717 results
Theia-3H exploration well stimulation program
Theia Energy No.1 Pty Ltd (the Proponent) proposes to drill two exploration wells (one vertical and one horizontal) and undertake hydraulic fracture stimulation of the horizontal well within Petroleum Exploration Permit EP493 located in the Canning Basin, 155km South-east of Broome. The Proposal involves an extension of the existing well site and camp site, drilling of two exploration wells (Theia-2V and Theia-3H), hydraulic fracture stimulation (HFS) and flow-test of Theia-3H. ... MoreClosed 25 January 2022 -
Port Beach Sand Nourishment via Dredging
The City of Fremantle and Fremantle Ports propose to undertake up to 150,000 cubic metres of maintenance and capital dredging from a portion of Fremantle Ports deep water entrance channel and nourish Port Beach with the dredged material. The proposal footprint is 60.27 hectares, located 1.6 kilometres from the Cottesloe Reef Fish Habitat Protection Area. The proposal could impact on the environmental factors of benthic communities and habitats, marine environmental quality,... MoreClosed 23 January 2022 -
Sino Iron Mine Continuation
The Proposal is located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. CITIC Pacific Mining Pty Ltd on behalf of Sino Iron Pty Ltd and Korean Steel Pty Ltd is proposing to increase the rate of groundwater abstraction from the mine pits and discharge to the lower Fortescue River and estuary from 12 to 21 GLpa, which is an increase of 9 GLpa. The proposal is located within an area of existing pastoral, mining, and recreational use. The maximum rate of discharge will remain the same... MoreClosed 20 January 2022 -
Mulga Downs Iron Ore Mine
The Proposal is located 210 km south of Port Hedland and 180 km north west of Newman in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The proposal is located within a 40,653 ha Development Envelope and will require clearing of no more than 9,628 ha of native vegetation. The proposal includes, but is not limited to, the following: - The development of a series of above and below water table mine pits; - Ore processing facility; - Groundwater abstraction for water supply (for... MoreClosed 20 January 2022 -
APCr Immobilisation Plant and Interim Disposal Solution
The Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council is proposing to construct and operate an immobilisation plant, to immobilise Class V Air Pollution Control Residue (APCr) generated from offsite Waste to Energy Plants. The immobilisation plant is proposed to be constructed at the Red Hill Waste Management Facility, located within the City of Swan. The immobilisation plant will treat APCr to meet Class IV standards suitable for disposal into the existing Class IV Stage 2 landfill waste disposal... MoreClosed 17 January 2022 -
Lucky Bay Garnet Mine
Australian Garnet Pty Ltd is seeking to develop a greenfields mineral sands mine located 35 kilometres south of Kalbarri, in the Mid-West region of Western Australia, within the Shire of Northampton. The proposal would include the progressive development of above-groundwater mine pits, and associated processing facilities and infrastructure. The proposal would require the clearing of up 161 hectares of native vegetation and mined sections would be progressively backfilled and... MoreClosed 17 January 2022 -
Woodside Solar Facility
Woodside Energy Ltd (Woodside) proposes to construct and operate the Woodside Solar Facility in the Maitland Strategic Industrial Area, located approximately 15 kilometres south-west of Karratha, in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The proposal will generate electricity (up to 500 megawatts) from a large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) farm and includes energy storage (battery) infrastructure. The Proposal is only for the infrastructure associated with the generation and... MoreClosed 16 January 2022 -
Sanjiv Ridge Project - Stage 2 - Matters of National Environmental Significance
The information for Matters of National Environmental Significance: and Additional Referral Information Documentation for the above proposal is now available for public review. The public review period for this document is four weeks, commencing on 14 December 2021 and ending on 11 January 2022. Please note, as the public review period will fall over the Christmas period, an additional 2 weeks was added to the public review period. The additional information provides... MoreClosed 11 January 2022 -
Havieron Underground Mine Project
The Havieron Underground Mine Project (the Project) is a greenfield gold-copper deposit operated located in the East Pilbara Shire of Western Australia, and is approximately 45 kilometres (km) east of Newcrest’s Telfer Gold Mine and 450 km east south east from the town of Port Hedland. The Project involves the development and operation of an underground mine with transport of ore to Telfer Gold Mine for processing. The underground mine and associated infrastructure includes;... MoreClosed 22 December 2021 -
Eneabba Rare Earth Refinery Project
The Proposal will involve the construction and operation of a new rare earth refinery at Iluka Eneabba Mine Site, located 5 km south of Eneabba townsite and approximately 300 km north of Perth. It will produce approximately 17,500 tpa of individual rare earth oxides and carbonates. The Proposal will utilise the existing Eneabba monazite concentrate, future Iluka feedstocks and third party feedstocks. Products will be transported via road trains from Eneabba to the port of Fremantle for... MoreClosed 16 December 2021 -
Single Jetty Deep Water Port & Renewable Hub
Gascoyne Gateway Ltd proposes to construct and operate a multi-use single jetty and associated shore-based activities approximately 10 kilometres south of Exmouth on the western and eastern sides of Minilya-Exmouth Road. The development envelope is approximately 3.8 km 2 in size and includes a single access jetty, onshore strategic port land, renewables precinct, desalination infrastructure and fuel storage. MoreClosed 13 December 2021 -
Brine Pipeline and Outfall - Additional Information
Harvey Water propose to construct and operate a pipeline and ocean outfall to dispose brine wastewater from customers located within the Kemerton Strategic Industrial Area (KSIA), Western Australia. The pipeline will be approximately 11 km in length and located between the KSIA and the Indian Ocean south of Binningup in the Shire of Harvey. The proposal would require the clearing of up to 0.27 ha of native vegetation during construction, within a Development Envelope of 17.16 ha... MoreClosed 13 December 2021 -
Ashburton Infrastructure Project
The Proposal is located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia within a development envelope of 20,821 ha and clearing no more than 1,564 ha. Onslow Iron Pty Ltd (herein MRL a wholly owned subsidiary of Mineral Resources Limited) is proposing to develop: • A fully sealed private haul road, approximately 125km in length • Gas pipeline and ancillary haul road infrastructure. • Storage and bulk handling of ore at the Port of Ashburton. • Dredging a dedicated... MoreClosed 9 December 2021 -
Broome Boating Facility
The Department of Transport is proposing to construct a safe and accessible boating facility at the existing boat ramp site at Entrance Point, Broome. The proposal is located within the existing Port of Broome port limits, approximately 350 metres south-west of the previously assessed Kimberley Marine Offloading Facility. The proposal includes construction of a boat ramp, two finger jetties, two groynes, an offshore breakwater and associated terrestrial public amenity... MoreClosed 1 December 2021 -
Subdivision (Amalgamation) of Lots 802, 804 and 4640 Mandurah Road, East Rockingham
TRECAP Pty Ltd proposes to amalgamate, clear and provide servicing of Lots 802, 804 and 4640 on Mandurah Road, East Rockingham to facilitate future industrial development, forming 4.0157 hectares (ha) in area. These lots are adjacent to the proponent’s Lot 850 (31.0840 ha) which is already used for industrial purposes. The site is within the Rockingham Industrial Zone strategic proposal area. The proponent has requested the EPA declare the proposal to be ‘derived proposal’; a... MoreClosed 28 November 2021 -
Kemerton Strategic Industrial Area (KSIA)
DevelopmentWA is seeking to develop the Kemerton Strategic Industrial Area (KSIA) for the purpose of industrial and infrastructure development as a strategic proposal. The KSIA is located within the Shire of Harvey, 17 kilometres north of Bunbury. The KSIA key characteristics are: Development of the Kemerton Strategic industry Zone (Industry Core) which is approximately 2,024 hectares (ha). There is an approximate 50-year time period for development. Ultimate land use... MoreClosed 9 November 2021 -
Earl Grey Lithium Project (Revised Proposal)
Covalent Lithium Pty Ltd propose to make changes to their existing approved lithium mine. Changes include the construction and operation of a solar plant to provide renewable energy, changes to the tailings disposal method from a dry to a wet tailings, co-disposal of inert refinery waste generated from the Kwinana Lithium Refinery and modification of existing flora and vegetation and fauna exclusion areas. The revised proposal would include the additional disturbance of 56... MoreClosed 18 October 2021 -
Sediment removal in the Lower Vasse River
The City of Busselton propose to remove a layer of nutrient-rich, fine organic sediments which have accumulated throughout the lower reach of the Vasse River. The proposal is located within the City of Busselton and extends for 2.5 km from the Butter Factory Museum to the Busselton Bypass. Sediment removal will be staged and undertaken via a mobile micro-dredge, or similar unit. The dredged sediment will be pumped to a designated onshore laydown area(s), allowed to dewater with the... MoreClosed 17 October 2021 -
Gnarabup Tourism Development – Resort and Beach Village
Saracen Properties Pty Ltd (representing 5 Star Margaret River Pty Ltd and The Beach Village Pty Ltd) proposes to develop various lots along Wallcliffe Road Gnarabup for a 121 room five star resort, and beach village comprising of short-stay accommodation, residential dwellings and commercial premises. The proposal development envelope is 8.11 hectares. The proposal is located on the western side of Wallcliffe Road, Gnarabup Beach. Following the... MoreClosed 11 October 2021 -
Atlas Project
Image Resources NL is seeking to develop a greenfields mineral sands project, located at Nambung, approximately 18 km east of Cervantes in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia (WA). The proposal includes the progressive development of mine pits, processing facilities, groundwater bores and water management infrastructure, temporary waste dumps, solar drying ponds and associated infrastructure (power supply, communications, workshop, laydown, offices etc.). Two alternative mining methods... MoreClosed 10 October 2021 -
Swan River Crossings (re-advertisement)
Main Roads Western Australia (Main Roads) is proposing to build the Swan River Crossings (the Proposal). The proposal was originally referred to the EPA on 31 August 2020. Since then, Main Roads has undertaken further investigations and decided on a final alignment for the bridges. The EPA acknowledges the importance the local community places on the Lower Swan Canning Estuary. The information from Main Roads further investigations is presented here for the public to provide... MoreClosed 5 October 2021 -
Sanjiv Ridge Project - Stage 2
Atlas Iron Pty Ltd is proposing to develop and operate Stage 2 of the Sanjiv Ridge Project, a satellite operation to Stage 1, which will involve the above water table mining of approximately 10 million tonnes (Mt) of iron ore from the Glen Herring deposit which is located on an adjacent range 3 km west of Stage 1 and approximately 241 km south-east of Port Hedland in the Shire of East Pilbara. The proposal will consist of three new pits, four waste rock dumps and a 4 km haul... MoreClosed 4 October 2021 -
Trials of Pyrolysis of Municipal Solid Wastes and Forestry Wastes in a Pre-commercial Demonstration Plant
Renergi Pty Ltd propose to build and operate a trial pyrolysis plant in the Shire of Collie. The rial will run for up to 2 years. The proposal involves the treatment of municipal waste and forestry waste via pyrolysis to produce a biochar, condensed bio-oil and wood vinegar. The trial plant is small scale and will be constructed within the boundary of the Collie waste facility operated by the Shire of Collie. MoreClosed 29 September 2021 -
Natta 3D Seismic Survey
Strike West Pty Ltd propose to undertake a three-dimensional (3D) seismic acquisition survey within permits EP368, EP426, EP469, EP320 and L22; and acquisition of 2D seismic data along a single east-west seismic line within EP320 to tie into the existing Munganooka well. The proposal is located within the Shires of Three Springs, Irwin and Mingenew in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia. The proposal comprises a disturbance footprint of 919.11 linear kilometres within a... MoreClosed 9 September 2021 -
West Erregulla Field Development Program
Strike West Pty Ltd propose to extract gas from the West Erregulla gas field by constructing and operating a gathering system to connect its gas field and convey the extracted gas to an upstream separating facility. The proposal will supply gas to a third party operated gas processing facility, subject to separate approvals. The proposal is located within the Shires of Three Springs and Mingenew in the Midwest region of Western Australia, approximately 50 kilometres (km) south-east of... MoreClosed 7 September 2021 -
Hope Downs 2
Hamersley HMS Pty Limited (the proponent) proposes to develop two new above water table (AWT) iron ore mine pits at the Hope Downs 2 proposal, located approximately 80 km north-west of the township of Newman in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia. The proposal includes a conceptual footprint of approximately 4,700 hectares (ha) to support the development, operation and closure of two new AWT iron ore deposits within a proposed Development Envelope of approximately 14,085... MoreClosed 7 September 2021 -
New Morning Nickel Project
The proposal is to develop an additional small satellite nickel deposit at New Morning. The project is located within the Shire of Kondinin, approximately 80 kilometres east of Hyden. The proposal includes development of the New Morning deposit, waste dump, ROM pad, transport and infrastructure corridors. The proposal would require a maximum clearing extent of 29 hectares of native vegetation within a 64.5-hectare development envelope. The proposed life of mine is 2- 3... MoreClosed 5 September 2021 -
Valhalla Gas Exploration and Appraisal Program – Environmental Scoping Document
Bennett Resources is proposing to undertake an unconventional exploration drilling and hydraulic fracture stimulation program within Petroleum Exploration Permit EP 371 in the Canning basin, within the Shire of Derby-west Kimberley. On the 8 February 2021 the EPA decided to assess as Public Environmental Review (8 week public review) with a EPA prepared Environmental Scoping Document (4 week public review). The draft Environmental Scoping Document has been released for... MoreClosed 1 September 2021 -
Sandy Ridge Facility – Alignment of Gate Waste Acceptance Tonnage
Tellus Holdings Ltd are proposing to increase the tonnage of waste accepted at the Sandy Ridge Facility from the current approved (Ministerial Statement 1078) 100,000 tonnes per annum to up to 280,000 tonnes per annum for permanent isolation in the Site’s waste disposal cells. The Proposal will occur within the existing and approved development envelope as outlined in Ministerial Statement 1078 MoreClosed 23 August 2021 -
Australian Underwater Discovery Centre
Busselton Jetty Incorporated is proposing to construct and operate an underwater observatory, the Australian Underwater Discovery Centre (AUDC) at the existing Busselton Jetty, Busselton, south-west Australia. The proposal includes the towing of the pre-fabricated AUDC by vessel approximately 100 nautical miles, underwater debris removal, piling activities, installation of the AUDC and installation of a pre-fabricated modular building on the jetty. Piling works associated with... MoreClosed 22 August 2021
717 results.
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