724 results
Ravensthorpe Gold Copper Project
ACH Minerals Pty Ltd proposes to develop the Kundip and Myamba Mine Sites located 17 and 26 kilometres respectively, south east of the town of Ravensthorpe. Kundip Mine Site is proposed to include open pits and underground mining, processing facilities and associated infrastructure with up to 248 hectares of clearing of vegetation. Myamba Mine Site is proposed to include open pit mining with associated infrastructure with up to 64 hectares of clearing of vegetation. Ore will be trucked... MoreClosed 22 January 2017 -
St Ives Gold Mine – The Beyond 2018 Project
St Ives Gold Mining Company Pty Limited proposes to expand the existing open-cut and underground gold mining developments with 2,061 hectares (ha) of disturbance. The proposal is located in Lake Lefroy approximately 20 kilometres south east of Kambalda (Shire of Coolgardie). The revised proposal would include an additional disturbance of 5000 ha: additional lake based disturbance of up to 2,000 ha; and additional land based disturbance of up to 3,000 ha. MoreClosed 11 January 2017 -
Sulphur Springs Zinc-Copper Project
Ventrex Resources Limited proposed to develop the existing Project utilising an open pit mine to extract the upper portion of the deposit and an underground mine to extract the lower portion. The modified Project consists of: An open pit to mine the upper portion of the orebody; An underground mine (accessed via a portal within the pit) to mine the remainder of the orebody; A conventional processing plant which will produce separate copper and zinc concentrations;... MoreClosed 11 January 2017 -
Mesa A Hub Proposal
Robe River Mining Co Pty Ltd is seeking to extend the existing Mesa A / Warramboo Iron Ore Mining Project by extending the existing mining operation and developing four new nearby deposits. The proposal is 43 kilometres west of Pannawonica in the Pilbara Region. The proposal would require an additional 2500 hectares of clearing of native vegetation, with some below water table mining. A water supply would also be required and discharge of any excess water to Warramboo Creek. MoreClosed 5 December 2016 -
Hard Rock Quarry
Italia Stone Group proposes to develop a hard rock quarry at Lot 800 Pruden Road Whitby, approximately 3.5 kilometres east of Mundijong in the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale. The proposed quarry is on freehold land and is for the extraction of 50,000 to 100,000 tonnes of hard rock per annum for a period of 20 years. The material will be extracted by drill and blast methods and hauled by truck to a processing area for crushing and stockpiling on site. MoreClosed 15 November 2016 -
Groundwater Replenishment Scheme Stage 2
The Water Corporation is proposing to duplicate the existing Advanced Water Recycling Plant (AWRP) at the Beenyup facility in Craigie. The proposal also includes the construction of two water recharge sites and pipeline infrastructure along a 12.8 km route through the suburbs of Woodvale, Wanneroo, Ashby and Neerabup to recharge approximately 14 GL of recycled water to the Leederville and Yarragadee aquifers. The proposal forms Stage 2 of the Perth Groundwater Replenishment Scheme (GRWS)... MoreClosed 15 November 2016 -
Public Environmental Review - J5 and Bungalbin East Iron Ore Proposal
Mineral Resources Limited is proposing to construct and operate the J5 and Bungalbin East proposal about 100 kilometres north of Southern Cross, Western Australia. A Public Environmental Review (PER) has been prepared by Mineral Resources Limited in accordance with Western Australian Government procedures and is released for public review. The PER document describes the proposal, examines the likely environmental effects and the proposed environmental management procedures associated with... MoreClosed 31 October 2016 -
Ashburton Salt Project
K plus S Salt Australia Pty Ltd is seeking approval to construct and operate a 3.5 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) Solar Salt Project located approximately 40 km south-west of the township of Onslow, within the Shire of Ashburton. MoreClosed 19 October 2016 -
Three Springs Solar Farm
Three Springs Solar Pty Ltd is proposing to construct and operate a 100MW solar photovoltaic power station on Lots M761-M764 and Lot 50 Bruce Road, approximately 2km north east of the Three Springs Townsite. The sites are predominately cleared farm land and no vegetation clearing is proposed. MoreClosed 9 October 2016 -
Public Environmental Review - Blue Hills Mungada East Expansion
Sinosteel Midwest is proposing to extend its Blue Hills mining operation by mining another pit (Mungada East Pit Extension). A Public Environmental Review (PER) has been prepared by the Sinosteel Midwest in accordance with Western Australian Government procedures and is released for public review. The PER document describes the proposal, examines the likely environmental effects and the proposed environmental management procedures associated with the proposed development. Hard copies of... MoreClosed 27 September 2016 -
Changes to Ravensthorpe Nickel Operations
FQM Australia Nickel Pty Ltd proposes to change and expand its Ravensthorpe Nickel Operations near Bandalup Hill currently approved under Ministerial Statement 633 as follows: -Expand Hale-Bopp mining operations by approximately 29 hectares into the Kunzea similis ssp. mediterranea Community Conservation Area. -Revise the alignment of the infrastructure corridor between the Shoemaker-Levy ore body and the processing area. -Incorporate neutralised tailings to the reject rocks used to... MoreClosed 21 September 2016 -
Limestone and Sand Quarry - Lot 1002 Preston Beach Road, North Preston Beach
Doyles Lime Services proposed to extract limestone and sand at Lot 1002, Preston Beach North Road, Preston Beach (Shire of Waroona). The proposal is adjacent to the Yalgorup National Park and is located 600 metres south west from the edge of Lake Pollard, a RAMSAR listed wetland. The proposal would include a total disturbance of 13 hectares developed in four stages, and excavations up to 16 metres in depth. MoreClosed 21 September 2016 -
Sand Quarries Within Gnangara Pine Plantation
Hanson Australia Pty Ltd proposes to develop three sand extraction quarries within tenements located within the Gnangara-Moore State Forest (Shire of Wanneroo and Shire of Gingin). Excavation is planned in conjunction with felling by the Forest Products Commission. The three quarries are proposed for: -Tamega Road, Pinjar (E70-3275); -Smokebush Hill, Two Rocks (E70-3279); and -Boundary & Mulga Roads, Gnangara (M70-1306), The total disturbance for each site is 3553.86 hectares,... MoreClosed 18 September 2016 -
Kwinana industrial buffer
The Minister for Environment has requested the EPA provide advice on the size of the proposed Kwinana industrial buffer in relation to potential health and amenity impacts associated with current and future land uses in the Mandogalup area. The EPA will provide its advice under s16e of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. The information provided by individual respondents will be treated as confidential and will be used only for the purpose of informing the development of the EPA’s... MoreClosed 12 September 2016 -
Warton Road Mining Proposal
Hanson Australia Pty Ltd (formerly Rocla Pty Ltd) proposes to extract sand within Bush Forever Site 390, on mining tenements M70/1142 and M70/1088 approximately 20km South of Perth at Lot 467 Jandakot Road, Banjup (City of Cockburn). The proposal would include: - a development envelope of 9.56 hectares (ha), including 5.63 ha that has been historically cleared; - clearing of 3.93 ha of native vegetation; - sand extraction of 300,000 tonnes over a period of approximately three... MoreClosed 18 August 2016 -
Public Environmental Review - Mid West Aquaculture Development Zone
The Department of Fisheries (Department), on behalf of the Minister for Fisheries, is proposing to establish an aquaculture development zone in the Mid West region of Western Australia for the purpose of marine finfish aquaculture. A Public Environmental Review (PER) has been prepared by the Department in accordance with Western Australian Government procedures and is released for public review. The PER document describes the strategic proposal, examines the likely environmental effects... MoreClosed 15 August 2016 -
2D Seismic Acquisition Survey
UIL Energy Ltd proposes to conduct a 2D seismic survey within exploration permits 447, 488 and 489 near the town of Badgingarra (Shire of Dandaragan). The proposal would involve clearing of up to 24 hectares of native vegetation within a proposal area of 101,813 hectares. Clearing will occur within Badgingarra National Park, Wongonderrah and Twyata Nature Reserve, unallocated Crown Land, road reserves, and private properties. MoreClosed 8 August 2016 -
Waste Transfer and Resource Recovery Facility
Aurigen Group Limited proposes to develop a Waste Transfer and Resource Recovery Facility approximately 10 kilometres from Perth at 25 Jackson Street, Bassendean in the Bassendean Industrial Area. The proposal would include: - a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) for the processing of co-mingled recyclables; - acceptance, short term stockpiling and baling of source separated recycled commodities; - glass crusher for management of waste glass from the MRF; - a metal shredder for... MoreClosed 3 August 2016 -
Tyre Resource Recycling Facility
Elan Energy Matrix Pty Ltd proposes to construct and operate a Tyre Resource Recovery Facility to recycle used tyres at 9 Fargo Way Welshpool, approximately 12 kilometres southeast of Perth within a ‘General Industry’ zone in the City of Canning. The proposal will involve thermal processing of used tyres to produce carbon black (material derived from char), steel wire, oil and process gas using an indirect fired thermal conversion unit. The plant will be located within enclosed... MoreClosed 31 July 2016 -
EPA website redevelopment
The EPA undertook a website survey and review in 2014 and you gave us valuable feedback on how we can improve our online presence and make it easy for you to find the information you need. Since the 2014 survey, much work has been done internally. We are now re-opening the survey to ensure we capture input from as many users as possible. The redeveloped website is scheduled to go live later in 2016. This survey is being undertaken by the Office of the Environmental Protection... MoreClosed 31 July 2016 -
Busselton Margaret River Regional Airport Expansion
The City of Busselton currently operates the Busselton Margaret River Regional Airport (situated on Vasse Highway, Busselton) that allows for general aviation and closed charter fly-in fly-out operations. The City of Busselton is proposing to extend, widen and strengthen the existing runway and associated infrastructure of the Busselton Margaret River Regional Airport. This is a revised proposal to the current environmental approval under Ministerial Statement No. 1009. As a part of this... MoreClosed 26 July 2016 -
Ellenbrook Bus Rapid Transit
The Commissioner for Main Roads Western Australia proposes to construct and maintain the Ellenbrook Bus Rapid Transit to provide a dedicated busway from the Ellenbrook town centre to Reid Highway. It involves the construction of: approximately 10 kilometres of dedicated busway; grade separations of the busway at road crossings; upgrades of all existing intersections; three bus stations with Park and Ride facilities; realignment of Lord Street from Reid Highway to Youle-Dean Road and from... MoreClosed 13 July 2016 -
Phase III Cone Bay Marine Finfish Farming
This proposal has been referred by Marine Produce Australia Pty Ltd for the expansion of their existing aquaculture production by 8,010 tonnes per annum (which will allow a total of up to 15,000 tonnes per annum to be produced). Marine Produce Australia Pty Ltd is seeking this proposal to be considered a derived proposal of the Kimberley Aquaculture Development Zone Strategic Proposal - Ministerial Statement 966. Having received this referral and request, the EPA is required to consider... MoreClosed 13 July 2016 -
Lake Disappointment Potash Project
Reward Minerals propose to develop the Lake Disappointment Potash Project (located approximately 320 km east of Newman). The proposal is to abstract brine from sediments and use solar evaporation ponds on the surface of the lake to create the potash product. The proposal would disturb 7,250 ha of land which includes 437 ha of vegetation, with the remainder of disturbance to the surface of Lake Disappointment. MoreClosed 5 July 2016 -
Mobile Concrete Batching Plant
Keppel Holdings proposes the development and operation of a mobile concrete batching plant at Lot 105 (No. 2) Clune Street, Bassendean. The proposal site is located within the Bassendean Industrial Area. The proposal includes the construction of buildings and associated car and truck parking. This proposal was originally referred by the Shire of Bayswater in May 2016. Keppel Holdings subsequently provided a referral of the proposal in June 2016. Both of these referrals are provided... MoreClosed 5 July 2016 -
State Barrier Fence Esperance Extension
The Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) proposes to erect a 660 kilometre long, 1.35 metre high extension to the existing State Barrier Fence from its current termination point near the town of Ravensthorpe to the east of Esperance near Cape Arid National Park. The purpose of the Esperance extension is to protect the south-eastern agricultural enterprises from predation and grazing from wild populations. This proposal was originally referred by the Conservation... MoreClosed 30 June 2016 -
Licence For Taking Sandalwood
The Forest Products Commission (FPC) proposes to undertake commercial harvesting of wild sandalwood from Crown land at a rate of up to 2500 tonnes per year for a period of ten years between 2016 and 2026 pursuant to annual licences granted under the Sandalwood Act 1929. This proposal was originally referred by the Wilderness Society in January 2016. Forest Products Commission subsequently provided a referral of the proposal in June 2016. Both of these referrals are provided for review as a... MoreClosed 26 June 2016 -
Toodyay Road Widening SLK 12.71 to SLK 40.14
Main Roads Western Australia is planning to widen and upgrade Toodyay Road in the Shire of Toodyay, between a section west of Morangup Nature Reserve and Toodyay due to reported safety issues associated with this road. The project area is 120 ha in size, of which 58 ha is clearing of native vegetation. MoreClosed 15 June 2016 -
Mining Area C Revised Proposal
BHP Billiton Iron Ore propose to revise the Mining Area C operation (located approximately 90km WNW of Newman) to include a new satellite ore body which is located approximately 8 km to the south of the existing approved Mining Area C operations. The revised proposal would require the additional clearing of approximately 19,850 hectares of vegetation and mining below the water table. MoreClosed 14 June 2016 -
Public Environmental Review - BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pilbara Strategic Proposal
BHP Billiton Iron Ore has prepared a Strategic Proposal of its future operations in the Pilbara for the next 50 to100 years. The Strategic Proposal will facilitate a more holistic and longer term view of mining activities in the Pilbara region by identifying and assessing how impacts to the environment at a landscape scale will be managed. A Public Environmental Review Strategic Proposal (PERSP) has been prepared by the company to examine the environmental effects associated with the... MoreClosed 13 June 2016
724 results.
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