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722 results

  • Millstream to Greenbushes Water Supply Link

    Water Corporation intends to construct and operate a connection to the existing Millstream to Greenbushes pipeline near Camp Brook in the locality of Southampton. The proposal would include 16km of buried pipeline from Camp Brook across the Blackwood River and then via Huitson Road and Maranup Ford Road to Greenbushes. More
    Closed 20 March 2013
  • Public Environmental Review - Sorby Hills Silver Lead Zinc Project

    Sorby Management Proprietary Limited, a joint venture between KBL Mining Limited and Yuguang (Australia) Proprietary Limited, proposes to develop a Silver Lead Zinc mine at the Sorby Hills deposit 50 km north of Kununurra in the East Kimberley Region of Western Australia. The proposed Project is contained within two mining leases (M80/197 and M80/286) and will involve mining of three open cut pits. Ore will be processed by flotation and a concentrate produced for export through the Port of... More
    Closed 8 April 2013
  • Minjar Gold Recommencement and Expansion Project, 70 kilometres south-east of Yalgoo, Shire of Yalgoo

    Minjar Gold Pty Ltd project involves varying the current status of the mine from Care and Maintenance to Operating, expanding a series of existing pits, developing new deposits and making a small addition to the accommodation facilities. More
    Closed 10 April 2013
  • Wiluna West Iron Ore Mining Operation

    Golden West Resources Limited proposes to develop a 10Mtpa iron ore mining operation at Wiluna West. The Project is located approximately 700 kilometres north-east of Perth and 40 kilometres south-west of Wiluna. More
    Closed 11 April 2013
  • Park Home Redevelopment, Lots 19 - 21 Old Coast Road, Lake Clifton

    The Tony Scolaro Family Trust intends to redevelop an existing caravan park into a Park Home Estate. The proposal will involve the construction of new infrastructure including 120 park homes (demountable houses), associated access roads, a new wastewater treatment plan and inflirtation areas for stormwater and treated wastewater. More
    Closed 20 April 2013
  • Port of Esperance Maintenance Dredging

    Esperance Ports Sea and Land proposes to undertake maintenance dredging in the Port of Esperance to return the bathymetry to design depth, with disposal of most sediments to an offshore disposal site and some sediments to an onshore disposal area. More
    Closed 21 April 2013
  • Leeman Boat Ramp, Illyarrie Street, Shire of Coorow

    The Shire of Coorow proposes to construct a new boating facility in Leeman. The facility comprises dual ramps, a finger jetty, car and trailer parking, toilet block and fish cleaning station. More
    Closed 22 April 2013
  • Allawuna Landfill, Lots 9926, 4869, 5831 & 26934 Great Southern Highway, Shire of York

    SITA Australia Pty Ltd intends to develop a Class II or III landfill in the Shire of York. Construction to begin in 2014, with a nominal landfill waste placement lifespan of 37 years. More
    Closed 23 April 2013
  • Mid West Aquaculture Zone (waters adjacent to the Shire of Northampton)

    The Department of Fisheries’ strategic proposal to establish a Mid West Aquaculture Zone is aimed towards increasing opportunities for finfish aquaculture in Western Australia. The proposed aquaculture zone is an area of State waters selected according to its suitability and compatibility with marine finfish aquaculture. More
    Closed 7 May 2013
  • Coalfields Highway Upgrade, Approximately 18 Kilometres West of Collie, Shire of Collie

    Main Roads Western Australia proposes to undertake roadwork on a 10.44 km section of the Coalfields Highway (15.90–26.34 SLK) to improve road safety and transport efficiency. More
    Closed 9 May 2013
  • Draft Environmental Assessment Guideline for Consideration of subterranean fauna in environmental impact assessment in Western Australia

    Environmental Assessment Guidelines (EAGs) are developed by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) to provide advice to proponents, consultants and the public about procedures, methodologies and the minimum requirements for environmental impact assessment. A discussion paper A review of subterranean fauna assessment in Western Australia was released in March 2012 along with a suggested way forward. The EPA was assisted by a five member advisory group which provided direction and... More
    Closed 13 May 2013
  • Browns Range Project - Mining and Processing of Rare Earth Minerals

    Northern Minerals Limited proposes to mine and process ore containing HREE dominant xenotime mineralisation from multiple open pits at the Browns Range site, which is located approximately 160 kilometres south-east of Halls Creek (Shire of Halls Creek). More
    Closed 20 May 2013
  • Busselton Ford Road Vacuum WWPS Receiving Sewer

    The Water Corporation is proposing to construct 75m of DN 375 gravity main, and 585m of DN 250 pressure main. The pipeline commences at the junction of Harris Road and Cammilleri Street and connects at the proposed discharge manhole 1144 at the junction of Peel Terrace and Edwards in Busselton. More
    Closed 24 May 2013
  • Cooljarloo West Titanium Minerals Project

    Tronox Management Pty Limited proposes to develop the Cooljarloo West Titanium Minerals Project, 30 kilometres west from Cervantes, Shire of Dandaragan. The proposal involves the dredge mining of three orebodies: Woolka, Harrier and Kestrel. The proposal will require movement of the mining dredge and ore processing plant (concentrator) from the existing Cooljarloo Mine to Cooljarloo West and back again via flotation across an open channel. More
    Closed 31 May 2013
  • 60 Megawatt Power Station - Lot 5107 Marriot Road, Wellesley

    Tesla Holdings Pty Ltd proposes to construct a 60 megawatt peak load power station on Lot 5107 Marriott Road, Wellesley. The site is located within the Kemerton Industrial Park, approximately 20 kilometres north-east of Bunbury. More
    Closed 25 June 2013
  • 60 Megawatt Power Station - Lot 5 Down Road, Albany

    Tesla Holdings Pty Ltd proposes to construct a 60 megawatt peak load power station on a portion of Lot 5 Down Road, Albany. The site is located in the Mirambeena Special Industrial Area approximately 15 kilometres north-west of Albany. More
    Closed 25 June 2013
  • Vegetation Restoration Works, Lot 54 Wolfe Road, Banjup in the City of Cockburn

    Antoine (Tony) and Malaky Sader intend to re-vegetate approximately 2000m 2 of 54 Wolfe Road, Banjup with local native species. More
    Closed 2 July 2013
  • Hinge Iron Ore Project, Approximately 76 km North-East of Perenjori, Shire of Perenjori

    Karara Mining Limited proposes the Hinge Project that will mine approximately 4 million tonnes of iron ore, at a mining rate of 1 - 2 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa). The Project life is expected to be 2 years (with an option of extending to 4 years depending on the mining rate). More
    Closed 15 July 2013
  • Mulga Downs Project

    Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd proposes to develop a new Direct Shipping Ore iron ore mine at Murray's Hill in the Pilbara, and will extract iron ore at a rate of up to 5 million tonnes per annum. Mining is proposed above the water table and no dewatering will be required. The project consists of one mine pit, waste dump, crushing and screening plant, accommodation plant, and associated infrastructure. More
    Closed 18 July 2013
  • Subdivision of Lot 701 Mayor Road, Munster, City of Cockburn

    Auro Pty Ltd proposes to subdivide and develop Lot 701 for residential use. More
    Closed 23 July 2013
  • Nullagine Iron Ore Extension Project, approximately 20 km south-west of Nullagine, Shire of East Pilbara

    BC Iron Limited proposes to develop the Nullagine Iron Ore Extension Project. The proposal involves an extension of mining operations into two new mining areas, including Bonnie East and Warrigal North mesas. The proposal will comprise an expected iron ore resource of approximately 22 million tonnes which will extend the mine life by up to 5 years. More
    Closed 29 July 2013
  • Ashburton River Sand and Shingle Project, approximately 32 km south-southwest of Onslow, Shire of Ashburton

    Onslow Resources Ltd proposes a small low impact operation within M08/458 and M08/461 in which sand and shingle will be excavated from the Ashburton River riverbed to produce two product lines: sand and aggregate. More
    Closed 29 July 2013
  • Subdivision - Lot 4131 Smiths Beach Road, Yallingup

    Readvertised to clarify the referral and request sent to EPA. The EPA has received a referral of a proposal from Canal Rocks Pty Ltd and a request that the proposal be declared a derived proposal identified in Ministerial Statement 831 for the Smiths Beach Development, Sussex Loc 413 Strategic Proposal. Having received this referral and request, the EPA is required to consider whether to declare the referred proposal to be a derived proposal under section 39B of the Environmental... More
    Closed 14 August 2013
  • Class II Landfill Lot 11 Chitty Rd, Toodyay

    Opal Vale Pty Ltd propose to develop a Class II Landfill site within an existing clay pit at Lot 11 Chitty Road, Toodyay. More
    Closed 21 August 2013
  • Mulga Rock Uranium Project

    Energy and Minerals Australia Limited proposes to develop the Mulga Rock Uranium project. The Mulga Rock Uranium project is located in the Shire of Menzies, 240 km east‐north‐east of Kalgoorlie, on the western flank of the Great Victoria Desert. The proposal includes the development of a processing plant, waste rock dumps, tailings storage facilities, roads, accommodation and an airstrip. Mining is proposed to take place through open pit methods in four separate deposits – Princess,... More
    Closed 21 August 2013
  • Public Environmental Review - Metropolitan Region Scheme Minor Amendment 1188/57 Wellard Urban Precinct (East)

    The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) intends to amend the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) for land in the local government of Kwinana and is seeking public comment. The amendment proposes to rezone approximately 70.37 ha of land in Wellard from the rural zone to the urban deferred zone in the MRS. The Environmental Protection Authority required the proposed amendment to be formally assessed by way of an Environmental Review. An Environmental Review has been prepared for... More
    Closed 23 August 2013
  • Perth Groundwater Replenishment Scheme

    Following the conclusion of a successful Groundwater Replenishment Trial, the Water Corporation is proposing to implement a 14 gigalitre per annum groundwater replenishment scheme (GWRS) as a climate independent water source for Perth, Western Australia. More
    Closed 26 August 2013
  • Henderson Facility Land-Backed Wharf and Dredging, City of Cockburn

    BAE Systems Australia Ltd is proposing dredging of approximately 1.3 hectares to -6.0m CD and construction of a 75m long land-backed wharf close to the existing shoreline. More
    Closed 26 August 2013
  • Beadon Creek Capital Dredging, approximately 2.5 km east of the town of Onslow, Shire of Ashburton

    The Department of Transport (DoT) proposes to upgrade the facilities in Beadon Creek to support the growing demand for land at the Maritime Facility. The upgrade works include capital dredging a berth pocket and turning basin immediately west of the existing channel. The dredged material will be used to create additional land-backed wharf area immediately north of the existing lots. More
    Closed 2 September 2013
  • Public Environmental Review - Koodaideri iron ore mine and infrastructure project

    Hamersley Iron Pty. Limited (a wholly -owned subsidiary of Rio Tinto) proposes the development of a major iron ore mining operation in the central Pilbara region of Western Australia. The development will be centered around its Koodaideri deposits, located 110 kilometres west-north-west of Newman. The Proposal will involve the construction and operation of a greenfields mine and associated infrastructure. Mining will consist of open pits and supporting infrastructure, including a 167... More
    Closed 2 September 2013
722 results. Page 2 of 25