718 results
Learmonth Bundle Site – s43A Change to Proposal
Subsea 7 are proposing to change a number of components of their proposal for constructing and operating an onshore pipeline fabrication facility through an application under s43A. Subsea 7 conducted additional studies and are proposing to: Amend the title of the proposal to Learmonth Pipeline Fabrication Facility Change the short proposal description to amend terminology to Bundle parking area Increase clearing within the onshore development... MoreClosed 15 March 2019 -
Earl Grey Lithium Project - Public Environmental Review
Covalent Lithium Pty Ltd proposes to develop a pegmatite-hosted lithium deposit at the abandoned Mt Holland Mine Site. The proposal area is located approximately 105 kilometres south-southwest of Southern Cross, in the Shire of Yilgarn. The proposal is for conventional open-cut mining of the existing Earl Grey pit, and development of associated mine infrastructure. The new mining proposal would utilise some existing infrastructure and disturbed areas. The mining proposal... MoreClosed 11 March 2019 -
Pilbara Transmission Project
Pilbara Energy Company Pty Ltd (a wholly owned subsidiary of Fortescue Metals Group Limited (FMG)) is seeking to develop the Pilbara Transmission Project (the proposal), a high voltage power transmission network in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The proposal is comprised of approximately 375 kilometres of 220 kilo-volt overhead transmission lines with terminal and substation infrastructure. The proposal is to be located within a 4780 hectare (ha) development envelope.... MoreClosed 17 February 2019 -
Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline (DBNGP) to Albemarle Lithium Plant Gas Pipeline Proposal
DBNGP (WA) Nominees Pty Limited propose to construct 670m of underground natural gas pipeline between the Albemarle Kemerton Plant (a lithium hydroxide manufacturing plant) and the existing Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline. The proposal is located in Kemerton, approximately 17km north-east of Bunbury and will provide natural gas to the Albemarle Kemerton Plant (Ministerial Statement No. 1085). The proposed pipeline will be constructed within a 30m wide... MoreClosed 17 February 2019 -
Remediation of Lot 20 Adelaide Street Hazelmere
Wasterock Pty Ltd and Hazelland Pty Ltd propose to remediate a historical inert landfill located at Lot 20 Adelaide Street Hazelmere for future commercial use. The proposal would involve recontouring the existing site and capping it with clean fill. MoreClosed 12 February 2019 -
Lots 2 and 10 Rowley Road, Mandogalup
Questdale Holdings Pty. Ltd. (the proponent) are proposing to clear vegetation for bushfire fuel reduction and to extend an existing sand quarry extraction operation within Lots 2 and 10 Rowley Road, Mandogalup. The proposal area consists of 43.67 hectares (ha) and is located on freehold land. The proponent proposes to extract sand at a rate of 195,000 tonnes per annum for a period of 10 years. Excavated material will be screened prior to loading. The proponent... MoreClosed 11 February 2019 -
Greenbushes Lithium Mine Expansion - Change to Proposal
Talison Lithium Australia Pty Ltd (Talison) is proposing to expand the existing Greenbushes Lithium Mine that has been operated for over 30 years, to increase the production of spodumene ore and lithium mineral concentrate from the operation. This proposal is an expansion of the existing mining operation and has not previously been assessed by the EPA. The mine is located in the South West of Western Australia, immediately south of the town of Greenbushes, approximately... MoreClosed 10 February 2019 -
Southern Forest Irrigation Scheme
The Southern Forest Irrigation Scheme proposal involves taking water from the Donnelly River to irrigate land for horticultural and agricultural production in the southern forests region around Manjimup and Pemberton. The proposal is to construct and operate a water offtake weir and pump station on the Donnelly River, a dam and reservoir on Record Brook (a tributary of the Donnelly River); two header dams and a network of distribution water pipelines to supply water to... MoreClosed 7 February 2019 -
Mackay Sulphate of Potash Project
The Proposal involves the development of a greenfields Sulphate of Potash fertiliser operation which is currently designed to operate for a 20-year period. The Proposal involves the on-lake development of trenches and solar evaporation ponds for brine extraction and Sulphate of Potash production. The off-lake development includes a processing plant, associated site infrastructure and access roads for trucking Sulphate of Potash product to Wyndham Port. A northern... MoreClosed 21 January 2019 -
Greenbushes Lithium Mine Expansion
Talison Lithium Australia Pty Ltd (Talison) is proposing to expand the existing Greenbushes Lithium Mine that has been operated for over 30 years, to increase the production of spodumene ore and lithium mineral concentrate from the operation. This proposal is an expansion of the existing mining operation and has not previously been assessed by the EPA. The mine is located in the South West of Western Australia, immediately south of the town of Greenbushes, approximately 250 km... MoreClosed 21 January 2019 -
Yanchep Rail Extension: Part 1 – Butler to Eglinton - Referral Information with Additional Information
The Public Transport Authority (PTA) proposes to extend the existing Joondalup railway line by 7.3 kilometres from Butler Station to the suburb of Eglinton in the City of Wanneroo. The proposal is to construct and operate the rail extension and includes two new intermodal (rail, bus, ‘park and ride’, ‘kiss and ride’, walk and cycle) transit stations at Alkimos and Eglinton. The PTA will operate train services between Perth and Eglinton Stations and bus services from the... MoreClosed 18 January 2019 -
High Street Upgrade - Public Environmental Review
Main Roads Western Australia is proposing to upgrade High Street in the City of Fremantle to improve road safety and traffic flow. The upgrade between Stirling Highway and Carrington Street includes a new 1.5 kilometre westbound carriageway, a service road for residents north of High Street and additional infrastructure. The proposal will require the clearing of 0.67 hectares of foraging habitat for black cockatoos, including 0.63 hectares of native vegetation and sixteen future potential... MoreClosed 18 January 2019 -
Eramurra Industrial Salt Project
Leichhardt Industrials Pty Ltd (Leichhardt) is seeking to develop a salt production and export operation in the Cape Preston East area, approximately 55 kilometres (km) westsouth-west of Karratha in Western Australia (WA). The proposal will utilise seawater and evaporation to produce concentrated salt products for export. The proposal includes the development of a series of concentrator and crystalliser ponds, processing plant, product pipeline and offshore export... MoreClosed 15 January 2019 -
Scarborough Project Nearshore Component
The Proposal would include the following activities: • shore crossing site preparation including installation of temporary facilities along the shoreline at the Pluto LNG Facility to facilitate the installation of the trunkline in shallower depths • preparation works associated with the installation of the trunkline including dredging and associated spoil disposal at existing spoil grounds • trunkline... MoreClosed 15 January 2019 -
Cape Lambert Port A Marine Structures Refurbishment Project
The Proposal is to undertake essential maintenance works on the Cape Lambert Port A (CLA) wharf facility and associated jetty. The Proposal consists of two components, the CLA Dolphin Life Extension Project and the CLA Jetty Strengthening Project, collectively referred to as CLA Marine Structures Refurbishment Project (the Proposal). The CLA dolphins were constructed between 1972 and 2002, with recent inspections indicating that the current dolphins are near end of life... MoreClosed 15 January 2019 -
Non-lethal trial of SMART drumlines
The proposal is to undertake a trial of the SMART drumlines as a non-lethal shark hazard mitigation tool in Western Australian conditions. In doing so, it is proposed to catch, tag, relocate and release white sharks. The proposal is located in waters offshore from Gracetown (offshore from Shire of Augusta Margaret River), in the Ngari Capes Marine Park. The duration of the trial will be for 15 months. Where possible, the proposed WA SMART drumline project has been aligned with... MoreClosed 9 January 2019 -
Asian Renewable Energy Hub – Change to Proposal
NW Interconnected Power Pty Ltd has requested a Change to Proposal through section 43A of the Environmental Protection Act 1987. NW Interconnected Power Pty Ltd proposes the following changes to the Asian Renewable Energy Hub Proposal: An increase in native vegetation clearing from 7,370 hectares (ha) at referral to 11, 962 ha (i.e. an increase in native vegetation clearing of 4, 592 ha). This equates to an increase of 0.7 per cent within the development envelope. ... MoreClosed 2 January 2019 -
Public Environmental Review - Mesa A Hub Revised Proposal
Robe River Mining Co Pty Ltd (a wholly owned subsidiary of the Rio Tinto Group) is seeking to extend the existing Mesa A / Warramboo Iron Ore Project by extending the existing mining operation and developing four new nearby deposits. The proposal is 43 kilometres west of Pannawonica in the Pilbara Region. The proposal will require an additional 3000 hectares of clearing of native vegetation, with some below water table mining. The proposal will also require a water supply and surplus water... MoreClosed 24 December 2018 -
Gabanintha Vanadium Project
Technology Metals Australia are looking to develop the Gabanintha Vanadium Project. The Gabanintha Vanadium Project is located within WA’s Mid-West region, approximately 615 km north-east of Perth and 40 km south-east of Meekatharra, adjacent to the Meekatharra-Sandstone Road. The proposal includes development of multiple vanadium deposits (Far North, North, and Central) via open pit mining. Supporting infrastructure for the Project includes waste rock... MoreClosed 20 December 2018 -
Dampier Palms - Sand Renourishment Trial
City of Karratha are proposing a trial which involves a total of 7,000m 3 of sand renourishment at Dampier Palms Beach using clean coarse sand from the Extraction Area, south of Hampton Oval. Placement of the sand will occur on the beachface, mostly between mean sea level and highest astronomical tide, at two sites either side of a minor rock control at Dampier Palms Beach. The renourishment is proposed to occur in two stages, with: An initial trial renourishment of... MoreClosed 4 December 2018 -
Pivot Irrigation System Research
The proponent, Kelliher Bros. plan to expand their grass-fed beef production business from 6 weeks a year to year-round grazing. To achieve this, the proponent would like to trial the installation of a single 40 ha centre pivot irrigator for irrigating pasture within an area of Lot 209 Paterson Road, Ravenswood (88 ha). The proposal occurs within the Environmental Protection Peel Inlet - Harvey Estuary Policy 1992 policy area. MoreClosed 27 November 2018 -
Munglinup Graphite Project
The Munglinup Graphite Project is located in the South Coast region of Western Australia, approximately 105km west of Esperance, 85km east of Ravensthorpe and 4km north on Munglinup. MRC Graphite Pty Ltd propose to extract graphite from up to six open pits. The proposal will also include a processing plant, tailings storage facility, waste rock landforms, and associated infrastructure. The proposal would include a total disturbance of 350 hectares. MoreClosed 27 November 2018 -
Pilbara Regional Waste Management Facility
The Shire of Ashburton is proposing the development of a new regional waste management facility located on undeveloped land at 150 Onslow Road, Talandji, approximately 36 km south of Onslow. The Pilbara Waste Management Facility will provide a range of waste management services including sustainable initiatives such as material reuse, recycling and recovery as well as treatment and disposal. The facility will include: Class IV Landfill; Bulk... MoreClosed 27 November 2018 -
Pluto North West Shelf Interconnector Pipeline
The Proposal is to construct and operate the Pluto to Northwest Shelf Interconnector, a 3.3 km long, steel buried natural gas pipeline, connecting the Pluto Interconnector Compressor Station to the Karratha Gas Plant which is operated by Woodside on behalf of the North West Shelf Project participants, located on the Burrup Peninsula in the North of Western Australia. The proposal will require the clearing of an estimated 10.69 ha.3.26 ha within the Karratha Gas Plant Lease and Buffer... MoreClosed 27 November 2018 -
Proposed Browse to North West Shelf Development
Woodside Energy Ltd has provided a combined document that relates to both its Commonwealth referral (Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999) and State referral (Environmental Protection Act 1986). The component within State Waters includes drilling and completion, installation, commissioning, operation, well repair and workover and decommissioning of subsea wells and associated infrastructure located in Western Australian State waters, to extract hydrocarbons from the... MoreClosed 27 November 2018 -
North West Shelf Project Extension
Ongoing operation of the North West Shelf Project to enable the long-term processing of third party gas and fluids and North West Shelf Joint Venture field resources through the North West Shelf Project facilities until around 2070. MoreClosed 27 November 2018 -
Downstream Processing Chemical Production Facility
Wesfarmers Chemicals, Energy & Fertilisers Limited proposes to construct and operate a methanol plant with a production capacity of approximately 5,000 tonnes per day (tpd) on Site E within the Burrup Strategic Industrial Area (SIA) on the Burrup Peninsula. The proposal is adjacent to the Murujuga National Park. The proposal would result in the disturbance of approximately 75 hectares within Site E. MoreClosed 20 November 2018 -
Greater Paraburdoo Iron Ore Hub Proposal
Hamersley Iron Pty Limited (the proponent) propose to develop the Greater Paraburdoo Iron Ore Hub. The proposal is an expansion of the existing operations at Paraburdoo and Eastern Range which is not subject to a Ministerial Statement issued under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act). The proposal area is located approximately six kilometres south of the town of Paraburdoo in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Existing operations at Paraburdoo and... MoreClosed 20 November 2018 -
Perdaman Urea Project
Perdaman Chemicals and Fertilisers Pty Ltd intends to construct and operate a urea plant with a production capacity of approximately 2 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) on Sites C and F within the Burrup Strategic Industrial Area (SIA) on the Burrup Peninsula. Both sites are located adjacent to the Murujuga National Park. MoreClosed 20 November 2018 -
St Ives Gold Mine – Beyond 2018 Project - Public Environmental Review
The St Ives Gold Mining Company Pty Limited proposes to expand its existing open-cut and underground gold mining developments with 2,061 hectares (ha) of disturbance. The proposal is located on Lake Lefroy approximately 20 kilometres south east of Kambalda (Shire of Coolgardie). The revised proposal, Beyond 2018 Project, will facilitate the continuation of mining operations at Lake Lefroy and the wider St Ives mine site. The project boundary encompasses approximately... MoreClosed 14 November 2018
718 results.
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