to the existing Mount Keith Mining Operations. The proposal is located approximately 80 km north of Leinster in the Shire of Leonora. The proposal includes clearing of up to 842 hectares of native vegetation (which is also fauna habitat) for two open pits, a Waste Rock Landform and a transport corridor, with minor ancillary infrastructure to support the mining process. MoreOpened 22 May 2017 -
Hotham Mining Extension and Refinery Production Increase
South32 Worsley Alumina Pty Ltd currently operates the Boddington Bauxite Mine and the Worsley Alumina Refinery. The new proposal is to extend the current mining area to incorporate adjacent areas; referred to as the Hotham Mining Extension. Additionally, it is proposed to increase the overall production of alumina at the refinery from 4.7 Mtpa to 5.1 Mtpa. The new bauxite mining area is located approximately 8 km west-south-west of the town of Boddington and the alumina refinery is... MoreOpened 22 May 2017 -
State Barrier Fence Esperance Extension - Change to Proposal
S43A Change to proposal The Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) proposes to erect a 660 kilometre long, 1.35 metre high extension to the existing State Barrier Fence from its current termination point near the town of Ravensthorpe to the east of Esperance near Cape Arid National Park. The purpose of the Esperance extension is to protect the south-eastern agricultural enterprises from predation and grazing from wild populations. Requested modifications are to... MoreOpened 12 May 2017 -
Public Environmental Review - Mining Area C – Southern Flank
BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty. Ltd. (BHP Billiton Iron Ore) proposes to develop and operate a new satellite iron ore deposit, located immediately south of the existing Mining Area C – Northern Flank operation, at Southern Flank and to increase the disturbance at the existing Mining Area C – Northern Flank to support ongoing operations (the Proposal). The Proposal will leverage existing facilities and infrastructure located at Mining Area C – Northern Flank, including, but not limited to... MoreOpened 8 May 2017 -
Xanadu-1 Conventional Onshore Oil Well
Norwest Energy NL proposes to develop a conventional onshore oil well to assist with designing future drilling programs, and further refine the structural detail of the Xanadu-1 deposit. The proposal is located on the coast, approximately 42 kilometres south of Geraldton, in the Shire of Irwin. The proposal requires clearing of 4.5 hectares of native vegetation, which is also fauna habitat, for the construction of a well pad and access roads. MoreOpened 11 April 2017 -
Tim's Thicket Liquid Waste Facility Upgrade
The Tims Thicket Waste Management Facility is located approximately 15 km south of Mandurah. The Site covers an area of 28 hectares. The Site has been in operation since 1995. The proposal seeks to recommence acceptance of liquid waste at the facility by implementing a suite of improvements, including refurbishing and repurposing the existing infrastructure. The proposed design capacity is up to 6500 kL of liquid waste per year, consisting of septage and grease trap waste. MoreOpened 6 April 2017 -
East Rockingham Waste to Energy Facility Revised Proposal
New Energy Corporation Pty Ltd propose to revise the Waste to Energy technology for their approved Waste to Energy and Materials Recovery Facility on Lot 1 Office Road, 3 kilometres north-east of Rockingham in the Rockingham Industrial Zone (Shire of Rockingham). MoreOpened 21 February 2017 -
Sino Iron Mine Continuation Proposal
The proposal is an expansion of the existing Sino Iron Project approved under Ministerial Statement 635. The proposal includes the expansion of the mine pit, waste dumps and Tailings Storage Facilities. The proposed mine pit expansion will increase in depth from 220 m to approximately 400 m and the disturbance footprint will increase by up to 7336 ha (to a total of up to 10,100 ha). The proposal also includes increased discharge of mine dewatering into the mouth of the Fortescue River from 2... MoreOpened 21 February 2017 -
Public Environmental Review - Tyre Resource Recovery Facility
Elan Energy Matrix Pty Ltd (Elan) is proposing to develop a Tyre Resource Recovery Facility, at Lot 60, 9 Fargo Way, Welshpool in the City of Canning. The Proposal involves processing of shredded end of life tyres using a Thermal Conversion Unit (TCU) to recover char, steel wire and oil. A Public Environmental Review Document (PER) has been prepared by Strategen Environmental in accordance with Western Australian Government procedures and is released for public review. The PER describes... MoreOpened 20 February 2017 -
Casuarina Causeway Improvement Project
The Department of Transport proposes to undertake maintenance and improvement works to the Casuarina Causeway located in Bunbury WA. The proposal includes the refurbishment and realignment of the revetment (including a 0.08 ha increase in the causeway footprint), installation of upgraded services, road works, drainage and landscaping. A multi-purpose building (including ablutions) and fishing/viewing platforms are also included as provisional items. MoreOpened 16 February 2017 -
Yangibana Rare Earths Project
Hastings Technology Metals Limited propose to extract and process Rare Earth Element ore from four mining pits in the Yangibana Project area. The Project area is located approximately 270 kilometres east-northeast of Carnarvon in the Shire of Upper Gascoyne. The proposal includes mining above and below the ground water table, on-site processing of ore and associated infrastructure. Transport of the product via road to Geraldton port for export is currently proposed. The proposal would... MoreOpened 13 February 2017 -
Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Radio Telescope – Low Frequency Aperture Array
The CSIRO is proposing to construct and operate the SKA-1 Low Frequency Aperture Array. The SKA -1 Low Frequency Aperture Array would be constructed at the SKA Telescope on Boolardy Station approximately 315 km northeast of Geraldton in the Murchison region. The proposal for the SKA – Low Frequency Aperture Array includes a total disturbance of 608 hectares for construction of the Array, access tracks and infrastructure. MoreOpened 9 February 2017 -
Public Environmental Review - Thunderbird Mineral Sands Project
Sheffield Resources Ltd is proposing to undertake mining of mineral sands for more than 40 years from the Thunderbird deposit; a greenfield site in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. The mineral sands products will be transported to the towns of Derby and Broome, and exported through their respective Ports. Sheffield Resources Ltd has prepared a project summary which is available free of charge from the company’s office address. Hard copies of the PER may be purchased for $10... MoreOpened 16 January 2017 -
Ravensthorpe Gold Copper Project
ACH Minerals Pty Ltd proposes to develop the Kundip and Myamba Mine Sites located 17 and 26 kilometres respectively, south east of the town of Ravensthorpe. Kundip Mine Site is proposed to include open pits and underground mining, processing facilities and associated infrastructure with up to 248 hectares of clearing of vegetation. Myamba Mine Site is proposed to include open pit mining with associated infrastructure with up to 64 hectares of clearing of vegetation. Ore will be trucked... MoreOpened 16 January 2017 -
St Ives Gold Mine – The Beyond 2018 Project
St Ives Gold Mining Company Pty Limited proposes to expand the existing open-cut and underground gold mining developments with 2,061 hectares (ha) of disturbance. The proposal is located in Lake Lefroy approximately 20 kilometres south east of Kambalda (Shire of Coolgardie). The revised proposal would include an additional disturbance of 5000 ha: additional lake based disturbance of up to 2,000 ha; and additional land based disturbance of up to 3,000 ha. MoreOpened 5 January 2017 -
Sulphur Springs Zinc-Copper Project
Ventrex Resources Limited proposed to develop the existing Project utilising an open pit mine to extract the upper portion of the deposit and an underground mine to extract the lower portion. The modified Project consists of: An open pit to mine the upper portion of the orebody; An underground mine (accessed via a portal within the pit) to mine the remainder of the orebody; A conventional processing plant which will produce separate copper and zinc concentrations;... MoreOpened 5 January 2017 -
Public Environmental Review - Sandy Ridge Facility
Tellus Holdings Ltd is proposing to develop the Sandy Ridge Facility within the Goldfields region of Western Australia. The Proposal is to develop a kaolin open cut mine and use the mine voids for the secure storage and isolation of hazardous, intractable and low level radioactive waste using best practice storage and isolation safety case. Copies of the PER are available for download from the proponent’s website at www.tellusholdings.com Hard copies of the PER may be purchased for... MoreOpened 12 December 2016 -
Mesa A Hub Proposal
Robe River Mining Co Pty Ltd is seeking to extend the existing Mesa A / Warramboo Iron Ore Mining Project by extending the existing mining operation and developing four new nearby deposits. The proposal is 43 kilometres west of Pannawonica in the Pilbara Region. The proposal would require an additional 2500 hectares of clearing of native vegetation, with some below water table mining. A water supply would also be required and discharge of any excess water to Warramboo Creek. MoreOpened 29 November 2016 -
Public Environmental Review - Ocean Reef Marina
The City of Joondalup is proposing the development of a recreational, residential, boating and tourist development, located at Ocean Reef, Western Australia, referred to as the Ocean Reef Marina. A Public Environmental Review (PER) has been prepared by the City of Joondalup in accordance with the Western Australian Government procedures and is released for public review. The PER document describes the proposal, examines the likely environmental effects and the proposed environmental... MoreOpened 22 November 2016 -
Hard Rock Quarry
Italia Stone Group proposes to develop a hard rock quarry at Lot 800 Pruden Road Whitby, approximately 3.5 kilometres east of Mundijong in the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale. The proposed quarry is on freehold land and is for the extraction of 50,000 to 100,000 tonnes of hard rock per annum for a period of 20 years. The material will be extracted by drill and blast methods and hauled by truck to a processing area for crushing and stockpiling on site. MoreOpened 9 November 2016 -
Groundwater Replenishment Scheme Stage 2
The Water Corporation is proposing to duplicate the existing Advanced Water Recycling Plant (AWRP) at the Beenyup facility in Craigie. The proposal also includes the construction of two water recharge sites and pipeline infrastructure along a 12.8 km route through the suburbs of Woodvale, Wanneroo, Ashby and Neerabup to recharge approximately 14 GL of recycled water to the Leederville and Yarragadee aquifers. The proposal forms Stage 2 of the Perth Groundwater Replenishment Scheme (GRWS)... MoreOpened 9 November 2016
718 results.
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