717 results
Sand and Limestone Extraction, Lots 1498 and 1504 Finn Road, Myalup
Ietto Farms proposes to extract sand and limestone from Lots 1498 and 1504 Finn Road, Myalup in the Shire of Harvey. The original extractive industry licence for this proposal expired in July 2014. The proposal would extract sand and limestone from the site, to facilitate road construction projects throughout the southwest of Western Australia. The proposal is located adjacent to Lake Preston, a conservation category wetland and RAMSAR listed wetland. The proposal would... MoreOpened 16 August 2021 -
Ocean Hill 3D Seismic Survey
Ocean Hill Pty Ltd propose to undertake a three-dimensional (3D) seismic acquisition survey within petroleum exploration permits EP495, EP454 and EP320 in the Midwest region of Western Australia. The proposal comprises a disturbance footprint of 801.91 hectares (ha) within a development envelope of 28,203.54 ha. A total of 113.52 ha of native vegetation would require clearing within the disturbance footprint. Following completion of proposed activities, seismic access tracks would be... MoreOpened 13 August 2021 -
Valhalla Gas Exploration and Appraisal Program – Environmental Scoping Document
Bennett Resources is proposing to undertake an unconventional exploration drilling and hydraulic fracture stimulation program within Petroleum Exploration Permit EP 371 in the Canning basin, within the Shire of Derby-west Kimberley. On the 8 February 2021 the EPA decided to assess as Public Environmental Review (8 week public review) with a EPA prepared Environmental Scoping Document (4 week public review). The draft Environmental Scoping Document has been released for... MoreOpened 4 August 2021 -
Part Lot 402 Yangebup Road Yangebup - School Expansion (Re-advertised)
The proponent is proposing to develop the remainder of Part Lot 420, Yangebup Road, Yangebup for educational purposes; the site contains an existing school and church. The development envelope for the proposal is 2.63 hectares (ha) and contains 2.07 ha of native vegetation. This vegetation is proposed to be cleared for the proposal which includes buildings, an access road, carpark and recreation areas. The referral was initially advertised on 5 July 2021. It is being readvertised as... MoreOpened 23 July 2021 -
Yardie Creek Road Realignment Project
The proposal is to realign a 2 - 3 kilometre (km) section of Yardie Creek Road, Shire of Exmouth. The realignment will be about 1 km south of the existing road and to the south of the Vlamingh Head Lighthouse and Ningaloo Lighthouse Holiday Park. A new southern access road to Vlamingh Head Lighthouse is also proposed. The resulting road will be a 9 m pavement with associated drains, culverts and safety barriers where required. The alignment and design of the road is yet to be finalised... MoreOpened 19 July 2021 -
Banksia Road Landfill, Dardanup. Construction and Operation of Landfill Cells 9, 10 and 12A
The Banksia Road Landfill is located in the Shire of Dardanup approximately 10 kilometres (km) from the City of Bunbury and 3.8 km south-east of the town of Dardanup. The Landfill is currently operating under a Licence issued through Part V of the Environmental Protection Act (Licence - L8904/2015/1) which allows for the acceptance of Liquid Waste; and Class II and Class III putrescible waste. The proposal would be a continuation of the current operations and including the... MoreOpened 12 July 2021 -
Part Lot 402 Yangebup Road Yangebup - School Expansion
The proponent is proposing to develop the remainder of Part Lot 420, Yangebup Road, Yangebup for educational purposes; the site contains an existing school and church. The development envelope for the proposal is 2.63 hectares (ha) and contains 2.07 ha of native vegetation. This vegetation is proposed to be cleared for the proposal which includes buildings, an access road, carpark and recreation areas. MoreOpened 5 July 2021 -
West Musgrave Copper and Nickel Project - Additional Information
OZ Minerals Musgrave Operations Pty Ltd propose to develop the West Musgrave Copper and Nickel Project, located in the West Musgrave Ranges of Western Australia, approximately 1,300 km north-east of Perth near to the intersection of the borders between Western Australia, South Australia and the Northern Territory. The nearest towns include the Indigenous Communities of Jameson (Mantamaru) 26 km north, Blackstone (Papulankutja) 50 km east, and Warburton (Milyirrtjarra) 110 km west of the... MoreOpened 28 June 2021 -
Port Hedland Power Station Expansion
Alinta Energy (subsidiary of Alinta DEWAP Pty Ltd) currently owns and operates the existing Port Hedland Power Station (PHPS) located within the Boodarie Strategic Industrial Area approximately 12 km south of the Port Hedland town centre and approximately 5 km west of South Hedland. The Proposal utilises new technologies providing more energy efficient and reliable power to customers in the Port Hedland area. This will include the installation of a 60 Megawatts (MW) natural gas fuelled... MoreOpened 25 June 2021 -
Irwin Hills Nickel Project Grade Control Drilling
Minara Resources Pty Ltd (Minara) propose to undertake a program of grade control drilling across the southern portion of the Irwin Hills Project, located approximately 85 kilometres (km) south-east of Laverton and approximately 120 km south-east of the existing Murrin Murrin Nickel Cobalt Project, Western Australia. The proposal would consist of clearing 312 hectares (ha) of native vegetation and utilise 29 ha of existing disturbance within a proposed 935 ha development envelope. ... MoreOpened 18 June 2021 -
Northern Goldfields Interconnect Pipeline - Additional Information
APA Northern Goldfields Interconnect Pty Ltd is proposing to construct a new buried pipeline, approximately 580 kilometres long commencing at Ambania, approximately 50 kilometres east of Geraldton, connecting into the existing Goldfields Gas Pipeline (GGP) approximately 40 kilometre south of Leinster. The project will initially include compression at the inlet at Ambania, with associated aboveground facilities located along the route of the pipeline. Additional information... MoreOpened 14 June 2021 -
Lynas Kalgoorlie Rare Earths Processing Facility - Public Environmental Review
Lynas Kalgoorlie Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lynas Rare Earths Limited, proposes to develop a new Rare Earths Processing Facility at 70 Johns Road, Yilkari, near the town of Kalgoorlie, and an associated permanent off site By product Storage Facility on Common Reserve 8767, Yarri Road, Parkeston, in the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder. The proposed facility will process rare earth concentrate produced at the Mt Weld Mine near Laverton to produce a rare earth carbonate for export. ... MoreOpened 9 June 2021 -
West Erregulla Processing Plant and Pipeline
AGI Operations Pty Limited propose to construct and operate a gas processing plant and pipeline associated with the development of the West Erregulla gas field, located approximately 230 kilometres (km) north-east of Perth, and 50 km south-east of Dongara, Western Australia. The processing plant will process gas produced from third party owned upstream wells. The processed gas will then be transported via a new interconnecting pipeline to the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline... MoreOpened 4 June 2021 -
Draft Technical Guidance - Subterranean Fauna Survey for Environmental Impact Assessment
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) is revising its Technical Guidance on surveys for the EPA Factor Subterranean Fauna for environmental impact assessments in Western Australia. Consolidation and revision of the EPA’s guidance is required to align survey effort, methods, and analysis with contemporary practices in WA, to outline the EPA’s expectations for EIA survey and to provide clarity for industry and consultants. Key... MoreOpened 3 June 2021 -
Ningaloo Lighthouse Resort Project
Z1Z Resorts Pty Ltd proposes to redevelop the Ningaloo Lighthouse Holiday Park, located along Yardie Creek Road, North West Cape. The proposed redevelopment requires the clearing of up to 4.52 ha of native vegetation within freehold land, and within the National Heritage listed Ningaloo Coast. The proposal may have direct impacts on flora and vegetation, terrestrial fauna and groundwater; and indirect impacts on subterranean fauna, threatened marine turtle... MoreOpened 31 May 2021 -
Recycling Centre Balcatta Redevelopment
The City of Stirling proposes to redevelop its existing Recycling Centre Balcatta to establish an update Community Recycling Centre (CRC) and Waste Transfer Station (WTS) Facility located at 238 Balcatta Road, Balcatta, Western Australia. The site is located within an industrial and business area and under the City’s Local Planning Scheme No. 3 has been designated as a ‘Special Control Area’ zoned as ‘Industry’. The CRC will encourage the reuse and recovery of materials and... MoreOpened 28 May 2021 -
Single Jetty Deep Water Port & Renewable Hub
Gascoyne Gateway Ltd proposes to construct and operate a multi-use single jetty and associated shore-based activities approximately 10 kilometres south of Exmouth on the western and eastern sides of Minilya-Exmouth Road. The development envelope is approximately 3.8 km 2 in size and includes a single access jetty, onshore strategic port land, renewables precinct, desalination infrastructure and fuel storage. MoreOpened 28 May 2021 -
Parker Range (Mt Caudan) Iron Ore Haul Road Proposal
In order to support the continued growth and optimisation of Mineral Resources Limited (MRL) Yilgarn Operations, the Parker Range Iron Ore Project (PRIOP) is now proposed to be developed as a satellite operation to the Yilgarn Iron Pty Ltd Koolyanobbing Project (Koolyanobbing Operations). The Proposal has been referred as a Revised Proposal for the Parker Range (Mount Caudan) Iron Ore Proposal, which is approved under Ministerial Statement 892. The Proposal intends to develop a new... MoreOpened 27 May 2021 -
Recommencement of Operations at Norseman Gold Project
Pantoro South Pty Ltd propose to recommence operations of the Norseman Gold Project located adjacent to the town of Norseman, 200 kilometres (km) south of Kalgoorlie. The proposal involves extensions to existing mines and excavation of new open pits, associated mine dewatering, onsite ore processing and waste (tailings and waste rock) disposal and the construction of additional supporting infrastructure. The total disturbance footprint of the proposal is 590 hectares (ha), comprising... MoreOpened 21 May 2021 -
Byford Rail Extension - Public Environmental Review
The Public Transport Authority (PTA) proposes to construct and operate 8 km of new railway (including dual tracks and associated rail infrastructure), between Armadale and Byford. The proposal includes modification to the existing Armadale Station and construction and operation of a new station at Byford. The proposal includes the replacement of level crossings with grade separated crossings, either road over rail or rail over road, and includes duplication of the rail bridge over... MoreOpened 3 May 2021 -
Munglinup Graphite Project - Additional Information
The Munglinup Graphite Project is located in the South Coast region of Western Australia, approximately 105km west of Esperance, 85km east of Ravensthorpe and 4km north on Munglinup. The Proponent, MRC Graphite Pty Ltd, proposes to extract graphite from up to six open pits. The proposal will also include a processing plant, tailings storage facility, waste rock landforms, and associated infrastructure. The proposal would include a total disturbance of 350 hectares. ... MoreOpened 12 April 2021 -
Subdivision of Lot 902 Flynn Drive Neerabup
Lot 902 Flynn Drive Neerabup is 22.03 hectares (ha) hectares (ha) in size, and is proposed to be subdivided into two lots; one conservation lots of 8.01 ha and a balance 14.02 ha lot for future industrial development with clearing and earthworks. The proposal is within Bush Forever Site 295, and fully vegetated. MoreOpened 12 April 2021 -
Ammonia Plant, Murujuga (Burrup Peninsula), Renewable Hydrogen Project - Additional Information
Yara Pilbara Fertilisers Pty Ltd propose to modify the existing Pilbara Fertiliser project to include the development of a pilot Renewable Hydrogen Plant and associated infrastructure. The proposal is located approximately 11 km north-west of Karratha in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The proposal is adjacent to the National Heritage listed area and the Murujuga National Park. The proposal would include a total disturbance of 24.78... MoreOpened 12 April 2021 -
WA Offshore Windfarm Project
WA Offshore Windfarm Pty Ltd is proposing the construction, operation and decommissioning of the Western Australian Offshore Windfarm project. The project will be located approximately 5.5 km off the coast between Preston Beach and Myalup and will have a generation capacity of up to 300 MW. The Project will comprise up to 37 offshore wind turbine generators (WTGs) with supporting offshore and onshore electrical assets to transfer energy generated by the windfarm to the existing... MoreOpened 9 April 2021 -
Limestone Quarry, Lot 4 Binningup Road, Binningup
GM Giacci Family Trust propose to extract limestone from Lot 4 Binningup Road, Binningup, in the Shire of Harvey. The limestone would be extracted in seven stages and would involve crushing and screening on site. The proposal would include 26 hectares of disturbance on previously cleared farmland. MoreOpened 9 April 2021 -
West Angelas Revised Proposal
Robe River Mining Co. Pty Ltd. (the proponent) propose to develop new above and below water table iron ore mine pits and associated infrastructure to sustain existing West Angelas operations. The proposal is located approximately 130 kilometres northwest of Newman in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The proposal will involve clearing of an additional 7,200 hectares (ha) of native vegetation (in addition to the 12,205 ha currently authorised under Ministerial Statement 1113)... MoreOpened 1 April 2021 -
Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project
VRX Silica Ltd propose to develop a silica sand mine in the Geraldton Sandplain bioregion of Western Australia, approximately 270 km north of Perth. The proposal would include a total disturbance of 412.2 hectares of native vegetation and will involve sequential mining of sand 8 – 15 metres below the soil surface. Vegetation and topsoil will be relocated to rehabilitation areas using the Vegetation Direct Transfer method. Mining will be undertaken in sections by removing blocks... MoreOpened 1 April 2021 -
Wuudagu Bauxite Project – Environmental Scoping Document
VBX Limited propose to develop a bauxite mine located approximately 15 km west of the town of Kalumburu in the Kimberley. The proposal involves the mining of bauxite in the Kimberley and the use of a conveyor to transport processed ore to a barge-loading facility in Napier Broome Sound, and then trans-shipping of ore. MoreOpened 1 April 2021 -
Tonkin Highway Grade Separated Interchanges (Hale Road and Welshpool Road) (Updated)
The Commissioner of Main Roads Western Australia (Main Roads) is proposing to widen Tonkin Highway from south of Roe Highway to approximately one kilometre north of Kelvin Road to a six-lane dual carriageway. The proposal includes construction of a half diamond interchange with north facing ramps at the Hale Road intersection in Forrestfield, and a grade-separated interchange at the intersection of Tonkin Highway and Welshpool Road in Wattle Grove. The proposal includes construction of... MoreOpened 30 March 2021 -
Onslow Seawater Desalination Plant
The Water Corporation propose to construct a seawater desalination plant to supply potable water to the town of Onslow, WA. Seawater intake and brine wastewater release will occur in Beadon Bay, approximately 1 km seaward from the shoreline. The desalination processing facility is to be located at Lot 551, 552 and/or 553 Beadon Creek Road, Onslow. The proposal will involve the installation of permanent subtidal infrastructure in Beadon Bay (intake head, brine diffusers and... MoreOpened 29 March 2021
717 results.
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