719 results
Increase in Injection and Abstraction Limits at Cloudbreak Mine
Fortescue Metals Group Limited proposes to increase the volume of groundwater abstraction and injection limits at the existing Cloudbreak Mine to 150 gigalitres per annum. MoreOpened 17 April 2014 -
Ravensthorpe Heavy Haulage Route, Shire of Ravensthorpe
The Main Roads Western Australia is proposing to construct a heavy haulage route which will bypass the township of Ravensthorpe to the north. The project also includes the realignement of the Hopetoun Road intersection with the South Coast Highway. MoreOpened 11 April 2014 -
Onslow Water Infrastructure Upgrade Project, Shire of Ashburton
In September 2011 Chevron Australia Propriety Limited (CAPL) and the Department of State Development (DSD) executed an agreement (Ashburton North State Development Agreement (Wheatstone Project) (SDA)) that required CAPL, to develop and execute a project that increased potable water supply to Onslow by 2 ML/day. This project is referred to as the Onslow Water Infrastructure Upgrade Project. After completion of the works the assets will be handed-over to the Water Corporation for ongoing... MoreOpened 11 April 2014 -
Western Australian Shark Hazard Mitigation Drum Line Program 2014-2017
The proposal involves the setting of up to 72 baited drum lines off metropolitan and south west coastal regions of Western Australia for a period of three years, beginning on 15 November 2014 and ending on 30 April 2017, after which the program will be subject to review. Drum lines will be set at approximately 1km offshore of popular beaches and surfing spots within two Marine Monitored Areas (MMAs) – the Metropolitan MMA (Ocean Reef to Port Beach) and the South West MMA (Quindalup to... MoreOpened 9 April 2014 -
EPA website survey and review
The EPA invites your feedback to continue to improve its website and make it easy for you to find the information you need. This survey is being undertaken by the Office of the Environmental Protection Authority. The identities of individual respondents and their answers will be treated as confidential and will be used only for the purpose of gathering feedback on our website and planning improvements to our online presence. MoreOpened 1 April 2014 -
Claremont North East Precinct, Town of Claremont
The Claremont North East Precinct, located immediately north of the Perth to Fremantle Railway and encompassing the existing Claremont Oval, is proposed to be redeveloped for residential and commercial purposes. MoreOpened 27 March 2014 -
McKinley Road Neerabup Sand Extraction, City of Wanneroo
Rocla Quarry Products is seeking approval to establish a sand quarry within the McKinley Road Neerabup Project Area (tenement M70/1316). MoreOpened 27 March 2014 -
Extension to the Wiluna Uranium Project
Toro Energy Limited proposes the Extension to the Wiluna Uranium Project, that involves the mining of uranium at two locations south of the town of Wiluna, Shire of Wiluna. The locations are known as Millipede (approximately 30 kilometres south of Wiluna) and Lake Maitland (approximately 105 kilimetres south-east of Wiluna). Following this seven day public comment period and consideration of any comments received, the EPA will decide whether or not this proposal requires environmental... MoreOpened 25 March 2014 -
Ellenbrook Water Supply Tanks Geotechnical Survey
The Water Corporation proposes to undertake a geotechnical investigation to provide information on the foundation and land capability for the development of a new water supply reservoir to be located in Ellenbrook, approximately 20 kilometres north-east of Perth. MoreOpened 21 March 2014 -
Native Vegetation Clearing Within Lot 1 on Plan 15482, Coonabidgee Road, Shire of Gingin
The Department of Environment Regulation has referred a clearing application to the EPA for a decision on wheather or not to assess the proposal and, if so, the level of assessment. The application, from Mr M and Mrs M Guthrie, is to clear approximately 20 hectares of native vegetation for the purpose of pasture. MoreOpened 12 March 2014 -
Brockman Syncline 4 Iron Ore Project - Revised Proposal
Hamersley Iron Pty Limited have submitted a revised proposal for Brockman IV. This proposal provides for the expansion of the existing mine including additional clearing and the release of excess water, as well as some other minor changes. MoreOpened 11 March 2014 -
Rocklea Early Tonnes Iron Ore Project
Dragon Energy Limited proposes to develop a 2 mtpa open pit mining operation to recover about 6 Mt of iron ore recource restricted to above water table and with mine life of 3-4 years. The project is located 34 kilometres south-west of Tom Price, Shire of Ashburton. MoreOpened 10 March 2014 -
Clearing of Native Vegetation Within Various Road Reserves and Other Shire Reserves, Shire of Capel
The Department of Environment Regulation has referred a clearing application to the EPA for a decision on whether or not to assess the proposal and, if so, the level of assessment. The application, from the Shire of Capel, is to clear up to 75 native trees within road reserves and other Shire reserves vested with the Shire (over a 5 year period), for the purpose of hazard reduction, where individual trees have been assessed (by the Shire) to be hazardous. The proposed clearing of... MoreOpened 25 February 2014 -
Public Environmental Review - Duchess Paradise Project
Rey Resources Limited is proposing to develop the Duchess Paradise Project within the Canning Basin in the West Kimberley region, Western Australia, consisting of: A low-impact slot-highwall mine and underground mine, a coal handling and preparation plant, support infrastructure and a 30 km access road to the Great Northern Highway. The mine and infrastructure would be located on a pastoral station which has been operating for over 100-years; and Transportation of coal... MoreOpened 24 February 2014 -
Clearing of 9.26 Hectares of Native Vegetation within Lot 1792 on Plan 3315, Southern River, City of Gosnells
Mr Craig Turnbull intends to clear 9.26 hectares of native vegetation within Lot 1792 on Plan 3315, Southern River in the City of Gosnells, for the purpose of bulk earthworks for a future residential development. MoreOpened 13 February 2014 -
Shark Drum Line Deployment, Management and Associated Services
The proposal by the Department of Premier and Cabinet involves shark drum line deployment, management and associated services until 30 April 2014. The referral document, other relevant information and maps of the relevant areas are provided below. MoreOpened 12 February 2014 -
Hazelmere Wood Waste to Energy Plant
Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council proposes to develop the existing Hazelmere Recycling Centre by installing a 3 MW Waste Wood to Energy Plant located on Part Lot 100 and Lot 201 Lakes Road, Hazelmere in the City of Swan, MoreOpened 7 February 2014 -
Fortescue River Gas Pipeline
The proposal by DDG FR Pty Ltd involves the construction of an approximately 266 km long buried natural gas pipeline, connecting the Fortescue Metals Group's Solomon Mine to the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline west of the North West Coastal Highway in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. MoreOpened 24 January 2014 -
Sand Extraction within M70/1088 and M70/1142, Lot 467 Jandakot Road, Banjup
Rocla Pty Limited proposes sand extraction within Mining leases M70/1088 and M70/1142, Lot 467 Jandakot Road, Banjup in the City of Cockburn. The project would involve excavating approximately in two stages over an anticipated mine life of three years. MoreOpened 22 January 2014 -
Clearing of 1.193 hectares of native vegetation within Lot 5607 on Deposited Plan 208673 Pinjar
Western Power proposes to clear 1.193 ha native vegetation within Lot 5607 on Deposited Plan 208673, Pinjar for the purpose of maintaining the building protection zone. MoreOpened 21 January 2014 -
Marda Gold Mine
Southern Cross Goldfields Ltd proposes to develop an open pit mining operation and gold processing plant approximately 150kms north of Southern Cross in WA's Yilgarn Mineral Province in Shire of Yilgarn. MoreOpened 13 January 2014 -
Public Environmental Review - Boonanarring Mineral Sands Mine
Image Resources is proposing to develop a mineral sands mine at Boonanarring, north of Gingin. The proposal involves conventional open cut dry mining of mineral sands and processing of material mined through primary and secondary concentration plants to produce a heavy mineral concentrate and potential further treatment of this concentrate through a relocatable dry mill to produce ilmenite, rutile, zircon and leucoxene final products. Modification of the intersection of Brand Highway and... MoreOpened 8 January 2014 -
Jackson 4 Iron Ore Mine and Haul Road
Polaris Metals Pty Ltd proposes Jackson 4 Iron Ore Mine and Haul Road. The proposal is to construct and operate an iron ore mine, haul road and mine infrastructure in the eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia, 50 kilometres north of Koolyanobbing. MoreOpened 7 January 2014 -
Cockburn Central West Wetland Concept Plan
LandCorp proposes to redevelop and rehabilitate a wetland in accordance with the CCW Wetland Concept Plan. MoreOpened 2 January 2014 -
Development on Lot 616, Lot 1221 and Port Drive Road Reserve, within Port of Broome
Broome Port Authority is proposing to clear approximately 24.55 hectares of native vegetation within Lots 616, 1221 and Port Drive Road Reserve in order to establish a washdawn facility, supply bases to support exploration of the Browse Basin and ancillary small businesses. The proposed development is located within the Port of Broome industrial precinct. MoreOpened 2 January 2014 -
Clearing of 0.09 hectares of native vegetation within Lot 5607 on Deposited Plan 208673, Pinjar, City of Swan
The Department of Water intends to clear 0.09 hectares of native vegetation within Lot 5607 on Deposited Plan 208673, Pinjar, for the purpose of drilling groundwater monitoring bores. MoreOpened 31 December 2013 -
Outbuilding Construction and Associated Hardstand, Lot 1792 Holmes Street, Southern River, City of Gosnells
The City of Gosnells seeks approval for demolition of existing outbuilding and construction of a new outbuilding and associated hardstand at Lot 1792 Holmes Street in Southern River, City of Gosnells. MoreOpened 10 December 2013 -
Clearing of approximately 0.77 hectares of native vegetation within Lot 94 on Plan 91775, Wonnerup, City of Busselton
The City of Busselton proposes clearing of 0.77 hectares of native vegetation within Lot 94 on Plan 91775, Wonnerup, for the purpose of repositioning the Wonnerup Estuary ocean inlet. MoreOpened 9 December 2013 -
Public Environmental Review - Keane Road Strategic Link, Forrestdale
Keane Road is an existing dedicated road reserve located approximately 20 km southeast of Perth and approximately 7 km northwest of Armadale Strategic Regional Centre. The dedicated road reserve for Keane Road connecting the rapidly urbanising areas of Harrisdale, Piara Waters and Forrestdale is made up of three distinct portions: two parts are constructed or are in construction under current approvals and the third central portion, which is subject to the PER is currently unconstructed.... MoreOpened 9 December 2013 -
Laurel Formation Tight Gas Pilot Exploration Program, Shire of Broome and Shire of Derby-West Kimberley
Buru Energy Limited proposes to undertake tight gas stimulation using hydraulic fracturing of four existing exploration wells (2 in the Yulleroo region and 2 in the Valhalla-Asgard region) in the Canning Basin area of Western Australia. MoreOpened 4 December 2013
719 results.
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