Public Environmental Review - Koodaideri iron ore mine and infrastructure project

Closed 2 Sep 2013

Opened 22 Jul 2013


Hamersley Iron Pty. Limited (a wholly -owned subsidiary of Rio Tinto) proposes the development of a major iron ore mining operation in the central Pilbara region of Western Australia. The development will be centered around its Koodaideri deposits, located 110 kilometres west-north-west of Newman.

The Proposal will involve the construction and operation of a greenfields mine and associated infrastructure. Mining will consist of open pits and supporting infrastructure, including a 167 kilometre railway connecting into the main network operated by Rio Tinto’s iron ore business. The mine may produce up to 70 million tonnes per annum (Mt/a) of ore and the expected operational mine life is approximately 30 years.

Copies of the PER may be downloaded from Rio Tinto's website at

Alternatively, hard copies are available at a cost of $10 (including postage and packaging) or a CD version (free of charge) by contacting Rio Tinto at:

Rio Tinto
Level 22, Central Park
152-158 St Georges Terrace
Telephone: (08) 9327 2000

Copies of the PER will also be available for examination at the following locations:

Environmental Protection Authority Library/Reading Room
Level 4, The Atrium
168 St Georges Terrace

Department of Environmental Regulation - Pilbara Region Office
Lot 3 Anderson Road, Karratha Industrial Estate

Local Authority Public Libraries

The EPA prefers submissions to be made online. Click below to go to the online survey to make your submission.

Alternatively, submissions can also be:

  • posted to the Chairman, Environmental Protection Authority, Locked Bag 10, EAST PERTH WA 6892, Attention: Helen Lafuente; or
  • delivered to the Environmental Protection Authority, Level 4, The Atrium,
    168 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Attention: Helen Lafuente.

If you have any questions on how to make a submission, please ring the EPA assessment officer, Helen Lafuente, on (08) 6145 0851. 

Why your views matter

A Public Environmental Review (PER) has been prepared by the Company in accordance with Western Australian Government procedures and is released for public review. The PER describes the proposal, examines the likely environmental effects and the proposed environmental management procedures associated with the proposal.


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  • Public Environmental Review