Thunderbird Mineral Sands Project

Closed 6 Dec 2015

Opened 30 Nov 2015


Sheffield Resources Limited is seeking approval to develop the Thunderbird Mineral Sands Project located on the Dampier Peninsula, approximately 75 kilometres southwest of Derby, Western Australia. The proposal is for a mineral sands operation with an estimated 40 year life of mine. Mineral product will be mined from the Thunderbird Deposit and processed onsite before being transported by road to the Derby Wharf for storage and subsequent export

What happens next

Following the seven day public comment period and consideration of any comments received, the EPA will decide whether or not this proposal requires environmental impact assessment and, if so, what level of assessment will be applied.

The Chairman's decisions on level of assessment are released each Monday on the EPA's website.


  • All of Western Australia


  • Public


  • Seven-day comment on referrals