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725 results

  • West Angelas - Revised Proposal (Deposit A west and Deposit F)

    Robe River Mining Co. Pty Ltd proposes to revise the West Angelas Iron Ore Mine to include mining above and below the water table of Deposit A west and Deposit F, as satellite deposits to the existing operation. The project is located 130 kilometres northwest of Newman in the Pilbara. The proposal includes additional clearing up to 3,223 hectares (ha), an extension of the development envelope of up to 2,750 ha and an increase in abstraction of groundwater of up to 1 Gigalitre per... More
    Closed 27 March 2015
  • Inert Waste Facility (Construction and Demolition) - Shire of Kalamunda

    Talis Consultants Pty Ltd has submitted a referral on behalf of the proponent, DC Recycling Pty Ltd, for the construction of an Inert Recycling Facility (Phase 2) Located on lots 1, 20 and 21 Berkshire Road, Forrestfield, Shire of Kalamunda. The facility proposes to reprocess construction and demolition waste and generate a range of recycled building products including, sand, roadbases and aggregates. More
    Closed 10 March 2015
  • Dirk Hartog Island Short Stay Units - Lot 304 Sunday Island Bay - Shire of Shark Bay

    The Shire of Shark Bay has referred a development application to the EPA for a decision on whether or not to assess the proposal and, if so, the level of assessment. The application, from Hypermarket Pty Ltd, is for the development of 7 individual acommodation units, on an 11 ha property, located at Lot 304, Sunday Island Bay, Dirk Hartog Island. More
    Closed 3 March 2015
  • Proposed Regional Waste Disposal Facility Lot 23 (3118) Wandering Narrogin Road Shire of Cuballing

    The Wagin Voluntary Group of Councils (WVGC) proposes a regional refuse site (landfill) for municipal solid waste located on Lot 23 Wandering-Narrogin Road, Shire of Cuballing. An area comprising approximately 65 hectares is proposed to be excised from the southern portion of Lot 23 to accommodate the proposed new regional ‘Waste Disposal Facility’, access to which will be facilitated via Nebrikinning Road along the land’s southern boundary. Two (2) cells are proposed to accommodate... More
    Closed 25 February 2015
  • North Dandalup Hides Facility - Shire of Murray

    Bayley Enviornmental Sevices has referred a proposal, on behalf of a third party, regarding the proposal by Goldmark Leather Pty Ltd for a animal hide processing facility (fellmongery) at Lot 1675 South Western Highway, North Dandalup. The North Dandalup Hides Facility (NDHF) will accept up to 5,000 cow hides per week, generating 35,000 L of process waste water. More
    Closed 19 February 2015
  • Tantabiddi Boat Ramp Sand Bypassing (Shire of Exmouth)

    The Shire of Exmouth has referred an application to the EPA for a decision on whether or not to assess the proposal and, if so, the level of assessment. The application is to restore the navigable depths around the Tantabiddi Boat Ramp by removing approximately 3,500 cubic meters of sand from within the area. More
    Closed 10 February 2015
  • Pivot Hill Mining proposal 29311 (Revised) to recommence quarrying approximately 20km south-east of Wyndham, Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley

    JAB Industries proposes to recommence small scale quarry mining on the southern side of Pivot Hill, located within Parry Lagoon Nature Reserve, Kimberley region. The quarry will supply crushed rock for local construction use. The proposed extent of ground disturbance is 6.85 hectares. More
    Closed 3 February 2015
  • Free Range Poultry Farm Lot M877 Gingin Brook Road, Neergabby Shire of Gingin

    The Shire of Gingin has referred a development application to the EPA for a decision on whether or not to assess the proposal and, if so, the level of assessment. The application, from Longarrow Pty Limited proposes to construct 10 free range poultry sheds to house 50,000 chickens in a 15 hectare fenced paddock as Stage 1 of a 2 stage project intended to ultimately house 100,000 chickens across 20 sheds. Lot M877 is 153.17 hectares and contains conservation category wetlands including one... More
    Closed 30 January 2015
  • Marandoo Iron Ore Project Revised Proposal 37km East of Tom Price Shire of Ashburton

    Hamersley Iron Pty Limited proposes to revise the Marandoo project located approximately 37 kilometres east of Tom Price. The proposal involves additional clearing of 400 hectares and the amalgamation of the three existing Ministerial Statements 286, 598 and 833. More
    Closed 25 January 2015
  • Replacement of old Mandurah Traffic Bridge

    The EPA has received a referral of a proposal from the proponent, Main Roads Western Australia, to replace the existing Mandurah Traffic Bridge which spans the Mandurah Channel at the northern end of the Peel Harvey Estuary System. The existing timber bridge has reached the end of its functional life and would be demolished once the proposed new bridge was close to completion. The proposed new bridge would be situated to the north of the existing bridge and be constructed of concrete. It... More
    Closed 14 January 2015
  • Exploration drilling on E70/2227 Feral Prospect, Perenjori Hills

    Hermitage Holdings Pty Ltd is proposing to undertake exploration drilling for magnetite ore on banded iron formation (BIF) landforms of the Perenjori Hills. Hard copies of the PER may be purchased for $10 (including postage and packing) or a CD version is available free of charge from: Hermitage Holdings Pty Ltd 9 Marie Way, KALAMUNDA WA 6076 Phone: 9293 3285. Copies of the PER may also be downloaded from: ... More
    Closed 12 January 2015
  • Sand Mining 253 Yangedi Road Hopelands Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale

    SAGH Pty Ltd proposes to undertake sand extraction operations at 253 Yangedi Road, Hopelands. The proposal involves the disturbance of 18 ha which will support the mining of sand for 2-3 years, with a total extraction volume of up to 765 000 tonnes. More
    Closed 2 January 2015
  • Request to declare a derived proposal for construction of the Whitby Wastewater Pressure Main, Soldier Road, Mundijong - Derived Proposal - Statement 845

    The EPA has received a referral of a proposal from Gold Fusion Pty Ltd and a request that the proposal be declared a derived proposal identified in Ministerial Statement 845 for the construction of 3.9 kilometre wastewater pressure main. The pressure main would be constructed within the western portion of the Soldier Road road reserve, Mundijong. Having received this referral and request, the EPA is required to consider whether to declare the referred proposal to be a derived proposal... More
    Closed 2 January 2015
  • Balla Balla Infrastructure Rail and Conveyor Project, Pilbara

    Forge Resources Swan Pty Ltd proposes to construct and operate a railway line (approximately 160 kilometres (km) in length) and conveyor line (approximately 40 km in length), running from the Pilbara Iron Ore Project (operated by Flinders Mines Ltd) north to the Balla Balla Infrastructure Port. More
    Closed 28 December 2014
  • Extension Mining Project 70 km north of Newman Shire of East Pilbara

    Australian Aboriginal Mining Corporation proposes to mine iron ore from the superficial Channel Iron Deposit above the water table in the Pilbara region. The Proposal will result in the production of approximately 2-4 Mtpa of iron ore. More
    Closed 22 December 2014
  • Mulga Rock Uranium Project – Environmental Scoping Document

    Energy and Minerals Australia Ltd (EMA) is proposing to develop the Mulga Rock Uranium Project. It will consist of a number of shallow open cut mines, containing commercial grades of uranium as well as other base metals, and the associated infrastructure required to produce and export up to 1,360 tonnes (3 million pounds) of uranium concentrate annually. An Environmental Scoping Document has been prepared in accordance with Western Australian Government procedures and is released for... More
    Closed 22 December 2014
  • Construction of Revetment Wall at Point Busaco, Bunbury

    The Southern Ports Authority proposes to construct a 230m rock revetment wall and undertake sand renourishment along eastern Koombana Beach, Bunbury. The revetment wall will provide erosion protection to the Ports Lease Area, while sand renourishment will reduce the erosion threat to the foreshore infrastructure located to the west. More
    Closed 17 December 2014
  • Torosa Subsea Development 425 km North of Broome Shire of Broome

    Woodside Energy Ltd proposal forms part of the larger Browse Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG) Development, which proposes to recover the hydrocarbon resources from three reservoirs: Brecknock, Calliance and Torosa, using up to three FLNG facilities to be located in Commonwealth waters. More
    Closed 16 December 2014
  • Draft Environmental Assessment Guideline for Protecting the Quality of Western Australia’s Marine Environment

    Environmental Assessment Guidelines (EAG) are developed by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) to provide advice to the general community, proponents, consultants and other stakeholders about procedures, methodologies and the minimum requirements for environmental impact assessment. This EAG for Protecting the Quality of Western Australia’s Marine Environment sets out an environmental quality management framework that the EPA expects to be applied through environmental impact... More
    Closed 15 December 2014
  • Balannup Wastewater Pressure Main, City of Armadale

    The Water Corporation proposes the construction and operation of the Balannup Pressure Main, a 4.5 km wastewater pressure main from the Collared Street Pump Station to the Waterworks Road Pump Station in Armadale. More
    Closed 9 December 2014
  • Onslow Waste Transfer Station approximately 5km south-west of Onslow

    The Shire of Ashburton is proposing to construct and operate a Waste Transfer Station approximately 5 km south-west of the Onslow townsite. The extent of proposed ground disturbance is 2.2 hectares. The Waste Transfer Station will provide temporary storage for putrescible waste, green waste, waste concrete, mixed soils and sand, tyres and mixed building rubble. More
    Closed 9 December 2014
  • Granite Quarry, Lot 501 Coalfields Road, Wellington, Shire of Harvey

    A third party has referred B&J Catalano's proposal for a hard rock quarry (Basalt) on Lot 501 Coalfields Rd, Wellington. The EPA has sought information from the proponent about its proposal to inform its decision whether to assess the proposal, and if so, the level of assessment. The proposal is for the extraction of 50,000 to 100.000 tonnes per year of basalt. Rock will be extracted by drill and blast and with an excavator and will then be crushed on site for road transport. More
    Closed 8 December 2014
  • Forrestfield-Airport Link

    The Public Transport Authority of Western Australia proposes the Forrestfield-Airport Link, a 9km extension of the Perth rail network from Bayswater to Forrestfield. More
    Closed 3 December 2014
  • KCGM Hidden Secret Project

    Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines (KCGM) has referred its proposal for mining of the Hidden Secret underground gold mine from the Mt Charlotte underground mine. Mining will be between 215 and 440 metres below ground surface and will not require any clearing. More
    Closed 2 December 2014
  • Installation of a pipeline between Eaton Monash to Bunbury Gravity Sewer

    The Water Corporation has referred a portion of the Eaton to Bunbury Gravity Sewer Project. The section of the pipe alignment referred passes through the corner of a Swan Coastal Plain Lakes EPP – listed lake Eeddles Gully. More
    Closed 1 December 2014
  • Yeelirrie Uranium Project

    Cameco Australia Ltd proposes to mine and process up to 7,500 tonnes per annum of uranium oxide concentrate at Yeelirrie, in the Northern Goldfields region of Western Australia, approximately 420 km north of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, 65 km west of Mount Keith and 70 km south of Wiluna. More
    Closed 30 November 2014
  • Clearing of 10.99 hectares of native vegetation for the purpose of limestone extraction, west of Hopkins Road and Hakea Road intersection, Nowergup City of Wanneroo

    Limestone Building Blocks Company Pty Ltd has applied to clear 10.99 hectares of native vegetation within a total of 11 hectares. The purpose of the application is for limestone extraction. Location is 15 km south-east of Yanchep, within the Shire of Wanneroo. More
    Closed 20 November 2014
  • Public Environmental Review - Yoongarillup Mineral Sands Project

    Doral Mineral Sands is proposing to develop a mineral sands mine at Yoongarillup, 17 km southeast of Busselton and 250 km south of Perth. The proposal involves conventional open cut, dry mining of mineral sands and processing of material mined through a primary concentration plant to produce a heavy mineral concentrate (HMC). The HMC will be transported for further processing at Doral’s existing processing plant at Picton to produce ilmenite, zircon and rutile. Hard copies of the PER may... More
    Closed 17 November 2014
  • Barrow Island Marine Fibre Optic Cable Installation

    Telstra Corporation Limited proposes to install a submarine fibre optic cable connecting Onslow, the Barrow Island Jetty, Gnoorea Point and the Wheatstone Gas Platform. The total cable length is approximately 492 km, of which 270 km is within State waters and 222 km is within Commonwealth waters. The referral to the EPA is for that part of the proposal within the State’s jurisdiction. For the terrestrial landing points at Onslow and Gnoorea Point, the proponent is pursuing a permit under... More
    Closed 13 November 2014
  • West Erregulla-2 Exploration Well

    Warrego Energy Pty Ltd plans to drill West Erregulla-2 an exploratory oil and gas well, in exploration permit EP 469 within the Perth Basin, approximately 50 km southeast of Dongara and 300 km north of Perth. More
    Closed 10 November 2014
725 results. Page 19 of 25