712 results
Change of land use, purpose and condition of land within the Gnangara, Pinjar and Yanchep pine plantations (Gnangara-Moore River State Forest, State Forest 65)
The referred proposal is for a change in the use, purpose and condition of land within the Gnangara, Pinjar and Yanchep pine plantations from commercial pine plantation managed for the purpose of timber production to a combination of new uses, purposes and conditions other than pine plantations. The change in the use, purpose and condition of land occurs through the progressive harvesting of pine without replacement and post-harvesting land management. The change in the use, purpose... MoreClosed 19 December 2022 -
Perth Surf Park
PSP Properties Pty Ltd propose to develop and operate a surf park at Lots 800 and Lot 9001 Prinsep Road, and Lot 801 Knock Way, Jandakot (City of Cockburn). The proposal includes development of an open water surfing lagoon, accommodation, food and beverage venues, function centre and events space, skating facilities, and health and wellness facilities. The proposal site is 5.78 hectares (ha) and is bound by industrial use areas to the north and south, the Kwinana Freeway to the west... MoreClosed 4 December 2022 -
Burrup Common User Transmission Infrastructure
Horizon Power is proposing to construct common user transmission infrastructure to enable the supply of grid electricity to the Burrup Strategic Industrial Area (SIA). The Proposal includes construction of an approximately 7 km long, 132 kV overhead transmission line between the Dampier substation and the Burrup SIA, clearing of unsealed access tracks along the transmission line route, an extension of the existing Dampier substation (inclusive of 132 kV switchgear, fencing and ancillary... MoreClosed 30 November 2022 -
Garden Street Extension, Southern River
The City of Gosnells (the Proponent) proposes to extend Garden Street between Harpenden Street and Holmes Street in Southern River, which will involve the construction of an 840 m section of a dual carriageway (two lanes each direction). The Proposal is located predominantly within the suburb of Southern River, approximately 17 km south-east of Perth Central Business District (CBD) and intersects within Bush forever site 125 (Holmes Street Bushland). The construction and... MoreClosed 27 November 2022 -
Limestone Quarry, Lot 4 Binningup Road, Binningup - Additional Information
GM Giacci Family Trust is proposing to extract limestone from Lot 4 Binningup Road, Binningup in the Shire of Harvey. The limestone is proposed to be extracted in seven stages and crushed and screened on site within a 2-5 year period. The proposal includes 26 hectares of disturbance on previously cleared farmland. GM Giacci Family Trust has prepared additional environmental review documentation in accordance with EPA procedures for public review. The... MoreClosed 13 November 2022 -
Tonkin Highway grade Separated Interchanges (Hale Road and Welshpool Road) - Additional Information
Main Roads Western Australia (Main Roads) is proposing to upgrade Tonkin Highway from south of Roe Highway to approximately 1 km north of Kelvin Road to a six-lane dual carriageway. The Proposal will include construction of a half diamond with north facing ramps at the Hale Road intersection in Forrestfield and a grade separated interchange at the intersection of Tonkin Highway and Welshpool Road in Wattle Grove. An Environmental Review Document (ERD) has been prepared by Main... MoreClosed 13 November 2022 -
Heated Overland Thermal Treatment Pad (‘Hottpad’) System at the Karratha Liquid Waste Treatment Plant and Waste Transfer Station
The proposal is for the installation and operation of a Heated Overland Thermal Treatment (‘Hottpad’) system at t he Karratha liquid waste treatment plant and waste transfer station located approximately 6 kilometres south-west of Karratha. The Hottpad is intended to treat hydrocarbon-impacted ‘sludge’ from oil and gas operations in the region, that are currently transported interstate for thermal treatment. The proposal has a ... MoreClosed 7 November 2022 -
Fimiston Gold Mine Operations Extension (Stage 3) and Mine Closure Planning: Revised Proposal - Fimiston South Project
Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines is seeking to expand the Fimiston Gold mine operations (Fimiston), l ocated 600 kilometres East of Perth, and adjacent to the C ity of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Western Australia. The proposal is a significant amendment to the current Fimiston Gold Mine Operations Extension (Stage 2) and Mine Closure Planning, approved under Ministerial Statement 782, operated by Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines (KCGM). ... MoreClosed 30 October 2022 -
Alkimos Seawater Desalination Plant - Public Environmental Review
The Water Corporation is proposing to construct and operate the Alkimos Seawater Desalination Plant, a 100 gigalitre per annum seawater desalination plant and a 6 gigalitre per annum groundwater treatment plant, at the Alkimos water precinct. The project includes a 33.5 kilometre pipeline from the Alkimos site to the Wanneroo Reservoir. Water Corporation has prepared an Environmental Review Document (ERD) in accordance with Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)... MoreClosed 25 October 2022 -
Dampier Seawater Desalination Plant (DSDP)
The proponent (Hamersley Iron Pty Limited) proposes to build and develop a desalination plant at Parker Point, Dampier, located approximately 2.5km north-east of the Dampier township. This Proposal will establish a reliable potable water supply for the Proponent’s Dampier port operation (including Parker Point and East Intercourse Island), Dampier town and connection into Water Corporation’s West Pilbara Water Supply Scheme (WPWSS).... MoreClosed 23 October 2022 -
Optimised Mardie Project - Additional Information
Mardie Minerals Pty Ltd is seeking to optimise the Mardie Project which was approved under MS1175. The Mardie Project is a high-volume solar salt and Sulphate of Potash project at Mardie, approximately 80 km south-west of Karratha, in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The Optimised Proposal is for a ‘significant change’ to the Original Proposal approved under MS 1175. The EPA has set level of assessment at Assess on referral information with additional... MoreClosed 4 October 2022 -
Rafael Seismic Survey
Buru Energy Ltd propose to undertake a 2D an d 3D geological survey at one site (Rafael patch) in the west Kimberley district, approximately 80 kilometres south of Derby. The proposal would include total disturbance of up to 438 hectares by raised blade clearing of 1147 km of seismic lines and construction of a temporary workers camp within an existing cleared well site. MoreClosed 3 October 2022 -
Gnarabup Tourism Development – Resort and Beach Village – Environmental Scoping Document
Saracen Properties Pty Ltd (representing 5 Star Margaret River Pty Ltd and The Beach Village Pty Ltd) proposes to develop various lots along Wallcliffe Road, Gnarabup for a resort and beach village. An Environmental Scoping Document (ESD) has been prepared by Emerge Associates in accordance with Environmental Protection Authority procedures and is released for public review. The ESD sets out the preliminary key environmental factors and environmental... MoreClosed 28 September 2022 -
Kemerton Strategic Industrial Area – Environmental Scoping Document
The public are invited to comment on the draft Terms of Reference ( ToR ) required by the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water under the Environment Protection Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 ( EPBC Act), and the draft Environmental Scoping Document (ESD) required by the Western Australia Environmental Protection Authority for the Kemerton Strategic Industrial Area ( KSIA ) Strategic Assessment/Strategic Proposal, for a... MoreClosed 27 September 2022 -
Draft revised Environmental Factor Guideline - Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The EPA is reviewing its Environmental Factor Guideline – Greenhouse Gas Emissions (EFG GHG). The purpose of the EFG GHG is to communicate how GHG emissions are considered by the EPA in the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process. Since the guideline was first published in April 2020 , greenhouse gas emissions from nine significant proposals have been assessed and conditions recommended that require proponents to achieve net zero by... MoreClosed 21 September 2022 -
Mt Weld Rare Earths Project – Life of Mine Proposal
Mt Weld Mining Pty Ltd proposes to expand the Mt Weld Mine, which includes the construction and operation of a rare earths mine and processing plant , to its life of mine extent. The expansion proposes to increase the d evelopment e nvelope fro m the currently approved 505 h ectares (ha) to 2,802 ha, to allow for expansion of infrastructure and activities , including: a staged transition from diesel fuelled... MoreClosed 11 September 2022 -
Manuwarra Red Dog Highway - Revised Proposal - Additional Information
Main Roads Western Australia is proposing to construct and maintain Stage 4 of the Manuwarra Red Dog Highway ( MRDH ) between Karratha and Tom Price, from Wallyinya Pool (on the existing Roebourne – Wittenoom Road) to the Nanutarra – Munjina Road, adjacent to the existing Pilbara Rail Company railway. An Environmental Review Document ( ERD ) has been prepared by Main Roads Western Australia in accordance with Environmental Protection... MoreClosed 5 September 2022 -
Worsley Mine Expansion – Revised Proposal - Public Environmental Review
The EPA made this environmental review document available for public review from 20 June 2022 to 15 August 2022. The EPA has determined that this environmental review document should be made available for an additional 2 weeks commencing 16 August 2022. The closing date for submissions is 29 August 2022. If you have already made a submission before 15 August 2022 you do not need to do so again. Duplicates will not be considered. South32... MoreClosed 29 August 2022 -
McPhee Creek Iron Ore Project - Public Environmental Review
Atlas Iron Pty Ltd (Atlas Iron) is proposing to develop a greenfield iron ore mine at McPhee Creek, located approximately 30 km north of Nullagine townsite on Mining Lease 45/1243 in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The McPhee Creek Iron Ore Project (the Proposal) involves the above and below water table mining of up to 14 Mt of iron ore from five open cut pits. The Proposal includes the development of mine pits and associated infrastructure. ... MoreClosed 22 August 2022 -
Parker Range Mount Caudan Iron Ore Haul Road Proposal - Additional Information
Polaris Metals Pty Ltd is proposing to develop a 52-kilometre (km) bitumen sealed haul road running south-north to transport iron ore from its mine, 15km south-east of Marvel Loch to its satellite Koolyanobbing operations. An Environmental Review Document ( ERD ) has been prepared by Polaris Metals Pty Ltd in accordance with Environmental Protection Authority procedures and is released for public review. The ERD ... MoreClosed 21 August 2022 -
North Star Magnetite Project Extension
FMG Iron Bridge (Aust) Pty Ltd proposes to extend existing operations at its North Star Magnetite Project , which is subject to Ministerial Statement 993 issued under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 . T he proposal is located approximately 110km southeast of Port Hedland in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The proposed extension includes increasing the Mining Development Envelope... MoreClosed 18 August 2022 -
Worsley Mine Expansion – Revised Proposal - Public Environmental Review
The EPA has determined that this environmental review document should be made available for an additional 2 weeks commencing 16 August 2022. The closing date for submissions is 29 August 2022. If you have already made a submission to this current consultation you do not need to do so again. Duplicates will not be considered. South32 Worsley Alumina Pty Ltd is proposing to continue operations and expand the existing mining area; develop a bauxite transport corridor at the... MoreClosed 15 August 2022 -
Ashburton Infrastructure Project - Additional Information
Onslow Iron Pty ltd ( a wholly owned subsidiary of Mineral Resources Limited ) is proposing to develop a fully sealed private haul road, approximately 125 km in length, starting from about 45 km southwest of Pannawonica to access the Port of Ashburton. Within t he Port, landside and marine facilities will be developed to support export of up to 40 million tonnes of ore per annum (Mtpa) over a minimum 30-year period . The EPA has set level of assessment at Assess... MoreClosed 8 August 2022 -
King Rocks Wind Farm
Synergy Renewable Energy Developments Pty Ltd proposes to develop a wind farm approximately 35 kilometres north-east of Hyden townsite in the Western Australian Wheatbelt. The proposal consists of up to 30 wind turbines generating up to 150 MW, electrical substations and switchyards. The turbines will be installed on towers up to 150 m tall with blades up to 90 m long for a total height of up to 240 m. All turbines are proposed to be located at least 100 m from remnant... MoreClosed 7 August 2022 -
Lots 2 and 10 Rowley Road, Mandogalup - Public Environmental Review
Questdale Holdings Pty Ltd is proposing to extend existing quarry operations within Lots 2 and 10 Rowley Road, Mandogalup. An Environmental Review Document (ERD) has been prepared by Questdale Holdings Pty Ltd in accordance with Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) procedures and is released for public review. The ERD describes the proposal, examines the likely environmental effects and the proposed environmental management procedures associated with the proposed... MoreClosed 18 July 2022 -
Gynatrix-1 Conventional Exploration Drilling Program
AWE Perth Pty Ltd proposes to undertake a conventional exploration drilling program located south-east of Dongara, Western Australia (WA). The Proposal includes the construction of a single deviated well, immediately adjacent (extending beneath) the Yardanogo Nature Reserve, and within MEPAU’s Production Licence L1. The intent of the Proposal is to evaluate the gas-bearing potential of the Gynatrix prospect by measuring the properties of the Kingia Sandstone and High Cliff Sandstone... MoreClosed 10 July 2022 -
North Kiaka Quartzite Mine
Simcoa Operations Pty Ltd is proposing to establish a new quartzite mine approximately 15 km north of Moora, in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia, and 2 km north of the existing mine. The proposal will include the establishment of an above groundwater mine pit, waste rock landform, infrastructure corridor and associated infrastructure. Quartzite would be trucked to Simcoa’s existing smelter in the Kemerton Strategic Industrial Area 17 km north-east of Bunbury. ... MoreClosed 10 July 2022 -
Arrowsmith Hydrogen Project
Infinite Green Energy propose to construct and operate a green energy wind and solar powered hydrogen production facility within freehold lots 3, 4, 100 and 6110 located in Arrowsmith 30km south of Dongara, within the Shire of Irwin, Western Australia (WA). Infinite Blue Energy purchased the 1929.68 ha property due to the site’s abundance of wind and solar power combined with abundant quantity of quality fresh water. The previous property use involved sheep, cattle and goats... MoreClosed 27 June 2022 -
Ningaloo Lighthouse Resort Project - Public Environmental Review
Z1Z Resorts Pty Ltd proposes to redevelop the Ningaloo Lighthouse Holiday Park, located along Yardie Creek Road, North West Cape. The Proposal comprises the construction of new visitor accommodation; the construction of associated ancillary facilities (i.e., staff accommodation, power supply infrastructure, water supply and treatment, wastewater treatment and reuse, and replacement service station (vehicle refuelling) etc.); refurbishment of the Vlamingh Head Lighthouse... MoreClosed 10 June 2022 -
Arrowsmith Central Silica Sand Project
The proponent (VRX Silica Ltd) proposes to develop a high-grade silica sand mine in the Geraldton Sandplain bioregion of WA, approximately 260 km north of Perth and 20km North-West of Eneabba. The proposal would include a total disturbance of 334 hectares of native vegetation. Vegetation and topsoil would be relocated to rehabilitation areas using a Vegetation Direct Transfer method (VDT). Mining is proposed to occur in blocks (150m x 150m), with up to five blocks being mined... MoreClosed 9 June 2022
712 results.
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