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717 results

  • Subdivision at Goodwood Estate, Lot 9002 (formerly Lot 871) Prowse Road, Capel

    Meynell Pty Ltd intends to subdivide Lot 9002 Prowse Road, Capel to create 58 lots for residential development, associated access roads, a reserve for recreation and drainage and a ‘balance’ lot for future consideration. The proponent has modified its referral since it was advertised for seven day comment in March 2020. The proposal area is 15.5 hectares (ha) of which approximately: 5.8 ha is proposed for residential development 3.88 ha is... More
    Opened 31 August 2020
  • Huon Aquaculture Yellowtail Kingfish Aquaculture Development, Mid West Aquaculture Development Zone (MWADZ). Derived Proposal

    The proposal has been referred by Huon Aquaculture Company Pty Ltd (the proponent). The proposal is for aquaculture production in sea cages, of marine finfish that occur naturally within the West Coast region of Western Australia. The proposal is located in the northern section of the Mid West Aquacultre Development Zone, with a maximum standing biomass of 17,600 tonnes. The proponent is seeking this proposal to be considered a derived proposal of the Mid West Aquaculture... More
    Opened 14 August 2020
  • Turkey Point Access Bridge

    The Proposal is to develop a new bridge with a single lane dual carriage road and dual use path over the Preston River, to Turkey Point, Bunbury, Western Australia. The Proposal requires a disturbance footprint of 9.59 ha within the overall Proposal Development Envelope (DE) of 11.34 ha. Subtropical Temperate Coastal Saltmarsh Threatened Ecological Community (VT03 and VT04) is present within the Proposal DE and will require clearing of approximately 1.36 ha. 1.22 ha has been... More
    Opened 13 August 2020
  • EP371 Laurel Gas Exploration and Appraisal Program

    Bennett Resources is proposing to undertake an unconventional exploration drilling and hydraulic fracture stimulation program within Petroleum Exploration Permit EP 371 (EP 371) within the Shire of Derby, West Kimberley. The proposal area is located approximately 123 kilometres south east of the town of Derby. The proposal comprises the construction of up to six wells in a region of the Canning Basin that has been previously surveyed and explored for petroleum purposes. The... More
    Opened 7 August 2020
  • Ammonia Plant, Murujuga (Burrup Peninsula), Renewable Hydrogen Project

    Yara Pilbara Fertilisers Pty Ltd propose to modify the existing Pilbara Fertiliser project to include the development of a Renewable Hydrogen Plant and associated infrastructure. The proposal is located approximately 11 km north-west of Karratha in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The proposal is adjacent to the National Heritage listed area and the Murujuga National Park. The proposal would include a total disturbance of 24.78 hectares. The proposal will result in... More
    Opened 7 August 2020
  • Extractive Industry - Lot 226 Paterson Road, Nambeelup

    King Street Trust is applying for Planning Consent and an Extractive Industries Licence for sand extraction on Lot 226, Paterson Road, Nambeelup, for a period of 10 years. Lot 226 Paterson Road is approximately 155 hectares (ha) in size. The proposal will require a total of 24.5 ha of proposed disturbance (excavation) including 12.7 ha of native vegetation clearing. The depth of excavation will be between 1 to 5 metres below natural land surface, with the rate of excavation... More
    Opened 29 July 2020
  • Malaga to Ellenbrook Rail Works - Public Environmental Review

    The Public Transport Authority proposes to construct and operate a new 13 kilometre dual railway track between Malaga and Ellenbrook. The proposed Malaga to Ellenbrook Rail Works connects with the Bayswater to Malaga Rail Works. The proposal includes three new stations at Malaga, Whiteman Park and Ellenbrook. A potential future station is included at Bennett Springs East. The proposal will impact areas of Banksia dominated woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain Priority Ecological... More
    Opened 27 July 2020
  • Shark Bay Resources Maintenance Dredging

    The proponent, Shark Bay Resources Pty Ltd, operates two solar salt fields and an associated port facility at Useless Loop in the Shark Bay area of Western Australia. The site is located approximately 25 kilometres west southwest of Denham. The proponent is proposing to undertake maintenance and capital dredging of up to 100,000 cubic metres from the berth pocket and entrance channel of the port to restore navigable depths. The berth pocket dredge area... More
    Opened 15 July 2020
  • Kimberley Marine Offloading Facility

    Kimberley Marine Support Base Pty Ltd (KMSB) are proposing to develop the Kimberley Marine Offloading Facility at the Port of Broome, approximately 200 metres south of the existing Broome Wharf. The proposal includes construction and operation of a deep-water floating wharf, along with associated onshore hardstand and terminal facilities suitable for container and general cargo stevedoring for coastal trading vessels, berthing and mooring for Cruise vessels and Roll on/Roll off... More
    Opened 9 July 2020
  • Great Southern Landfill at Allawuna Farm, Great Southern Highway, St Ronans (formally known as Great Southern Landfill at Allawuna Farm Lots 4869, 5931, 9926 and 26934 Great Southern Highway, St Ronans) - Public Environmental Review

    The proposal is for the construction and operation of a landfill and associated infrastructure for receiving Class II or III waste of 150,000 to 250,000 tonnes per annum. The Landfill is located approximately 80 kilometres east of Perth in the Shire of York. More
    Opened 6 July 2020
  • West Bay Barge Landing Maintenance Dredging

    The West Bay Barge Landing has been in operation since 1944 and is located approximately 7 km east of the Mungalalu Truscott Airbase, in the Kimberley Region. The site is approximately 520 km west southwest of Darwin and 617 km northeast of Broome and is located on the Anjo Peninsula on the northern tip of Western Australia. The proponent, Mungalalu Truscott Airbase Pty Ltd, is proposing to dredge 22,000m 3 of the barge landing to restore safe navigable... More
    Opened 1 July 2020
  • Urban Development of Lots 11 and 74 Beenyup Road, Banjup

    Aigle Royal propose to develop Lots 11 and 74 Beenyup Road, Banjup for residential development and conservation. The site adjoins Jandakot Regional Park. 10.25 hectares of the site is proposed for residential development and a wetland buffer. 23 hectares is proposed to be managed for conservation. More
    Opened 29 June 2020
  • Mardie Project - Public Environmental Review

    Mardie Minerals proposes to develop the Mardie project located approximately 80 km south west of Karratha. The proposal is a greenfields salt and sulphate of potash (SoP) project and associated export facility. The proposal includes seawater intakes, evaporation ponds, bitterns disposal pipeline, rock causeway and trestle jetty export facility, and desalination plant. Associated infrastructure includes borrow pits, pipelines, offices, workshops and accommodation. More
    Opened 29 June 2020
  • Yalyalup Mineral Sands Project - Public Environmental Review

    Doral Mineral Sands Pty Ltd is proposing to develop and operate a mineral sands deposit approximately 11 kilometres southeast of Busselton. The proposal includes the development of mine pits and associated infrastructure, wet concentration processing plant, solar evaporation ponds, groundwater abstraction and water management infrastructure and process water pond. The proposal would include a total disturbance of 453.34 hectares within a development envelope of 924.8 hectares. The majority... More
    Opened 22 June 2020
  • Pinjarra Alumina Refinery Revised Proposal

    Alcoa of Australia Limited is proposing to increase production at the Pinjarra Alumina Refinery (the refinery) and increase the rate of bauxite mining at the existing Huntly Mine within Mineral Lease 1SA (ML1SA) to supply 2.5 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) bauxite, for export to third party customers. The Proposal comprises the following components: an increase in alumina production at the refinery by 5 percent, from 5.0 Mtpa to 5.25 Mtpa; A transition... More
    Opened 17 June 2020
  • Bellevue Gold Project - Underground Dewatering

    The proposal is for the dewatering of up to 1 gigalitre per annum from the existing underground component of the Bellevue Gold Mine, to allow safe access for exploration drilling. This will occur on mining leases M36/24 and M36/25, 40km NW of Leinster. More
    Opened 4 June 2020
  • Lots 802 and part 803 Erindale Road, Hamersley

    Digital 4 Pty Ltd proposes to develop Lot 802 Erindale Road Hamersley for urban development. Clearing of native vegetation will also occur within the western portion of Lot 803 to establish an Asset Protection Zone to meet requirements for bushfire management. The urban development will include residential development, internal public road network, public open space, a conservation area, drainage swales/basins and sewer easements. The development envelope for the proposal is 13.55... More
    Opened 3 June 2020
  • Pilbara Energy Generation Power Station

    PEG proposes to construct and operate 14 new gas-fired reciprocating engines with a combined maximum installed capacity of 165 MW. It is expected the average annual throughput of the facility will be approximately 150 MW. The 165 MW power station is expected to result in 609,696 tCO2-e. The proposed PEG power station is located next to the existing Solomon power station and replaces the need for 221 MW power at Iron Bridge, which would have resulted in 1,196,423... More
    Opened 3 June 2020
  • Albany Ring Road Project Stage 2A and 3b

    MRWA is proposing to construct and operate Stage 2 (the Southern Link) and 3b (part of the Western Link) portion of the Albany Ring Road Proposal (ARR). The proposal includes construction and operation of seven kilometres of new road which will connect the intersection of South Coastal Highway and Link Road to the Port of Albany around the City of Albany. Stage 2 of the ARR is the southern link of the ring road located between the Lower Denmark Road George Street Intersection and Frenchman... More
    Opened 2 June 2020
  • Miralga Creek DSO Project - Matters of National Environmental Significance

    Atlas Iron Pty. Ltd (the proponent) propose to develop the Miralga Creek DSO Project (the proposal), an iron ore project located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The proposal includes the development of five open pits using conventional drill and blast, load and haul methods. 8 million tonnes of iron ore will be mined above the watertable over an approximate timeframe of four to five years. Associated infrastructure will include waste rock dumps. Existing borefield and... More
    Opened 28 May 2020
  • Great Northern Highway/ Apple Street/ Coondaree Parade Intersection Upgrade

    The proponent, Main Roads WA, is proposing to upgrade the Great Northern Highway (GNH)/ Apple treet/ Coondaree Parade intersection (the Intersection) (the Proposal).    The proposed upgrades to the Intersection, will be developed within an 18 ha Development Envelope and includes:  construction of a 4-legged roundabout at the the Intersection;  widening of the GNH carriageway between 14.4–15.2 SLK to a dual lane on both the... More
    Opened 25 May 2020
  • Great Northern Highway Muchea to Wubin Upgrade – Stage 2 - Bindoon Bypass - Public Environmental Review

    Main Roads Western Australia (the proponent) proposes to construct and operate a new section of the Great Northern Highway(GNH), the Bindoon Bypass. This will be a new 48 kilometre (km) section of the GNH within the Shires of Chittering and Gingin. The new section of road will bypass the town of Bindoon and consist of a combination of four-lane dual carriageway, four-lane single carriageway and two-lane single carriageway as well as a bridge over the Brockman River. The Bindoon Bypass will... More
    Opened 25 May 2020
  • Raven 2D Seismic Acquisition Survey

    Energy Resources Limited proposes to undertake a 2D onshore seismic acquisition survey to map the subsurface geology of the area, within petroleum exploration permit 423 in the Shire of Dandaragan. The proposal comprises a total of 125 line kilometres of 2D seismic lines within an area of about 122.6 km2. The proposal will require temporary disturbance of up to 40 hectares of native vegetation to create access lanes for the vibroseis trucks and light vehicles. The proposal is to be... More
    Opened 20 May 2020
  • Greater Paraburdoo Iron Ore Hub Proposal - Public Environmental Review

    Hamersley Iron Pty Limited (the proponent) operates the existing Paraburdoo and Eastern Range iron ore mines which are located approximately 6 kilometres south of the town of Paraburdoo in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia. The proponent proposes to sustain production by expanding these existing operations and also developing a new deposit at Western Range. The proposal would require an additional 4,300 hectares of clearing of native vegetation, with some below water... More
    Opened 13 May 2020
  • Warrawoona Gold Project - Matters of National Environmental Significance

    The Warrawoona Gold Project is located approximately 20km south of Marble Bar, will abstract ore from an open pit and underground mine at the Klondyke deposit as well as a cutback of the existing Copenhagen pit. Ore will be processes at around 2Mtpa at Klondyke. The project will produce gold bar and gold concentrate and is expected to operate for approximately six years. The proposal would include a total disturbance of 398 hectares. *Please note when making your submissions... More
    Opened 12 May 2020
  • Continuation of Non-Lethal Trial of SMART Drumline for an Additional 12 Months

    The purpose of the proposal aims to continue to catch, tag, relocate and release white sharks to better understand their movements following release. A range of tiger sharks and mako sharks will also be satellite and acoustic tagged as part of this proposal. This proposal is for the continuation of the SMART (Shark Management Alert in Real Time) drumline trial for an additional 12 months (until May 2021). The trial extension will provide additional data to assist in determining the... More
    Opened 30 April 2020
  • Underwater Training Range

    The Commonwealth Department of Defence proposes to establish two underwater training ranges (UTR) to facilitate ongoing training of Defence personnel in underwater demolition operations. The key activity during training is the detonation of small volumes (up to 5 kilograms) of explosives. The location of the two proposed UTRs are in Western Australian State waters, currently used as military training exercise areas. One proposed UTR is adjacent to Campbell Barracks,... More
    Opened 24 April 2020
  • Waitsia Gas Project: Stage 2 - Additional Information

    AWE Perth Pty Ltd is proposing to construct and operate a 250 terajoules per day Gas Plant and related infrastructure approximately 16 km east-south-east of the Dongara-Port Denison townsites. The proposal will produce gas from the Waitsia gas field using conventional methods, hydraulic fracturing (fracking) will not be undertaken as part of this proposal. The proposal would require the clearing of 17 hectares of native vegetation within a 345 hectare development envelope. ... More
    Opened 23 April 2020
  • Miralga Creek DSO Project

    Atlas Iron Pty. Ltd (the proponent) propose to develop the Miralga Creek DSO Project (the proposal), an iron ore project located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The proposal includes the development of five open pits using conventional drill and blast, load and haul methods. 8 million tonnes of iron ore will be mined above the watertable over an approximate timeframe of four to five years. Associated infrastructure will include waste rock dumps. Existing... More
    Opened 20 April 2020
  • Woodie Continued Operations Project

    Consolidated Minerals Pty Ltd the proponent) propose to develop the Woodie Continued Operations Project. The proposal is an expansion of the existing Woodie Woodie Mine operations (Pilbara Manganese Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Consolidated Minerals Pty Ltd) which is not subject to a Ministerial Statement issued under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act). The proposal is located approximately 100 km east of Marble Bar and Nullagine and 400 km south east of Port... More
    Opened 20 April 2020
717 results. Page 9 of 24