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697 results

  • Toodyay Road Widening SLK 12.71 to SLK 40.14

    Main Roads Western Australia is planning to widen and upgrade Toodyay Road in the Shire of Toodyay, between a section west of Morangup Nature Reserve and Toodyay due to reported safety issues associated with this road. The project area is 120 ha in size, of which 58 ha is clearing of native vegetation. More
    Closed 15 June 2016
  • Mining Area C Revised Proposal

    BHP Billiton Iron Ore propose to revise the Mining Area C operation (located approximately 90km WNW of Newman) to include a new satellite ore body which is located approximately 8 km to the south of the existing approved Mining Area C operations. The revised proposal would require the additional clearing of approximately 19,850 hectares of vegetation and mining below the water table. More
    Closed 14 June 2016
  • Public Environmental Review - BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pilbara Strategic Proposal

    BHP Billiton Iron Ore has prepared a Strategic Proposal of its future operations in the Pilbara for the next 50 to100 years. The Strategic Proposal will facilitate a more holistic and longer term view of mining activities in the Pilbara region by identifying and assessing how impacts to the environment at a landscape scale will be managed. A Public Environmental Review Strategic Proposal (PERSP) has been prepared by the company to examine the environmental effects associated with the... More
    Closed 13 June 2016
  • City of Rockingham - City of Kwinana - Rockingham Industry Zone Subdivision

    This proposal has been referred by Landcorp for the construction of provisional infrastructure (i.e. roads) and a plan for the subdivision of the Rockingham Industrial Zone. Landcorp is seeking this proposal to be considered a derived proposal of the Rockingham Industrial Zone Strategic Proposal - Ministerial Statement 863. Having received this referral and request, the EPA is required to consider whether to declare the referred proposal to be a derived proposal under section 39B of the... More
    Closed 10 June 2016
  • Maintenance Dredging of Garden Island Wharves

    The Department of Defence is seeking to undertake maintenance dredging at its Stirling Naval Base facility to return waters around wharves to navigable depths. The proposed volume of sediment to be dredged is approximately 7000 cubic metres and the spoil is to be disposed of within Cockburn Sound in Navy waters adjacent to facilities. Since the referral of the proposal the EPA sought more information from relevant agencies on the proposal. After receiving additional advice from the... More
    Closed 5 June 2016
  • Gruyere Gold Pipeline Project

    Gold Road Resources (the Proponent) proposes to award a contract to a gas transportation provider to construct and operate the Gruyere Gas Pipeline Project (GGPP), a 220 km high pressure gas pipeline. The GGPP would then connect the Proponent’s proposed Gruyere Gold Project mine to the existing Eastern Goldfields Gas Pipeline south of Laverton and would be used to power mine site operations. The GGPP proposal involves the construction of a high pressure gas pipeline and associated... More
    Closed 31 May 2016
  • Henderson Dredging Facility

    BAE Systems Australia proposes to dredge approximately 3 ha of seabed in order to deepen the area to -8.0m Chart Datum. This proposal is located adjacent to its facility within the Australian Marine Complex in Jervoise Bay, Cockburn Sound. More
    Closed 26 May 2016
  • Additions to Concrete Batching Plant

    Boral Resources WA proposes additions to its concrete batching plant at 21 King St Bayswater. Boral intends to install a secondary batch plant to support the current plant and enhance production efficiency. The proposed plant would have a capacity of up to 80 tonnes per hour and would be used mainly for decorative concrete mixes. More
    Closed 26 May 2016
  • Gravel Mining at Scrivener Road Reserve Serpentine

    The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale proposes to extract gravel from a twelve hectare area known as the Scrivener Road Gravel Reserves. The reserves are located at the top of the scarp south of Serpentine and contain nesting habitat for all three protected black cockatoo species. Extraction is proposed in two hectare stages over a period of thirteen years. More
    Closed 16 May 2016
  • Battler Gold Mine Redevelopment

    IMD Gold Mines Ltd proposes to expand the existing Battler open pit mine located approximately fourteen kilometres south-southeast of Southern Cross. The proposed mining, construction and closure activities would occur seven days a week (at times) over a thirteen month period. More
    Closed 13 May 2016
  • Cottesloe Pier

    Cottesloe Pier Pty Ltd proposes to construct a pier extending off the end of the current Cottesloe groyne. The project design consists of a jetty and boardwalk structure including an underwater observatory, cafe, swimming area and fishing jetty. More
    Closed 20 April 2016
  • Gruyere Gold Project

    Gold Road Resources Limited propose to develop a gold mine know as the Gruyere Gold Project located approximately 200 km north-east of Laverton. The proposal includes clearing of up to 1,200 ha of vegetation and groundwater dewatering for mining and processing. More
    Closed 18 April 2016
  • Sandy Ridge Project – Environmental Scoping Document

    Tellus Holdings Ltd proposes to construct and operate a dual kaolin (clay) mine and a waste facility, accepting Class IV (Secure Landfill) and a V (Intractable Landfill) waste from all of Australia, including waste from offshore Oil and Gas facilities. The waste would include amongst other things low level radioactive wastes and persistent organic pollutants. The proposal would receive on average 100 000 tonnes of waste per annum for approximately 25 years. The proposal is located 140... More
    Closed 14 April 2016
  • Iron Valley Below Water Table Project

    BC Pilbara Iron Pty Ltd proposes to amend the Iron Valley above water table iron ore project in the Pilbara, to extend mining below the water table. The proposal includes the change to develop one new pit, extend two existing pits below the water table and develop associated mine infrastructure. More
    Closed 1 April 2016
  • Balannup Wastewater Pressure Main

    In October 2014 the Water Corporation referred a proposal to construct and operate the Balannup Pressure Main, a 4.5 km wastewater pressure main from the Collared Street Pump Station to the Waterworks Road Pump Station in Armadale. The proposal was subject to a 7 day public comment period which ran from 3 December 2014 to 9 December 2014. Since the referral of the proposal the EPA requested further information from the proponent regarding potential impacts in relation to the EPA’s... More
    Closed 24 March 2016
  • CETO 6 Garden Island Project

    Carnegie Wave Energy Ltd plans to design, build and operate a wave energy array using up to three CETO 6 units for power production southwest of Garden Island in Commonwealth waters. This proposal is for installation of marine/shoreline infrastructure (i.e. power cables, anchoring) in state waters which will connect the offshore wave energy system. More
    Closed 11 March 2016
  • Public Environmental Review - Mulga Rock Uranium Project

    Vimy Resources Limited is proposing to develop the Mulga Rock Uranium Project which is located 240 km east-northeast of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia. The project will involve shallow open pit mining of four poly-metallic deposits with commercial grades of uranium. The project has a life of mine of 16 years and will produce 1,360t of uranium oxide concentrate annually. Hard copies of the PER may be purchased for $10 (including postage and packing) or a CD version is available free of... More
    Closed 8 March 2016
  • Anderson Point Tug Haven

    Pilbara Maine Pty Ltd proposes to develop and operate the Anderson Point Tug Haven facility which would be situated adjacent to Fortescue Metals Group's existing Herb Elliot Port Facility, Port Hedland. The proposal includes the dredging and onshore disposal of approximately 0.8 Mm3 of material and the construction of a piled structure with floating pontoons and tug pens. There would also be an onshore component that utilises previously disturbed land. More
    Closed 1 March 2016
  • Public Environmental Review - Solomon Iron Ore Project – Sustaining Production

    Fortescue Metals Group Ltd proposes sustaining production at the Solomon Iron Ore Project which will allow the continuation of mining and maintenance of production at the Solomon Mine in the Pilbara region of Western Australia through expansion of the existing footprint of the Project. Hard copies of the PER may be purchased for $10 (including postage and packing) or a CD version is available free of charge from: Fortescue Metals Group Ltd Level 2, 87 Adelaide Terrace, East... More
    Closed 8 February 2016
  • Public Environmental Review - Extension to the Wiluna Uranium Project

    Toro Energy Ltd is proposing to extend the Wiluna Uranium Project located approximately 960 km north-east of Perth in the Shire of Wiluna, Western Australia, to include the mining of two additional deposits known as Millipede (located adjacent to the Centipede deposit) and Lake Maitland (located 105 km south-east of Wiluna). The proposal includes the construction of a haul road to the previously assessed and approved processing plant at Centipede. The Wiluna Uranium Project was the subject... More
    Closed 8 February 2016
  • Eastern Ridge Revised Proposal

    BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd (BHP Billiton Iron Ore) have submitted a proposal to develop the Eastern Ridge Revised Proposal which comprises existing approved iron ore mining operations at Orebody 24 Ministerial Statement 834), Orebody 25 (Ministerial Statement 712) and Orebody 32 (Ministerial Statement 1018) and a proposed new satellite iron ore deposit at Orebody 25 West. The mining operations are located in the eastern Pilbara near Newman. BHP Billiton Iron Ore is seeking approval to... More
    Closed 27 January 2016
  • Public Environmental Review - Mt Gibson Range Mine Operations - Iron Hill Deposits

    Mount Gibson Mining Ltd (a wholly owned subsidary of Mount Gibson Iron Ltd) is proposing to extend its mining operations at the Mt Gibson Ranges to include development of the Iron Hill and Iron Hill South Deposits. Hard copies of the PER may be purchased for $10 (including postage and packing) or a CD version is available free of charge from: Mount Gibson Iron Limited Level 1, 2 Kings Park Rd West Perth, WA 6005 Telephone: 08 9426 7500 Copies of the PER are... More
    Closed 18 January 2016
  • Extractive Industry Clay Lot 7 Toy Road Bindoon

    Extractive Industry Clay, Lot 7 Toy Rd Bindoon Brikmakers Pty Ltd propose to excavate clay from a mine pit of 9 hectare (ha) on Lot 7 Toy Road in Bindoon. The proposal also comprises the construction of: - a stockpiling area (approximately 4 ha) - two dams (approximately 1 ha each) - bunds located on the western and southern side of the pit. The current landuse of the proposal area is rural grazing and gravel extraction. The proponent has prepared an Application for Planning... More
    Closed 6 January 2016
  • Karnup Sand Mining Project

    Urban Resources is seeking approval to establish a sand mine on Lot 316 Stakehill Road, Karnup, in the Shire of Rockingham (M70/1262). The project would involve sand extraction for a period of 5 years. More
    Closed 31 December 2015
  • Consultation on MNES - West Pilbara Iron Ore Project Stage 1 Mine Extensions

    API Management Pty Ltd invites public comments on its proposal, the West Pilbara Iron Ore Project Stage 1 Mine Extensions. The proposed action is to mine resources at the Red Hill Creek deposit and to mine extensions of resources approved by EPBC 2009/4706 at the Kens Bore, Trinity Bore and Catho Well deposits. This includes development of associated mining and other infrastructure such as roads, wet processing plant, tailings storage facility and dewatering facilities. This proposal has yet... More
    Closed 21 December 2015
  • Public Environmental Review - Yandicoogina Iron Ore Project - Revised Proposal

    Hamersley Iron – Yandi Pty. Limited (a wholly - owned member of the Rio Tinto group of companies) proposes the development of a new open cut pit to sustain its Yandicoogina Operations in the central Pilbara region of Western Australia. The development will be centered around its Pocket and Billiard South deposit, located 90 kilometres north-west of Newman. The Proposal will involve the construction and operation of a new brownfields single open cut pit and associated infrastructure. The... More
    Closed 14 December 2015
  • Public Environmental Review - Yeelirrie Uranium Project

    Cameco Australia Pty Ltd is proposing to develop the Yeelirrie Uranium Project. The Project is situated on the Yeelirrie Pastoral Lease within the Shire of Wiluna. The Project will involve the construction and operation of an open pit, processing plant and associated infrastructure. Hard copies of the PER may be purchased for $10 (including postage and packing) or a CD version is available free of charge from: Cameco Australia Pty Ltd 24 Hasler Rd Osborne Park WA 6017... More
    Closed 14 December 2015
  • Pilbara Bulk Ore Transportation System BOTS

    Mineral Resources Limited propose to develop the Pilbara Bulk Ore Transport System (BOTS) to deliver iron ore mined from the Iron Valley Project (approximately 90 km north-west of Newman) 330 km to the Port Hedland Inner Harbour for overseas export. More
    Closed 9 December 2015
  • Jandabup Sand Operation Mining Proposal

    Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd (Holcim) propose to develop a sand extraction operation on tenements M70/1248 and M70/1250, approximately 8 km north east of Wanneroo within the Local Government Area of Wanneroo. The project is located within a P1 Public Drinking Water Source Area (Gnangara Mound) and would have a mine life of approximately 25 years. The total project footprint is 357.8 ha which would be progressively rehabilitated. More
    Closed 7 December 2015
  • Thunderbird Mineral Sands Project

    Sheffield Resources Limited is seeking approval to develop the Thunderbird Mineral Sands Project located on the Dampier Peninsula, approximately 75 kilometres southwest of Derby, Western Australia. The proposal is for a mineral sands operation with an estimated 40 year life of mine. Mineral product will be mined from the Thunderbird Deposit and processed onsite before being transported by road to the Derby Wharf for storage and subsequent export More
    Closed 6 December 2015
697 results. Page 16 of 24